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1、河北外国语职业学院课程教学大纲课程名称:综合英语II开课专业:东西语系小语种专业制订人: 张铁英审核人: 张铁英批准人: 综合英语II教学大纲课程英文名称:Comprehensive English 开课学期:第 2010 - 2011-2 学期/第 2011 - 2012-2 学期总 学 时:教 研 室:基础英语 教研室主任: 王海波撰 写 人:张铁英 职 称: 讲师撰写时间: 2011 年 3 月 4 日一、大纲说明本大纲根据东西语系小语种专业 第一版 培养方案制订。二、课程简介综合英语是我院东西语系小语种各专业的专业基础课和必修课。所选教材为新职业英语,其教材设计贯彻了国家大力发展职业教


3、升他们的就业能力。根据该专业教学特点和我院东西语系学生实际情况分析,教师在教学活动中致力做到既涵盖与岗位相关的典型工作内容和场景,又强调相应的语言技能训练,兼顾职业素质的培养和语言知识的学习,使学生语言技能的发展和职业技能的发展同步。学习任务与工作任务协调,实现“教、学、做”一体化。五、主要先修课程和后续课程1、先修课程:综合英语I、 综合英语II(新职业英语I )。2、后续课程:英语视听说教程 (新职业英语)六、教学方式教师在多媒体教室授课,利用视频、音频、图片等现代化的辅助教学手段和网络源,帮助学了解职场英语的听说内容及相关内容要求,进一步促进英语语言学习,全提升学生听、说、读、写、译的综

4、合英语技能。七、教学内容Unit 5 International Trade (8学时)1教学目标(1) Students can identify the slogans of some famous companies.(2) Students can identify several kinds of advertisement media. (3) Students can get some knowledge about International Trade(4) Students can develop listening and speaking skills (5) Writ

5、ing an envelope2. 重点(1) Comprehension of Reading A and B (2) Confirmation Letter (3) Vocabulary Enlargement3. 难点(1) Listening and Speaking (2) Sales Promotion Methods 4. 主要内容1. Warming-up Promotion Slogans 2. Reading A: International Trade 3. Reading B: NaturaJam Sales Confirmation 4. Listening and

6、Speaking: Negotiating Price 5. Writing: Memo6. Mini-Project: Selling a Product 7. Language Lab 8. Self-study Room Unit 6 Transportation (8学时)1教学目标(1) Students can identify some world-famous express companies(2) Students can identify some typical shipping labels (3) Students can get some knowledge ab

7、out Mode of Transport(4) Students can develop listening and speaking skills (5) Writing a Letter of Complaint 2. 重点(1) Comprehension of Reading A and B (2) Letter of Complaint (3) Vocabulary Enlargement3. 难点(1) Listening and Speaking (2) Mini-Project: Delivery by Mail 4. 主要内容1. Warming-up Shipping l

8、abels2. Reading A: How do we transport our goods?3. Reading B: FedEx International Air Waybill4. Listening and Speaking: Dealing with Delivery 5. Writing: Letter of Complaint 6. Mini-Project: Delivery by Mail 7. Language Lab 8. Self-study Room Unit 7 Customer Service (8学时)1教学目标(1) Students can learn

9、 how to collect customer opinions through a survey(2) Students can analyze the data, find problems and give solutions.(3) Students can get some knowledge about hoe to conduct a survey(4) Students can develop listening and speaking skills (5) Writing a Letter of Adjustment 2. 重点(1) Comprehension of R

10、eading A and B (2) Letter of Adjustment(3) Vocabulary Enlargement3. 难点(1) Listening and Speaking: Handling Complaints (2) Mini-Project: Customer Satisfaction Survey4. 主要内容1. Warming-up Questionnaires2. Reading A: I Really Want to Know3. Reading B: Motorola Limited Warranty4. Listening and Speaking 5

11、. Writing: Letter of Adjustment6. Mini-Project: Customer Satisfaction Survey7. Language Lab 8. Self-study Room Unit 8 Job Ad (8学时)1教学目标(1) Students can learn the basic parts of a job advertisement(2) Students can identify their preference for future careers (3) Students can get some knowledge about

12、desired skills and personal qualities for a job(4) Students can develop listening and speaking skills (5) Writing a resume2. 重点(1) Comprehension of Reading A and B (2) resume(3) Vocabulary Enlargement3. 难点(1) Listening and Speaking (2) Mini-Project: Job Interview4. 主要内容1. Warming-up Job Ad2. Reading

13、 A: Career Trend3. Reading B: McDonalds Corporate Careers4. Listening and Speaking: Job Hunting 5. Writing: resume6. Mini-Project: Job Interview7. Language Lab 8. Self-study Room 八、教学环节及学时分配教学环节说明:本课程总学时为64学时,教学环节包括课堂理论、课堂实践、课堂讨论、案例教学、课外辅导、课外实践等),其学时分配见下表。综合英语III课程教学学时分配教学内容(单元或章节等)总学时其 中课外辅导/课外实践备注

14、课堂理论课堂实践Unit 5 8242Unit 68242Unit 78242Unit 88242总计328168九、学习效果评定1随堂测验(1) 随堂测验(2) 阶段考察(3) 期末考试2阶段考察Mini-Project3期末考试本课程的期末考核形式为考试。学生的成绩评定标准为平时30%(30分)+卷面70%(70)十、其它说明课程教学网站、教学参考网站http:/ 新职业英语I 主编 徐小贞出版社: 外语教学与研究出版社 2、主要参考书1 夏纪梅. 现在外语课程设计理论与实践M. 上海,上海外语教育出版社,2003. 2 中华人民共和国教育部.高职高专教育英语课程教学基本要求M. 高等教育出版社, 2000(11): 1.3 林立,王之江. 任务型学习在英语教学中的应用(英语系列)M. 北京:首都师范大学出版社,2005: 01.



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