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1、profiile头部的侧面(像): a) He drew a profile of the teacher. 他画了一张老师的侧面像。 2) 传略,人物简介: a) This book is a profile of a great statesman. 这本书是一位伟大的政治家的传略。 3) 轮廓,形象: a) The painter drew the profile of a distant hill. 画家勾画了远山的轮廓。 4) 姿态,引人注目的状态: a) As a whole, his work lacks a little in profile. 总的来说,他的作品不太鲜明。 2

2、. vt. 1) 为描绘轮廓;写的传略(或概况): a) This book profiles the life of each president. 本书简要介绍了每位总统的生平。 pluck) 拔,采摘: a) Girls are prone to pluck flowers when they see many beautiful flowers in the mountain. 女孩子们在山上看见遍地的野花, 一般都会去采摘。 2) 弹,拨,弹奏: a) He told his little sister not to pluck the strings of his guitar.

3、他告诫小妹妹不要乱拨他吉他的弦。 3) 拔的毛: a) The chicken has been plucked. 鸡的毛已经被拔光了。 2. vi. 1) 拉;拔、扯: a) He plucked at his trouser knees and sat down. 他拉拉裤膝,坐了下去。 3. n. U 1) 勇气,胆量,决心: a) Few people have the pluck to participate in bungee jumping. 很少有人有胆量去参加蹦极运动。 rumor. n. C,U 1) 谣言;传闻: a) Can you believe that the a

4、rticle was based on rumour? 你能相信那文章是根据谣言写的吗? school gatesharpadj. 1) 锋利的,锐利的,尖的: a) It is a sharp sword. 这是把利剑。 2) 轮廓分明的,鲜明的: a) The view of the plane was sharp. 飞机轮廓分明。 3) 敏锐的,机警的: a) The safeguard kept sharp lookout. 卫兵机警地注视着。 4) 急剧的,猛烈的: a) We gave the enemy a sharp attack. 我们给敌人猛烈攻击。 5) 刺耳的,刺鼻的,

5、刺眼的: a) A sharp voice came from the house. 刺耳的声音从房中传来。 2. adv. 1) 指时刻整,准: a) She arrived at 9 p.m. sharp. 她到的时候是晚上9点整。 2) 突然地;急剧地: a) The car turned sharp right. 那车向右来了个急转弯。 Associationcloud nine.tragedy n. C,U 1) 悲惨的事件 (或经历), 灾难: a) His fathers early death was a great tragedy for his family. 他父亲的早逝

6、是他家的巨大的不幸。 2) 悲剧 (艺术): a) A play that has a very sad ending is a tragedy. 一部有悲惨结局的戏是悲剧。decentadj. 1) socially acceptable or good 得体的;正派的. Counselor 顾问 a big smileTwo friends were walking through the desert. During their journey, they had an argument, and one friend slapped the other. Without saying

7、anything, the injured friend wrote in the sand: Today my best friend slapped me in the face. They kept on walking until they found a place with water and trees. They decided to take a bath. The one who had been slapped ventured too far into the water and became stuck in the deep mud and was drowning

8、, but his friend saved him. After he recovered from the incident, he carved into a stone: Today my best friend saved my life. The friend, who had both slapped and saved his best friend, asked him, After I hurt you, you wrote in the sand, and now, you write on a stone. Why? The friend replied: When s

9、omeone hurts us, we should write it down in sand, where the wind can wipe it away, but when someone does something good for us, we must carve it in stone where no wind can ever erase it.Neutral1. adj. 1) 中立的;不偏不倚的;中性的: a) I am neutral in the conflict between my father and you. 在父亲和您的冲突中我保持中立。 Vapor1

10、. n. C 1) a form like a gas which is made up of tiny drops of water or other liquids in the air 蒸气: a) When you heat a liquid, it changes into a vapor. 液体加热时,会变成蒸汽。 b) A thin coat of vapor began to collect. 薄薄的一层蒸汽开始集聚起来。 Grill 1. v. 1) 烧烤: a) He grilled some sausages. 他烤了一些香肠。 2) 盘问,质问: a) He was g

11、rilled for three hours by the police. 他被警察盘问了3个小时。 2. n. C 1) 烤架: a) Put the bread under the grill to make toast. 把面包放在烤架下烤面包片。 2) 烧烤餐馆: a) They entered a grill. 他们进了一家烧烤餐馆。 3) 烤菜(尤指烤肉): a) He likes grills. 他爱吃烤肉。 4) 格板,格栅: a) radiation grill 散热器护栅 It”s rianing buckets .We will have to take a rain c

12、heck on the picnic.=well postpone the picnic until later.You”re telling me =Im strongly agree with what youve said.Incredible.There are shooting a film .他们正在拍戏。Hailstorm Cloudy Snow flurries Rain Bundle up Summer redsDump 1. vt. 1) drop carelessly; throw away 倾倒;抛弃: a) No dumping here! 此处不准倒垃圾! b) S

13、he opened the bag and dumped the content on the desk. 她打开包,把里面的东西倒在桌上。 2. n. C 1) a place for dumping waste 垃圾场: a) Their rubbish was carried straight to the dump. 他们的垃圾被直接运往垃圾场。 b) The walled garden was used as a dump. 那个有围墙的院子曾被用作垃圾场。I like spring the most, too. Spring is so full of hope. The tree

14、s are in blossom, the days get longer, the skies turn so blue and the clouds become fluffy and white, and the sun starts to shine with warmth again. The weather is too nice for me to be inside. But without a doubt, winter is what I hate the most. Its too cold, too snowy, and sometimes too icy. It ge

15、ts dark too early. I have to wear too much stuff to stay warmhat, gloves, scarf, coat, boots. They are all too bulky, and I cant move in them.Miserable1. adj. 1) 痛苦的;悲惨的;可怜的: a) Dont look so miserable! 别愁眉苦脸的! 2) 糟糕的;使人难受的: a) What miserable weather! 这糟糕的天气! 3) 卑劣的;可耻的: a) Walt got a miserable mark in the exam. 沃尔特考得一塌糊涂。Its pretty miserable, wet and cold in Emmas home town. My home town is in South China. The summer months are June, July and August. June is hot and humid, almost


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