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1、不确定性规避 PROVERB谚语Chinese ProverbBeforehand preparation leads to success; unpreparness results in failure.凡事预则立,不预则废。The past is as clear as a mirror, the future as dark as lacquer.过去像镜子一样明亮,未来像漆器一样黑暗。American ProverbThe future is called“perhaps,”which is the only possible thing to call the future.未来可

2、以被称作“可能”,那是唯一可以用来称呼未来的词汇。In these matters the only certainty is that nothing is certain.在这些事情方面,唯一确定的是什么都不确定。 INTERCULTURAL DIALOGUE跨文化对话Dialogue 1There are a number of ways ones uncertainty avoidance orientation may manifest itself in interaction. In the dialogue presented below, Kelly and Chang ar

3、e interacting about a dinner invitation. Kelly, from the United States, possesses a relatively weak uncertainty avoidance index, while Chang, a Chinese, comes from a culture with a relatively strong uncertainty avoidance index.不确定性规避的方式表现在交流中的各个方面,在下面的这个对话中,Kelly和Chang正在谈邀请别人吃晚餐的事情。Kelly是美国人,美国文化的不确

4、定性规避指数较低;Chang是中国人,中国文化的不确定性规避指数较高。Chang: Hey, Kelly, lets do something tonight.Kelly: All right.Chang: Please come over to my house and Ill cook dinner for you.Kelly: I have invited some friends over to my house for dinner tonight, but I dont know if theyre coming.Chang: Well . as soon as you know

5、if theyre coming, let me know.Kelly: I wont know until tonight.Chang: What time?Kelly: I wont know until they call me. Theyll probably call later this afternoon.Chang: How will you know whether or not to cook enough for everyone?Kelly: Oh, Ill make up something on the spot. I like to cook. Ill whip

6、up something fast.Chang: But . what if they dont come? Wont they call and let you know?Kelly: No . if they dont come, Ill know that something else came up. Ill let you know as soon as I can.Chang: Maybe we should plan my dinner for some other night.Chang:嗨,Kelly,今天晚上咱们一起做点什么吧。Kelly:好啊。Chang:来我们家吧,我给

7、你做饭。Kelly:今天我已经请了几个朋友到我家吃饭,但我还不知道他们去不去。Chang:呃如果你有了确切的消息,就告诉我。Kelly:我今天晚上才能知道。Chang:什么时间?Kelly:如果他们去,会在傍晚时候给我打电话的。Chang:那你怎么能知道是否给他们做饭呢?Kelly:哦,他们来了我再做也行。我喜欢做饭并且很快就能做好。Chang:可是如果他们不去怎么办?他们会打电话告诉你吗?Kelly:不会如果他们不去,我会知道他们可能有别的事情。那时我会尽快让你知道的。Chang:要不咱们改天晚上再定吧。In the above dialogue, Chang is confused by

8、Kellys easy going attitude toward the evenings plans. Coming from a strong-uncertainty-avoidant culture, Chang would prefer to plan ahead to avoid uncertainty and prepare her script for the evening. Kelly, on the other hand, is perfectly comfortable making plans based on how the evening progresses.

9、Without a plan, how will Chang know how to act?在上面这段对话中,Kelly对晚上的安排模棱两可,这让Chang感到很不理解。Chang所在的文化具有较强的不确定性规避习惯,因此,Chang喜欢事先做好打算,做好晚上的安排。Kelly正好相反,他可以根据事态的发展,再做出晚上的安排。没有计划,Chang会感到无所适从。 CONCLUSION结论The United States is a country with low uncertainty avoidance; while China is a country with a comparati

10、vetly high uncertaity avoidance.美国人的不确定性规避程度较低;中国人的不确定性规避程度则相对较高。 ANALYSIS深入分析Uncertainty AvoidanceAt the core of uncertainty avoidance the inescapable truism is that the future is unknown. Though we may all try, none of us can accurately predict the next moment, day, year, or decade. As the term is

11、 used by Hofsted, uncertainty avoidance“defines the extent to which people within a culture are made nervous by situations which they perceive as unstructured, unclear, or unpredictable, situations which they therefore try to avoid by maintaining strict codes of behavior and a belief in absolute tru

12、ths.”不确定性规避显然,不确定性规避的核心就是认为未来不可知。虽然可能每个人都在预测未来,但是没有人能够丝毫无误地预知下一刻、下一天、下一年或下十年会发生什么事情。美霍夫斯泰德用不确定性规避一词来“界定一种程度,一种当人们遇到混乱不清、难以预测的情况时所感到的不安程度。通过对严格的行为方式的遵循和对绝对真理的信仰,他们尽力避免这些情况。”High-Uncertainty AvoidanceHigh-Uncertainty avoidance try to avoid uncertainty and ambiguity by providing stability for their mem

13、bers, establishing more formal rules, not tolerating deviant ideas and behaviors, seeking consensus, and believing in absolute truths. They are also characterized by a higher level of anxiety and stress: People think of the uncertainty inherent in life as a continuous hazard that must be avoided. Th

14、ere is a strong need for written rules, planning, regulations, rituals, and ceremonies, which add structure to life. Nations with a strong uncertainty-avoidance tendency are Portugal, Greece, Peru, Belgium, and Japan. (see Table)高度不确定性规避高度不确定性规避文化为了避免不确定性和模糊性,常常向其成员提供稳定性,制定正式的规则,不容忍偏离观点和行为,寻求共识,并相信绝

15、对的真理。他们感到的焦虑和压力较高:人们认为生活中的不确定性会持久为患,因此必须避免。为了增强生活的有序性,他们非常需要成文的规则、计划、规范、典礼和仪式。具有强烈不确定性规避倾向的国家有葡萄牙、希腊、秘鲁、比利时和日本(见表)。Low-Uncertainty AvoidanceOn the contrary, we find countries like Sweden, Denmark, Ireland, Norway, the United States, Finland, and the Netherlands have a low-uncertainty avoidance need. They more easily accept the uncertainty inherent in life and are not as threatened by deviant people and ideas, so they tolerate the unusual. They prize initiative, dislike the structure associated with hierarchy, and more willing to


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