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1、Unit 7 Its the polite thing to do詹天佑小学 陈思慧教学目标(1)四会掌握本节单词和词组manner, seat, impolite, in need, as, line, in line, push, push in, laugh和laugh at。(2)知道句子Its the polite thing to do.的中文意思。(3)正确运用祈使句及情态动词should指出和规劝不礼貌的行为。(4)能理解和流利朗读对话。重点(1)四会掌握本节单词和词组manner, seat, impolite, in need, as, line, in line, pus

2、h, push in, laugh和laugh at。(2)知道句子Its the polite thing to do.的中文意思。难点正确运用祈使句及情态动词should指出和规劝不礼貌的行为。教学过程一、Warming up1. PPT展示学习目标。2. 听rhyme:课本42页I want to be good3.老师讲述rhyme的中文意思:我有时候是乖好的时候父母亲就高兴,我有时候是不听教导学坏的时候父母亲就不开心悲伤。请学生举例说说自己乖好的事情。(其中有些学生会讲出一些讲礼貌的事,就可以揭题)二、Presentation & practice1. 揭题并板书课题Module 4

3、 Good manners Unit 7 Its the polite thing to do,带齐读,讲述题目的中文意思:那是要做的有礼貌的事情。学习单词manner.2. 让学生在小组内说说自己做过哪些讲礼貌的好事。3. PPT创设情境呈现坐公共汽车让座和不让座的对比图片,分层呈现对话的第一个内容、主要句型、单词和词组等。(1)老师提问:What will you do if you see an old lady standing on the bus?(2)小组讨论。 (3)汇报讨论结果。(4)老师小结:polite的行为:If she does not have a seat, I

4、will give her my seat.How impolite! 的行为:If she does not have a seat, I wont give her my seat.If she does not have a seat, I will give her my seat. But a young man quickly sat down on the seat.板书并学习单词seat, impolite.(5)师生一起小结:We should always give our seat to people in need.Its the polite thing to do.

5、板书这两个句子并学习单词in need.4. PPT创设情境呈现超市购物排队图片,分层呈现对话的第二个内容、主要句型、单词和词组等。(1)老师提问:As we waited in line at the supermarket, which is polite, which is impolite?(2)小组讨论。 (3)汇报讨论结果。(4)老师小结:People should always wait for their turn. If the line is long, dont push in. Be patient!板书这三个句子并学习单词as, in line, push, push

6、 in.5.操练祈使句及情态动词should指出和规劝不礼貌的行为的句型(1)PPT呈现词条第4幅图片学习单词laugh和词组laugh at和老师make a model替换词条,并讲述替换的方法。范例句型。Please dont laugh at another pupil. We should be kind.板书单词、词组和词条替换的句型。Please dont . People should .(2) PPT呈现词条第1、2、3幅图片。(3)小组替换词条。(4)抽查两到三组学生。6. Read the new words and drills together.7. Learn le

7、ts talk.(1)Look and listen to the dialogue.(2)跟金太阳读。(3)Read after the teacher.(4)小组分角色朗读。(5)全班齐读。三、DevelopmentLets try to recite.根据提示词复述对话内容。四、Sum up1.提问:What do you learn in this class?2. Read the new words and drills together.3.渗透思想教育:我们从小就要做个讲礼貌的人,在公共场所活动要遵守公共规则。五、作业1.听录音,读对话和单词。2.抄写单词和词组,一个抄一行。3

8、.搜集校内外讲礼貌的例子,回学校与老师和同学分享。反思:学生能正确运用祈使句及情态动词should指出和规劝不礼貌的行为,也渗透思想教育:我们从小就要做个讲礼貌的人,在公共场所活动要遵守公共规则,学习热情高涨。Unit 8 The magic words 詹天佑小学 陈思慧教学目标1. 初步感知课文和学习词汇:2. 完成fun with language 的部分内容。3. 通过各项综合练习,学生能在适当的场合说一些礼貌用语重点、难点通过各项活动,学生能流利使用文明用语。教具图片,课件,电教媒体。教学过程一、Warming up1. Sing a song: Hello song2. Play

9、a game: 过关斩将(将文明礼貌用语串成一个个的关卡情景,让学生闯关,抢先闯过的有特别的奖励)二、Pre-task1. 总结game,故作神秘地指出刚才闯关时所使用的都是magic wordsDo you know why? -Because theyre polite words.People all over the world like them very much. They can help us live easily. 2.呈现一些文明用语的调查数据,突出文明用语的使用率3. Lets sum up the magic words around the world让学生先在小

10、组内互相讨论,并总结好发言Sorry./ Thank you./ Excuse me. /Hello./ How are you? /How do you do?.4. Fun with language: Look and write你能送给图片的人物一些magic words吗?5. Lets check 6. Lets chant (Make a chant with the magic words)三、While-task1. 创设情景:One boy in the forest needs the magic words too. He is in trouble now. Lets

11、 go to help him. 2. Watch the video of Unit 83. Answer the questions4.Lets learn some sentences and words5. Practise the new words6. Play a game : sharp eyesTry to spell the word quickly7. Time bomb: Try to remember the words, the more the better, in 2 minutes四、Summing-up Listen and read the text五、Homework1.跟录音读Unit 82.抄写词汇3.完成课本46页的read and answer



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