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1、专业英语考试复习资料专业八级分类模拟324专业英语考试复习资料专业八级分类模拟324专业八级分类模拟324TRANSLATION问题:1. 房地产业作为国民经济的基础产业和主导产业,其发展历程不是一帆风顺的。在20世纪50年代中期到20世纪80年代初,我国房地产市场是不存在的。在这期间土地资源和房屋资源的配置不通过市场,而直接由政府的计划指令配置,公开的房地产市场基本被取消。因此,从20世纪80年代算起,我国的房地产业仅仅经历了20余年,正从不成熟期向成熟期过渡。但是,在此期间我国房地产业也经历了复苏、繁荣、衰退、萧条的周期波动。答案:As the basic and dominant ind

2、ustry, the real estate industry develops into the process of the continuous adjustment. From the middle 1950s to the early 1980s, there didnt exist the real estate market in China. During that period, the allocation of land and house resources was under the plan of the government instead of the real

3、 estate market which was cancelled. Therefore, Chinas real estate industry has been only growing up for 20 years since 1980s and entering into the period of development with steady steps. However, it has also undergone the cycle fluctuation of revival, boom, recession and depression.问题:2. 经过了几千年缓慢的各

4、代人都几乎觉察不到的发展之后,城市正在突然迅速地向四面八方扩展开来。中国现在的城市人口每年以7%的速度在增长,而在大城市里则达到每年增长10%。仅举一个可以看得见的城市加速扩展的例子,上海目前每小时要增加十栋楼房和一百平方米的马路,且这个速度近几年并不会减慢。随着农村面积的逐步缩小,绝大多数人口正在向市区迁移,我们正在向城市化的社会发展。答案:After millennia of slow growth that was hardly noticed by each generation, the cities are suddenly reaching out in every direct

5、ion. City population in China increases by 7 percent a year, while in big cities the rate may be as high as 10 percent a year. To give only one example of almost visible acceleration, Shanghai today grows by 10 dwellings and 100 square metres of road every hour. There is no reason to believe that th

6、is pace will slacken. We are now heading towards an urbanized society as the vast majority of rural people move into the city with the rural areas gradually shrinking.问题:3. 中国是文明古国,礼仪之邦,很重礼节。凡来了客人,沏茶、敬茶的礼仪是必不可少的。当有客来访,可征求意见,选用最合来客口味的茶叶和最佳茶具待客。主人在陪伴客人饮茶时,要注意客人杯、壶中的茶水残留量,一般用茶杯泡茶,如已喝去一半,就要添加开水,随喝随添,使茶水

7、浓度基本保持前后一致,水温适宜。在饮茶时也可适当佐以茶食、糖果、菜肴等,达到调节口味和充饥之功效。答案:China is a country with a time-honored civilization and a land of ceremony and decorum. Whenever guests visit, it is necessary to make and serve tea to them. Before serving tea, you may ask them for their preferences as to what kind of tea they fan

8、cy and serve them the tea in the most appropriate teacups. In the course of serving tea, the host should take careful note of how much water is remaining in the cups and in the kettle. Usually, if the tea is made in a teacup, boiling water should be added after half of the cup has been consumed; and

9、 thus the cup is kept filled so that the tea retains the same bouquet and remains pleasantly warm throughout the entire course of tea-drinking. Snacks, sweets and other dishes may be served at tea time to complement the fragrance of the tea and to allay ones hunger.问题:4. 这些自然现象,我国古代劳动人民称它为物候(phenolo

10、gical phenomena)。物候知识在我国起源很早。古代流传下来的许多农谚就包含了丰富的物候知识。到了近代,利用物候知识来研究农业生产,已经发展为一门科学,就是物候学(phenology)。物候学记录植物的生长荣枯,动物的养育往来,如桃花开、燕子来等自然现象,从而了解随着时节推移的气候变化和这种变化对动植物的影响。答案:These natural phenomena are referred to as phenological phenomena by working people in ancient China. Phenological knowledge has a long

11、history in our country, and it can be found in many farmers proverbs which were handed down from the ancient times. In modern times the phonological knowledge is used to study agriculture and develops into a science, phenology. It keeps a record of the growth and development of plants and animals, s

12、uch as the blossoming of peach flowers or the returning of swallows, to facilitate our understanding of the climate change and its impact on flora and fauna.问题:5. 中国人素有“家园”“故乡”的文化传统,表达了一方人与一方水土的关系。一个城市的人居环境往往成为一方人物、土地、生活、历史、理想、未来的复杂聚合体,成为家园意识最好的物质载体。古代先贤在规划建设城市的时候,早已把自己的内心世界全都放在物质空间里了,他们的规划与生俱来就有一种“

13、吾土吾民”的文化情怀,一种承载着山川人物的文化基因,一种贯通古今的历史精神,一种基于地方自豪而展现出的文化自信,城市成了这一方水土最重要的标志和记忆。这些丰厚的本土规划经验,形成了具有中国精神的优秀规划传统。答案:As the most desirable physical embodiment of a sense of homeland, the human settlement environment of a city serves as a complex paradigm of inhabitants, land, life, history, ideas and future.

14、The ancient sages have already put their inner world into the material space while planning urban development. This kind of urban planning naturally features an inherent cultural feeling of belongingness, a cultural gene which bears landscape and people, a spirit that runs through the history, a cul

15、tural confidence based on local awareness and pride. In this way a city becomes the most important symbol and memory of a particular place.问题:6. 天上的云,真是姿态万千,变化无常。它们有的像羽毛,轻轻地飘在空中;有的像鱼鳞,一片片整整齐齐地排列着;有的像羊群,来来去去;有的像一床大棉被,严严实实地盖住了天空;还有的像峰峦,像河流,像雄狮,像奔马它们有时把天空点缀得很美丽,有时又把天空笼罩得很阴森。刚才还是白云朵朵,阳光灿烂;一霎间却又是乌云密布,大雨倾

16、盆。云就像是天气的“招牌”:天上挂什么云,就将出现什么样的天气。答案:Some clouds look like feathers, floating lightly in the sky; some are like fish scales, neatly arranged one after another; some resemble flocks of sheep, just wandering around; some seem to be a large quilt, which covers the sky completely; others are in the shape of peaks, rivers, male lions and onrushing horses. They might adorn the sky, making it more beautiful, or hang over it, bringing about gloom.



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