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1、电影中的英语I was branded for life.我一辈子清誉就毁了。I hatch the plan.我想了一个绝招。Things are unfollding quite nicely.事情进展地很顺利。The closer it gets,the more Im worried the the bottom will fall out of this whole thing.随着日子接近,我就越担心事情会被抖出来。Keep your friends close,and your enemies closer.靠近你的朋友,更加靠近你的敌人。toss into v.扔,抛,掷inc

2、umbent adj.义不容辞的,负有责任的strategic adj.战略上的strategist n.战略家,谋略家contraband n.U.走私,非法交易,违法买卖,违禁品 adj.走私的,违禁的,违法的riot n.C.骚乱,暴动extracurricular adj.课程以外的,课外的,课余的infirmary n.C诊所,医务室insulin n.U胰岛素(制剂)hyper- 超过的,矫枉过正的diabetic C糖尿病患者 adj.糖尿病的prep n.U准备,预备,预习hitch n.障碍without a hitch 毫无障碍,顺利进行commissary n.杂货店,超

3、级市场,餐厅at the -inmate n.C同居者,同住户(特指医院、工厂、监狱)suit yourself 自便get busted 被逮捕prototype C原型;样板,样机;典型,范例engine C发动机,引擎;火车,机车 soda U苏打,苏打水adj.苏打的,汽水的transcend vt.超越、过Every step has already been mapped out.一切都在掌握之中。contingency n.C偶然性,偶然事故,附带情况 rave adj.狂热赞扬的,过奖的We gonna take the ball game to them real soon.

4、我们很快就要大干一场了。peach n. 桃子Your lifell be all peaches and cream.生活会变得很美好。 bleacher n.漂白剂;露天座位fraternize v.结拜兄弟,友善neuter adj.无性的 vt.阉割trumpet C鼓,小号 in for an inch,in for a mile.得寸进尺。artillery n.U火炮,大炮surveillance U监视,看守;搜查,检查I got a good mind to slash you open right now.我现在就想把你大卸八块。charade C字谜游戏,显然错误的行为、

5、立场badge C徽章;标志,象征defendant n.C被告 adj.处于被告地位的,辩护的Its gonna be more than just words were exchanging.就不只是动嘴说说了。The prosecutions case was a slam dunk.这案子已经盖棺定论了。slam v.猛然关上 n.猛关 dunk vt.浸泡在水中ram vt.撞入,撞击,塞进maddening adj.使人发狂的,令人愤怒的White on the outside,black as tar on the inside.外表是白人,骨子里却像石油一样黑。tar n.u焦

6、油,沥青complication n.【c,u】复杂,困难,纠纷We have a small complication. 我们遇到了些小麻烦。poke v.推,刺,伸出,探出 Theres a lawyer poking around.有个律师牵扯进来了。slaughter Uvt.杀戮,残杀;屠杀expendable adj.可消耗的,可牺牲的Anyone thats a threat to what were doing is expendable.任何危害到咱们的人都要消灭。 diagose vt.诊断diabetes U糖尿病,多尿症tattoo C纹身,刺文beam vi.容光焕发

7、,开颜Got up on the right side of the bed .人逢喜事精神爽。not going to happen.想都别想。escalate v.逐级上升,逐渐扩大enlighten v.启发,启迪;开导,指导blade C刀刃,刀片Preparation can only take you so far,after that,you gotta take a few leaps of faith.谋事在人,但成事在天。inflict vt.打击,惩罚,加害,打扰+on/uponbottomless adj.无底的,深不可测的prior adj.较早的,预先的 exten

8、uate vt.掩饰,减轻(过失,罪责等);使人原谅extenuating circumstances 有情可原pristine adj.最初的,最早的 cardinal adj.最主要的,基本的 affidavit C宣誓书,口供 stipulate v.约定,契约,规定conjugal adj.婚姻的,夫妻的posse C武警部队 amend v.修正,修订Fear wasnt real.It wasnt made of anything.It was just air.You have to face it.You just have to open that door,and the

9、monster would disappear.那并不是真实的,恐惧没有形态,只是空气。 你只要打开那扇门,怪物就会消失不见。startle v.吓人,惊动vendor n.小贩,销售方coordinator n.协调者,调度员fiance C未婚夫fiancee C未婚妻consent U同意 vi.同意,赞成+toget an issue with 和某人又冲突detritus U沉淀的污物,碎石gut n.内脏,肠子 vt.取出内脏,焚毁内部stern n.臀部,屁股,船尾bow n.船头 I was thinking I was gonna gut you bow to stern.

10、我在想怎样把你的内脏狠狠地取出。Maybe its time I lit up that leather once and for all.也许是时候给他点颜色看看。 make amends 表示歉意,弥补Bygones be bygones.过去的就过去了。bygone adj.过去的,以往的,消逝的mercurial adj.活泼的,狡诈的,机智的Soon enough wont cut it.迟则作废。corpse C僵尸,尸体cut the crap 废话少说chaplain n.C牧师Dont make eye contact with him.不要跟他有眼神接触。The margi

11、n for error is zero days.没有时间可以浪费。casing C外壳,外套,包装leaion C损伤,伤口reticular adj.网络的,似网状的logistic=logistical adj.后勤的,后勤学的feasible adj.可行的,可用/能的hostage C人质;抵押品bed check 查宿paranoid adj.偏执狂的,妄想狂的rile vt. 激怒,恼怒,愤怒;搅浑lockdown n.禁闭concrete adj.具体的,有形的,实在的 U具体的观念;混凝土clemency U温暖,暖和;仁厚,宽待inaction U不活动,不行动furnac

12、e C火炉,锅炉frostbite U霜害,冻伤cherry n.樱桃;处女膜,童贞convict vt.证明/宣判有罪 C罪犯,囚犯rectify vt.校正,修正belligerent adj.好战的,好斗的trash U废人,渣滓;废物,垃圾retard v.阻碍,推迟inbred adj.天生的,固有的;近亲繁殖的stack vt.堆积,堆起 stack up toget on the train 再加把劲儿commotion n.骚乱,动乱breach vt.突破,违反,缺口evacuate vt.撤走,撤离;搬走clown C丑角;粗汉,恶人safari n.狩猎队cheetah

13、C猎豹gorilla C大猩猩sledge C雪橇,橇sledgehammer C长柄大锤roger 收到,获悉tensile adj.拉力的,可拉伸的,抗拉的elasticity U弹性,伸缩性,灵活性compromise v.危害,连累;妥协braid n.束发,辫子downtime n.停工/机时间switch off doing 轮流做rookie C新手,新兵,新队员project v.突出,伸出;安排;设计,规划squeal v.呼叫,告密This is not any of your concern.用不着你操心。pervert C堕落者,变态cuffs n.手铐CO 狱警stink n.臭味/气;麻烦,纷扰;丑闻protocol n.协议,草约;礼节,礼仪do sth. by the book 按规矩办事warden C狱长;看守人terrace C排屋,排房地坪;平台/顶prom C(学校的)舞会;海滨广场;散步leverage U杠杆;手段mound C护堤,土丘;小丘,假山layout C展开,施展;设计,配置mould Cvt.模子,模具;性格,气质 U霉菌,表土inhale v.吸纳,吸入massacre Cvt.屠杀,惨案penal adj.刑事的;用作惩罚的demolition U毁坏,破坏assailant C袭击者,攻击者payphone n


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