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1、人教版高中英语必修3Unit 4 Astronomy: the science of the starsPeriod 5: Subject Clause and Writing主语从句及写作 教学设计 昆明市外国语学校 张彦杰人教版高中英语必修3Unit 4 Astronomy: the science of the stars Period 5: Subject Clause and Writing 主语从句及写作(p29)教学设计 昆明市外国语学校 张彦杰课标分析 高中阶段的英语课程是义务教育阶段课程的自然延伸,是基础教育阶段课程的重要组成部分,为了有利于学生个性和潜能的发展,在设计和实施

2、高中英语课程中,多采取有利于学生优化英语学习的方式,使他们通过观察、体验、探究等积极主动的学习方法,提高自主学习的能力。同时,也要关注学生的情感,使学生在英语学习的过程中,提高独立思考和判断的能力,发展与人沟通和合作的能力,树立正确的人生观、世界观和价值观,增强社会责任感,全面提高人文素养。教材分析: 本单元语言学习部分是由“词汇学习”和“语法学习”两项内容组成。本节课是本单元的“语法学习”部分。“语法学习”部分采用先发现后应用的学习方法,能帮助学生了解、熟悉并初步掌握名词性从句做主语的用法。学情分析:本节课是高一下学期第四单元语法部分关于主语从句的教学内容,学生在第四单元的学习中,已经积累了

3、一定的名词性从句做宾语和定语的知识,但是还没有学习名词性从句做主语的知识。而本节课主要是了解主语从句的基本概念,掌握引导主语从句的四个重要连接词的用法,并提高写作中运用主语从句的能力。本节课授课班级学生的学习水平两极分化大,如果采用课本上的主语从句练习题进行授课,肯定会让学习能力低下的同学止步不前。综合考虑后,决定把教材内容进行整合与删减,通过先复习主语的概念,引入由“that”, “what” , “whether” and “it”引导的主语从句知识,并用“发现法”引导学生去总结相关的知识点,经过由词到句的学习顺序,增加主语从句写作训练,鼓励学生在写作中使用主语从句。Teaching Ai

4、ms:1.knowledge aims: Understand the general idea of the Subject Clause ;Learn to use “that”, “what” , “whether” and “it” in the Subject Clause; Try to use subject clauses in writings.2. Ability aims: At the end of the class , Ss will be able to use the Subject Clause in their writings .3. Emotional

5、aims: Through the learning process of the Subject Clause, the Ss will finally understand “do well and have well”. Teaching focus: 1. Help Ss learn to use “that”, “what” , “whether” and “it” in the Subject Clause; 2. Train Ss to use subject clauses in writings.Teaching difficulty:1. The students will

6、 be able to use subject clauses in their writings.Teaching procedures:Step 1: Greetings I will say hello to Ss in Class 2,and tell them our learning aims of this class to let them know clearly what they will learn and do todayStep 2: Sharp eyes I would like to challenge Ss by showing them some simpl

7、e sentences and ask them to tell where subjects lie as a means of reviewing the idea of Subject .After that ,there will be a comparative group of compound sentences for them to do the same task .Meanwhile , through this task, Ss will be led to the idea of What Subject Clause is.1. A tree has fallen

8、across the road.2. You are a student.3. To find your way can be a problem.4. Smoking is harmful to you.5. What she said is not yet known.6. That we shall be late is certain.7. Its certain that we shall be late.8. Whether well go camping tomorrow depends on the weather.Step3: Observation I will ask S

9、s working in pairs to observe 4 groups of subject clauses and summarize the rules of each group. The clauses are listed below:Task 1: 他通过了考试让老师很高兴。He passed the exam.It made the teacher happy. That he passed the exam made the teacher happy.More clauses : That you dont like him is none of my business

10、. That he can sing well is well known. 总结:That 引导主语从句时,在句中不充当成分,没有实际意义,不能省略,只起连接作用。Task 2:他在会上说的话让在场的每一个人都很吃惊。What did he say at the meeting?It surprised everyone present.What he said at the meeting surprised everyone present. More clauses: What he is going to do is not clear. What interested me mos

11、t is her perfect accent. 总结:What 引导主语从句时,在句中充当成分,不能省略,注意语序为陈述句语序。Task3: 我们明天是否能去露营得看天气。 Will we go camping tomorrow?It depends on the weather.Whether well go camping tomorrow depends on the weather. More clauses: Whether we can trust him is a question . Whether they are old or young is not important

12、. 总结:Whether引导主语从句时,在句中不充当成分,意为“是否”,不能省略。Task 4: 很遗憾他不能参加派对He cant go to the party.It is a pity.That he cant go to party is a pity.It is a pity that he cant go to the party. More clauses: It is obvious that It is important that It is said that 总结:一般来说主语从句都是放在 句首 ,但有时为了使That引导的句子结构平衡,避免”头重脚轻”,常用 it 作

13、 形式主语 ,从而把主语从句放在 句末 Step 4. Review In this step ,with the help of mine, the Ss would be remind of the general idea of Subject Clause and thus pave ways to the latter exercises.Step 5. Practice makes perfectI would ask Ss to fill in the blanks as fast as they can using the right conjunctions to revie

14、w the idea of Subject Clause in time . 1. What is needed for success is your hard work. 2. That the earth is a solid ball is known to us all. 3. It is important that they should like each other. 4. That you dont like him is none of my business.5. It is well-known that he often tell lies .6. What he

15、said at the meeting astonished everybody present7. When/Where the school basketball game will be held is not known yet.8. Why he did that wasnt quite clear.9. Whether we will go tomorrow hasnt been decided yet.Step 6.Translation I will give them more similar sentences to practice by asking them to translate into correct English. Ss will further learn how to use the Subject Clause .1. 奥巴马先生在美国受欢迎是毋庸置疑的。That M


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