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1、动感英语(201) Action EnglishAmerica n sla ng 美国俚语watch it当心 留神例: Watch it! the car almost hit you!当心!车差点就撞到你了例: Babies are very sensitive. You have to watch it when you play with them.小婴儿非常敏感的,你们陪婴儿玩的时候一定要当心Classic film clips 经典对白 way to go干得漂亮例: You got a perfect grade on your English exam! Way to go 你

2、这次英文考试考得 真棒(几乎满分),干得漂亮例: Yao Mi ng had to great seas on. May to go ,Yao Mi ng!姚明这个赛季真棒,干得漂亮,姚明 Lets not start off by point fin gers (片中)point fin gers 推卸责任例: Children often point fingers when they dont want to get in trouble.小时候孩子们 喜欢推卸责任,因为他们不想惹麻烦例:A: How was Bills party last night?昨晚Bill的舞会怎么样?例:

3、B: Oh, it was a disaster! Everybody started poin ti ng fin gers whe n Bill could nt find his wallet.嗬,很糟糕,Bill的钱包找不到了,每个人都开始推卸责任Movie Tunes原声碟Cuban pete From They call mecuba n peterm the ki ng ofthe runba beat whe nI play the maracasI go chick-chicky boom动感英语(202)Action EnglishAmerican slang美国俚语coo

4、l非常好好主意例: Cool! Your new cell phone is so small!太酷了,你买的新手机很小阿!例: Have you seen Matrixz?你看过Matrix2吗?太好了!Classic film clips 经典对白 I could use a hand我需要帮助例: Are you busy? I could use a hand with dinner.你忙吗?你可以帮我做晚饭例: Lisa is moving into her new apartment this weekend. Lets go help her. She could probabl

5、y use a hand.Lisa在周末搬进了新的公寓,让我们帮帮她,她可能需要帮助。 Itll be fun while it lasts某事某物不会永远存在,关键在于过程 例:Dont be sad about graduating from college. Itll be fun while it lasts.不要因为毕业伤心,没有 不散的筵席例: Although true love might not last forever, it ll be fun while it lasts.尽管真爱不能永远,但是我们曾经拥有过!Movie Tunes 原声碟Between Two Wor

6、lds Like two eagles soar as one upon the river of the wind, with the pronise of forever, we will take the past and lear n .动感英语(203) Action EnglishAmerica n sla ng 美国俚语 cut some one some slack (1) 放谁一马 (2) 放松 例: The professor cut me some slack and did nt reduce my score for being late. 教授放了我一马,没有因为我

7、的迟到而扣我的分 例: Please cut me some slack in the rope so I can untie the bo把绳子放松下,太紧 了,我好把船划走Classic film clips 经典对白 stood some one up失约例: After she stood me up a second time, I never agreed to go on a date with her again. 约好了见面她却失约,第二产次了,我再也不想跟她约会了例: Dont stood us up, Phill.We expect you at the staff me

8、eting tomorrow明天在员工 大会上见,Phill,不要把我们晾在那 Will do, whats this about?will do照办例: Mr Weng:Evelyn,will you please these papers?A :帮我把这些文件整理好?Evely n: Will do ,Mr Wen g.B:好的,Weng先生例: A:Please dont forget to call me when you arrive.A :你到的时候别忘了打电话给我B:Will do. Talk to you soo n.B:好的,回头见Movie Tunes 原声碟“ All o

9、ut of love来自*”rm all out of loverm so lost without youI know you were rightBelievi ng for so longrm all out of lovewhat am I without you?I cant be too lateTo say that I was wrong动感英语(204) Action EnglishAmerican slang 美国俚语 on second though转念一想例: On second though, I will take the subway in stead of a

10、taxi我原本准备打车去, 但转念一想,我应该坐地铁例: Lets go to the cinema.No, wait. On second though.I would rather just go for a walk.我们去看电影,想想还是不好,等下,我放变主意了,我想还是去散散步吧Classic film clips 经典对白 (un til) till on es hea nts co nte nt 直到谁满意为止例: Knock it off. After I leave, you can play loud rock music until your hearts content

11、.停下,等我走以后,你可以随便玩(摇滚)玩到你满意为止例: The beer is free at the party so you can drink until your hearts content.在这个宴会上啤酒是免费的,你想喝多少就多少 at on es disposa随某人支酉己例: I always like to have a car my disposal in case I want to take a trip to the coun tryside.我想有一部车,随我去开,什么时候我想去乡村去看看就可以用它例:He was sorich that he n ever

12、has less tha n ten serva nts and a milli on dollars at his disposal.他太富有了,他身边从来没有少过十个仆人,还有一百万现金随意支控MovieTunes原声碟To Keep This LifeTheres no thi ng I would nt giveOr I would nt loseTo keep this life with youTheres no thi ng I would nt sayOr I would nt chooseTo keep this life with you动感英语(205) Action E

13、nglishAMERICAN SLANG 美国俚语stay on sth跟住什么,关注什么例:Please stay on this case. I dont want tolose it.这个案子跟紧点,我可不想输掉例: Theres the car. Lets stay on and see where it goes.那辆车在那,我们跟着它看它往哪开CLASSIC FILM CLIPS 经典对白 We will take him down(片中)take some on es dow n( 1)打败谁 (2)把谁赶下台例: Cmon(Come on) team! Lets take th

14、em down and go home!好了各位,我们赶快把他们打败然后回家例: My boss is a terrible persond like to take him down and take ove this company.我的老板为人不怎样,我要把他赶下台,接着我来接管这人公司 Lets hustle 快例:We better hustle or well be late for film.我们要快点不然赶不上电影例: She hustle up to the gate just in time to see her plane take of without her.她急急忙

15、忙赶到却眼睁睁看着飞机飞走MOVIE TUNES 原声碟Excess来自 I believe in people bomb ingI believe in people warri ngI believe disease is comingI believe thats why rm runningkeep liv ing动感英语(206) Action EnglishAmerica n sla ng 美国俚语Theyre pulling out (片中)pull out 离开,撤离例: All of the trucks pulled out of the gas station at the same time全咅E的大卡车在 同一时间统统离开了加油站例: Three team members were pulled out of the game for fighti ng三个队员由于打 架被要求离开赛场Classic film clips 经典对白


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