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1、武威第十三中学20132014学年度第二学期集体备课教学设计年级八年级学科英语主备人陈玉兰二次备课人单元(章) 名称、课题Unit 1 whatthe matter?课时划分 8 课时教学课时第 1 课时总备课数第 1 课时教学目标知识目标: Learn to describe and talk about the health problems and accidents.Learn to give others some right advice according to their problems.能力目标: Enable students to talk about health p

2、roblems and give advice with the language points.情感、态度与价值观:(1)Improve the cooperative spirit through pair work and role playing.(2)Students care more about themselves and their family members health. 教学重点1. Learn and master the parts of the body, the names of the illness and the expressions of givin

3、g advice.2. Learn to talk about health problems by using “Whats the matter? I have a” and give advice by using “should”.教学难点1. Learn to talk about health problems by using “Whats the matter? I have a”.2. Learn to give appropriate advice to the certain health problems.教法 Task-based language teaching

4、method, the cooperative learning method, and multimedia-assisted teaching and learning method.学法 Pair work and group work教学准备 The picture about illness; PPT.教 学 过 程个 性 化 设 计 Step 1 Warming-up (about 2 minutes)Sing the English song If youre happy.Step 2 Presentation (about 6 minutes)T: This is really

5、 a beautiful song. What can you do if you are happy?Ss: Clap our hands and stamp our feet.T: Yes. Hands and feet are parts of our body; do you know other parts of our body in English?Ss: Eye, headT: Youre great. Today, lets learn the names of the body parts. The teacher touches the parts of the body

6、 one by one and says them. While teaching each one, let students touch or show it. Present a picture of Pan Changjiang on the screen. Let students say each part of the body. Work on Section A 1a. Play the game: Touch the parts of your body. Let the whole class touch the parts of their body when teac

7、her say: Touch yourAsk eight students to come to the front and do as the teacher tells them: Touch yourIf one does wrong, let him or her go back, the last one whos in the front is the winner.Step 3 Presentation and Practice (about 8 minutes) The teacher mimes having a stomachache with an action of t

8、ouching his stomach, and asks, “Whats the matter?” (Write it on the blackboard), then says, “Im not feeling well, I have a stomachache.” (Students repeat with teacher.) Then show some pictures on the screen and ask students to practice. Have students look at the picture and ask: What can we say to h

9、im? Ss: Whats the matter? T: Yes. And what should the boy say? Ss: I have a stomachache. Let students repeat with other pictures about other illness. Ask some students to use gestures to show the illness, and have others to guess. Make a model dialogue. (S1 does an action to express an illness.) T:

10、Whats the matter? Ss: He/ She has a headache. Let students practice other illness. A: Whats the matter? B: He/ She has a headache/ toothache/ a sore back/ a sore throat/ a cold and a cough. Show other pictures, and ask students to talk about health problems of the persons in the pictures in pairs.St

11、ep 4 Listen and Say (about 8 minutes) Work on Section A 1b, listen and number the names 1-5. Have students look at the picture and read 1c, and tell students that the girl talked too much yesterday and she has a very sore throat now. Then ask them look at the picture, practice saying other problems.

12、 For example: The boy eats too much ice cream and has a stomachache. Have students work in pairs according to 1c and ask some pairs to act out their conversations.Step 5 Summary (about 3 minutes) Ask students to sum up the parts of a body and the names of illness. Help students to sum up how to give

13、 advice by using “should” and “shouldnt”, then ask them to give the right advice about different problems.Step 9 Homework (about 1 minute) Give advice to the following problems as much as possible: sore throat, toothache, headache, cold. Then choose one to make a dialogue with your partner. Blackboa

14、rd DesignUnit 1 Whats the matter?The First Period (Section A 1a-2d)Whats the matter? I have a stomachache/ sore throat/ a cold.She/ He has a very sore throat.My head feels very hot.第一课时作业设计一、根据句意、汉语意思和首字母提示完成句子。1. Whats the m_ (问题)with you? -I cut myself.2. Tom didnt go to school yesterday, because he had a sore t_ (咽喉).3. A horse has four f_.4. You should go to a doctor if you have a c_ (咳嗽).5. The girls t_ (牙齿)are very white and good. She brushes them twice a day.二、汉译英。1. 背痛_ 2. 感冒_ 3. 躺下休息_ 4. 发烧_ 5. 划伤自己_课后反思签 阅


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