UNIT 4 In town个性化备课[1].doc

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1、UNIT 4 In town个性化备课教学内容:Part 3教学目标:语言知识与技能目标:1. 学习运用:Excuse me, wheres the?Go straight ahead/turn left/turn right. is opposite the is next to the . Thank you .Thats OK.2. 能够使用关键句型和短语。过程与方法:1. 学习运用:Excuse me, wheres the?Go straight ahead/turn left/turn right. is opposite the is next to the . Thank yo

2、u .Thats OK. 2. 小组活动开展问路的对话表演.情感态度价值观:学会礼貌问路。教学重点:学习运用:Excuse me, wheres the?Go straight ahead/turn left/turn right.教学难点:开展问路的对话,准确运用句型。教学准备:课件 图片教学过程:Step1 Warm up1. Greeting.2 say a chant 3. Sing a song. 兔子舞曲。Step 2 Presentation.1. T show a picture , Do you know these signs? 学习Go straight ahead/tu

3、rn left/turn righ2. Excuse me, wheres the park? Turn right.Excuse me, wheres the canteen?Turn left. Excuse me, where is the police station? Go straight ahead.3 A : Excuse me, wheres the park?B : Turn right here , its not far .A : Thank you .B : Thats OK.4. Learn: Excuse me, where is the ?(根据课件上的地图提问

4、和回答。)5. Ask and answer with partner.6 Pair work A:Excuse me, wheres the.?B:Go straight ahead./Turn right/left.A:Thank you.B:Thats OK.7 Excuse me, wheres the post office?Its next to the school.8 Excuse me, wheres the bus stop?Its opposite the school. 学习next to和 oppositeStep 3 Consolidate.Work in grou

5、ps: Excuse me,wheres the? is next to the . is opposite the . A:Thank you.B:Thats OK.根据所选地图信息,运用以下句型创编对话。Excuse me, where is the ? Turn left (here)./ Go left (here). Turn right (here)./ Go right (here). Go straight ahead./ Just go straight ahead. is next to the . is opposite the . Its on the left / r

6、ight. Its not far . Thats easy.Now youre a guide(导游). 9 Lily wants to go to Wuhan University to see beautiful cherry blossoms. How can she get there? Tell her the way. First go straight ahead,then turn left。Go straight ahead .then turn right. You will see themTurn right/left.10 T put some pictures o

7、f places in the classroom, Ss act the conversation in class. (表演改变的对话)11 Wuhan is our hometown.Lets try our best to make Wuhan beautiful! Step 4 .Homework 1.Listen and read part 2 and part 7.2.Draw a map from your school to your home. 板书设计 Excuse me, wheres the?Go straight ahead/turn left/turn right

8、. Thank you .Thats OK.教学反思本课使学生在教师设计的活动中进行问答练习,实际上是一种会话展示。活动以小组合作的形式进行,不仅使学生熟悉了Excuse me, wheres the ?句型,促进学生的学习欲望、培养学生的合作精神、提高学生用英语进行交际的能力都十分有益。在传授新知的环节,我采用任务型教学方法,以多媒体呈现任务,让学生在任务的驱动下进行活动,用英语进行问路和指路的过程,使学生自然而然地习得语言,从而收获成功。然后学生小组间进行问答练习,进一步巩固所学知识,小组间的问答使得学生的求知欲和合作意识进一步加强。本课的不足是时间未把握好,所以情景表演不够。歌曲唱的不够好,预设不够好。


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