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1、Log into the world of cultures-intercultural communication 学院:化学化工学院 专业:化学工程与工艺01班 指导教师:雷蕾 姓名:程杰 学号:20106699 日期:2012-06-04A Comparative Study of color between English and ChineseThesis Statement: Colors have both similar and different meanings in different languages. All kinds of language culture ha

2、s color words and basic color words for most language Shared, however the same kind of color in the different languages but will produce a different meaning. So we need to know about itOutline:1. Red:Introduction 1.1Translation from Chinese into English 1.2 Translation from English into Chinese2. Gr

3、een: Introduction 2.1Translation from Chinese into English 2.2Translation from English into Chinese3. White: Introduction 3.1Translation from Chinese into English 3.2 Translation from English into Chinese4. Blue: Introduction 4.1Translation from Chinese into English 4.2Translation from English into

4、Chinese5. Black: Introduction 5.1Translation from Chinese into English5.2Translation from English into English6. Yellow: Introduction6.1English-chinese translation7. Conclusion Works cited1.red: RED in Chinese often have auspicious, festival happiness meaning, but in The eyes of The English country,

5、 red sometimes means bleeding, violence or dangerous, so David Hawks in translating A dream of red chamber is to avoid The book title is The red, and The original novel ever use The title of The Story of stone , processing is The Story of The Stone, and 悼红轩was translated into The Nostalgia Studio,怡红

6、院into The House of Green Delights, in order to avoid cultural differences can cause misunderstandings.RED is usually associated with celebrations and joyful occasions in both cultures. so in English we find, for example,” to paint the town red ”means to celebrate, to go out to drink and have a good

7、time. Red-letter daysholidays such as Christmas and other special days.” roll out the red carpet for someone” means to give a lavish welcome.RED is also the color associated with revolution and socialism (革命和社会主义).However, in English RED also have some negative connotations. Sometimes Red symbolizes

8、 danger, violence, or bloodshed. Some Westerners take RED as an evil omen or RED for danger, stemming from the spirits of bullfighters (斗牛士).RED further develops to be the synonym for political radical. Furthermore, RED has some extended meanings, such as cruelty, disaster, trivial formalities. For

9、example, the thief was caught red-handed. Other examples are “get or go into the red(be in debt)”,”see red(lose control of oneself through anger, or indignation)”,”have red hands(commit a murder)”,”red-light district(a part of a town where one can hire prostitutes, so the modern Chinese Beijing oper

10、a The Red Lantern Story was often misunderstood by native English speakers)”,”red tape(unnecessary and over elaborate formalities)”,”a red battle(a cruel war)”.1.1 Translation from Chinese into EnglishChineseEnglish红包(压岁钱)red envelope红粉知己Female intimate/confidante红娘matchmaker红卫兵red guard一颗红心as loyal

11、 to the Party/having socialist virtues)红人儿favorite with somebody/blued-eye boys红事wedding红白喜事Weddings and funerals红糖brown sugar红榜(光荣榜)honor roll红茶black tea红尘world of mortals红光满面glowing with health/pleasure红极一时to be at the height of ones popularity红利bonus, dividend和红脸to get angry with somebody红头文件offi

12、cial document红眼病to be jealous/green-eyed开门红to make a good beginning/to begin well/to make a good start塞红包to bribe somebody with money红双喜double happiness written in red1.2 Translation from English into ChineseRed alert紧急警报Red clause credit/letter of credit预支信用证see red(to be made angry)发怒waiving a red

13、 flag(e. g. The mere mention of his hated cousins name was like waving a red flag in front of him)某事能迅速激怒某人Red line clause红字条款Red meat红肉(如牛肉,羊肉)To rollout the red carpet隆重接待They caught the thief red-handed他们当场抓住了贼Red-letter day(日历上用红色标出的)节假日To paint the town red庆祝,狂欢Red-light district红灯区redneck乡巴佬Re

14、d tape官样文章,繁文缛节in the red( in debt )赤字,亏损to give the red light to 亮红灯a red battle残酷的战争have red hands(commit a murder)犯了谋杀罪2. Green: In Chinese green usually symbolizes vitality and hope. In English green means jealousy, envy, and lack of experience, bill, and economic strength2.1 Translation from Chinese into English绿茶green tea绿色食品eco-labeling food绿色通道green channel绿肥green manure绿林好汉People “go to the green wood”2.2 Translation from English into Chinesegreen about the gills脸色苍白Greenback/green note美钞green goose雏鹅green hand新手,生手green house温室 gree


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