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1、语法一、谓语时态 (赵守斌)1. Though the novel _(写得不错),it _(销售不好). (write; sell)2. You didnt follow _(所要求的)and have to redo it. (ask)3. Millions of pounds worth of damage _(已经造成)by the typhoon which swept across the area last night. (cause)4. The first use of atomic weapons was in 1940, and their power _ (从此一直在增

2、加) . (since) 5. _(我本打算来看你) last night, but my uncle suddenly showed up. (intend)6. In the past, ice _(通常用来)to keep food fresh. (use)7. Do you know how long _(他们彼此认识)before they got married? (know)8. I arrived late. I _(没有料到)the road to be so icy. (expect)9. At this time tomorrow, we _(将飞行在)over the

3、Pacific Ocean to Australia. (fly)10. Clothes made of cotton _(摸上去舒服)and wear comfortable. (feel)11. What luck! It _ (一直下雨) ever since we came down to the beach 3 days ago. (rain)12. _(要两小时)before the result of the your blood test comes out. (be)13. With Great efforts, the boy finally entered the Har

4、vad University which _(他一直盼望的). (look)14. If Newton lived today, he would be surprised by what _(发现)in science and technology. (discover)15. The patient whose right leg was broken _(正在做手术). (operate)二、被动语态 (肖向勇)1. With more forests being destroyed, huge quantities of good earth _ (正被冲走) each year. (

5、wash)2. Did you go to the show last night?Yeah. Every boy and girl in the area _ (被邀请). (invite)3. It is said that the early European playing-cards _ (设计) for entertainment and education. (design)4. In our harmonious society, the old _ (得到很好的照顾). (take)5. Teenagers _(通常被比作初升的太阳), who have a bright f

6、uture. (compare)6. They _(已经结婚五年了), but they have neverquarreled with each other. (marry)7. Iran is considered _ (一直在开发) nuclear weapons, which is a major concern of the international community. (develop)8. I rang Jill and reminded her _ (会议已取消). (cancel)9. We were late because we _ (陷入了)a traffic j

7、am. We were held up for an hour and a half. (catch)10. It is reported that another two schools, _ (正在建造中), will open next year. (build)11. Cell-phones are being misused, that is, they are used _ (本不该用的地方). (where, should)12. Pop songs and rock songs _ (以不同的方式写). (write)13. Many parents worry about t

8、he safety of their children and may also _ (关心)the cost. (concern) 14. Elvis Presley was a world-famous pop star and _(会一直被爱戴)by his fans from different countries. (love)15. Dont let yourself _ by these politicians (被欺骗). (take ) 16. _ (应该立个什么) on the newly-built square is under hot discussion. (put

9、)17. Clouds _ (由小水滴构成) while water is made up of hydrogen and oxygen. (make)18. Up till now, five net-bars _ (开设) near or around our school. (set)19. They _ (害怕得要死) when they got stuck in the earthquake. (death)20. Bermuda is called a shipwreck Mecca ( 麦加)and the shipwreck _ (据信由引起) by the special m

10、agnet field there. (believe)21. Many people cried when they _ (被拒绝进入美国).(entry)22. If Newton lived today, he would be surprised by _in science and technology(所发现的). (discover)23. Not only _(他被迫留在家里),but also he had to do his homework.(force)24. Had _(看电影),I would have told you something about it.(se

11、e)25. Only when your identity has been checked _(你才允许进入).(allow)26. Not only _(要帮助)the disabled to find jobs, but also medical treatment will be provided for those who need it.(give)27. The reason why she couldnt come to meeting _(是她没有被邀请)(invite)28. This is the very one of the most interesting film

12、s _(上周放映的).(show)29. Its one of the most interesting films _(上演)since last year.(put)30. _(正如电视上所报道的那样), the talk between the two countries failed again.(as)31. The order _ (必须开始工作) at once has been given. (start)32. People are trying hard to protect and record _ (遗留下来的)of the local custom. (leave)33.It was _(又一桩谋杀案发生)the public realized how serious the situation was. (commit) 三、虚拟语气 (周肖庆)1. _ (如果我收到) your letter, I would have started off two days ago.(receive)2. It is stran


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