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1、Book 3 Unit 2 教学设计Healthy eatingTeaching Aims of this unit1. Talk about healthy eating 2. Making suggestions or giving advice on diet3. Distinguish the meanings of Modal verbs4. Make a balanced menu5. Speaking: Practice talking about your ideas; practice giving suggestions and advice, practice, seei

2、ng the doctor. Topics: problems with diet; balanced diet and nutrition II. Functional items功能Suggestions and advice:What should we do? Shall we ? How about? You must/ mustnt I think you ought to Perhaps you should Youd better You might. You need / needntYou (dont ) have to I would strongly advise yo

3、u to I suggest that you. My advice is / would be It would be a good idea to .Seeing the doctor:Whats the matter? Whats wrong with you? What seems to be the trouble?How long have you been like this? Its nothing serious, only I suppose you had better I think you ought toIve got a pain in It comes and

4、goes. Im suffering fromI feel tired all the time. Ive got a bad It hurts when I touch it. Agreement and Disagreement(Im afraid) I dont agree. Im not sure about it. You could be right, but I agree up to a point, but Thats an interesting idea, butRubbish/ Nonsense!Do you really think? You cant be seri

5、ous! Thats not how I see it.Actually/ As a matter of fact, I think词汇1.词汇diet, nut , bean, pea, cucumber, eggplant, pepper, mushroom, peach, lemon, balance, barbecue, mutton, roast, fry, stir-fry,ought, bacon, slim, curiosity, hostess, raw, vinegar, lie, customer, discount, weakness, strength, consul

6、t, fibre, digest, carrot, debt, glare, spy, limit, limited, benefit, breast, garlic, sigh, combine2. 固定词组balanced diet, ought to , lose weight, get away with, tell a lie, winback, earn ones living, in debt, spy on, cut down, before long, put on weight语法The use of ought to:By now his restaurant ought

7、 to be full of people.Perhaps we ought to combine our ideas and provide a balanced menu教材分析和教材重组教材分析本单元的中心话题是“健康饮食”。教材通过讲述王鹏和雍慧开饭店的不同风格、经营的不同菜肴以及顾客对不同仪器的不同反应,反映了现代人对饮食的关注和对时尚的追求,让学生在趣味盎然的故事情节中轻松了解饮食与健康方面的有关知识并且能根据所学知识审视自己、审视食物,提高自己饮食方面的意识,领司膳食平衡对身体健康的作用。1. Warming Up 部分通过图片和表格向学生展示食物的分类方法,探讨各种食物对人体的

8、作用,然后通过询问学生的个人饮食习惯来引导学生关注膳食平衡。2. Pre-reading部分设计题:What do you think should go into a good meal?通过对不同食物的讨论,调动学生的相关知识背景,列出菜单。然后让学生根据文章标题和插图来预测内容。 3. Reading 部分主要讲述王鹏伟和咏慧开餐馆竞争的故事。文章结尾一句话The competition between the two restaurants was on!给读者留下了悬念, 引起学生极大兴趣,使学生有继续阅读的欲望。4. Comprehending设置六个练习, 帮助学生更好地理解阅读

9、课文的内容。5. Learning about Language 中的Discovering useful words and expressions主要让学生通过上下文在语篇中学习词汇,在语境中感悟其用法。Discovering useful structures让学生在文章中找出含有情态动词的句子并标出其功能,使学生不仅复习了情态动词的用法,更主要的是通过他们亲自动手、动脑、动笔,锻炼学生的鉴别能力和自主学习能力,克服了那些单纯学习英语结构的弊病。6. Using Language分为两三部分。Listening 部分是主体阅读文章内容的继续,主要讲述鹏伟到图书馆查寻资料,发现他和咏慧的饭

10、店提供的食物都存在片面性,从中学到许多有关健康食品的知识。通过听,学生了解到哪些是能量食品(energy-giving foods),哪些是健身食品(body-building foods),哪些是保健食品(protective foods),还有两家餐馆所提供食物的营养和作用。Reading and discussing 部分继续讲述故事,经过一段磨合,鹏伟和咏慧将菜单合并,决定合作,提出为顾客提供既有能量又有纤维的食品。富有戏剧性的是, 最后两人结婚,共同经营这家饭店。整个故事不仅让学生在阅读中感受到故事的趣味性,还教会了他们如何改变饮食习惯,改善饮食结构,丰富饮食文化。Speaking

11、and writing 部分让学生就如何经营餐馆相互提出建议和意见,然后用英文写一篇宣传介绍新开的餐馆以及提供的服务。使学生将书本所学的知识运用到实际生活中,锻炼其口语和书面表达能力。教材重组1. 将Warming Up,Pre-reading,Reading与Comprehending整合在一起上一节“阅读课”。2. 将Learning about Language和Workbook的using words and expressions及using structures整合在一起上一节“语言学习课”。3. 将Using Language设计为一节包括听说读写在内的“综合技能课(一)”。4.

12、 将Workbook的LISTENING和TALKING结合在一起上一节“听说课”。5. 将Workbook的LISTENING TASK,READING AND WRITING TASK和SPEAKING TASK设计为一节“综合技能课(二)”。课时分配1st Period Warming up and Reading2nd Period Language study3rd Period Integrating skills()4th Period Listening and Speaking5th Period Integrating skills() The first period W

13、arming up and readingStep Warming upReview the words of foods by showing their pictures. First, ask students to list the foods they like best. Then tick off 3 of them they eat most often. Second, show the three groups of foods and see which group their foods belong to. Third, ask the students to tel

14、l us in what ways their foods help them grow. Examine the questions after discussing the table. The first three questions are all personal ones so answers will vary. The fourth one requires knowledge. Suggested answers include:* If you eat too much energy-giving foods you will become fat and suffer

15、from high blood pressure.* If you eat too much body-building food you will grow taller and stronger but not necessarily healthier.* If you eat too much protective foods for every meal you may lack energy. However without protective food (over a long period of time ) you can get serious illnesses like scurvy (lack of vitamin C) or rickets (lack of vitamin D).* If you dont eat enough



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