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1、2022年考博英语-西南大学考前模拟强化练习题(附答案详解)1. 单选题His career was not noticeably ( )by the fact that he had never been to college.问题1选项A.preventedB.restrainedC.hinderedD.refrained【答案】C【解析】考察动词词义辨析。prevent “防止”;restrain “抑制,阻止”;hinder “阻碍”;refrain “抑制,自制,避免”。句意:他的事业没有因为他没上过大学而受到明显的障碍。选项C符合题意。2. 单选题If would be diffi

2、cult for one so ( )to be led to believe that all men are equal and that we must disregard race, color, and creed.问题1选项A.emotionalB.broadmindedC.tolerantD.intolerant【答案】B【解析】考察形容词词义辨析。emotional “感情的”;broadminded “愿意听取不同意见的”;tolerant “忍耐的”;intolerant “不能容忍的,偏狭的”。句意:很难让偏狭的人相信众人是平等的,我们拒绝种族、肤色、宗教。选项B符合题意

3、。3. 单选题Antonio Ratti, at 78 still a king of the Italian silk industry, once warned his employees: “Dont lets become fat and lazy like the Lyonnais”. Lyon, traditional center of the French silk industry since 1536, risked “losing everything, the Italian warned.Although his predication has not come tr

4、ue, the industry is only now showing signs of renewed vigor after seeing its pre-eminence slip over the past 50 years. Examples of the rich rope and fabrics formerly supplied to royal counts, popes and cardinals are on show in the citys museum, but few silk companies survive on the hillside above th

5、e River Seine.While Lyon and surrounding Rhone Alps region remain the center of the French textiles industry, most of the 650 companies and 55,000 workers in the sector deal in synthetic fibers. Local production of raw silk has faded almost to nothing, leaving the field to China. But by allying prov

6、en design strengths with more aggressive marketing, specialist companies are aiming to recapture markets in luxury and high fashion products, such as Lyon-made Hermes scarves, and to exploit the trend towards medium-priced silk goods.“All too often the Lyonnais adopted the attitude that it was for b

7、uyers to come and discover what they had to offer/ says Ronald Currie of the Lyon-based International Silk Association.His opinion that the Lyonnais are more outward-looking is confirmed by Gilles Malfroy, whose Malfroy Million sells 3 million silk scarves a year, notably in Japan. It is alsodevelop

8、ing a Chinese market by offering keenly priced quality goods different from those mass-produced by Chinese-Italian joint ventures. “Price is important.” Malfroy says, “But people worldwide also want variety and exclusivity”. Slowly, the French are making inroads on the market share amassed since 194

9、5 by the Italian silk industry. But with their turnover of less than $10 million a year, Lyons weavers and printers are stilldwarfed by Rattis$200 million turnover.1.According to the first paragraph, Lyonnais ( ).2.Whats the meaning of “slip” in paragraph two?3.What can be inferred from the passage?

10、4.Silk scarves of Malfroy Million sell well because of( ).5.It is implied but not stated in the passage that( ).问题1选项A.were employees of the French textile industryB.were employees of the Italian silk industryC.was the Italian silk industryD.was the French silk industry问题2选项A.An unintentional and tr

11、ivial mistakeB.Moving quietly and cautiously.C.A fall from some level or standardD.Narrow strip of paper.问题3选项A.The French silk products are disappearing from the world market.B.The center of the French textiles industry is changing.C.Luxury silk products help France to recapture silk market.D.The L

12、yonnais have not realized the danger before them.问题4选项A.their low priceB.their exclusive designC.their high qualityD.all of the above问题5选项A.the mass-produced silk goods is losing market in ChinaB.Malfroy Million is developing a Chinese market by offering keenly priced quality goodsC.Lyons weavers an

13、d printers are dwarfed by Rattis because of less turnoversD.the French and the Italian are competing with each other at the market of China.【答案】第1题:A第2题:C第3题:C第4题:D第5题:A【解析】1.文章第一段Lyon, traditional center of the French silk industry since 1536提到里昂自1536年来是法国的丝绸业的传统中心,选项B和C是关于意大利的,可以排除;文章第一段里面Ratti对员工

14、说,“希望我们不要成为像里昂那样又胖又懒”,可知他本身也是法国纺织工业的一员。选项A符合题意。2.slip 出现在文章第二段第一句话:Although his predication has not come true, the industry is only now showing signs of renewed vigor after seeing its pre-eminence slip over the past 50 years,主要讲述了里昂作为法国纺织业中心的兴衰,renewed vigor “新的活力”,可以推断在注入新的活力之前是经过了下滑,因此 slip在这里的意思是

15、“下滑”,选项C符合题意。3.文章第三段最后一句specialist companies are aiming to recapture markets in luxury and high fashion products, such as Lyon-made Hermes scarves, and to exploit the trend towards medium-priced silk goods提到一些公司试图通过奢侈品和高端的时尚产品重新占据市场,由此可以推断出法国纺织业公司通过生产围巾等来重新占据市场。选项C符合题意。4.文章最后一段“Price is important.” Malfroy says, “But people worldwide also want variety and exclusivity”提到价格、多样性以及独特性对于消费者来说都很重要。选项D符合题意。5.题目的要求是下列哪个选项在文章中没有直接讲述,但是在文章中有暗示。文章最后一段It is also developing a Chinese market by offering keenly priced quality goods d


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