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1、翻译:Taslatin1. Translate th olongsntencesintogh(4arks eah,total 1 mas)a. 中华人民共和国海关是国家的进出关境监督管理机关b. 因直运提单上的收货人与原合同规定的不符,故此货不能装运。c. 出口商必须按规定格式提供报告,具体阐明最后产品的解决措施。d. 保税仓库可由如港务局之类的官方机构或私人公司设立,但必须经海关正式承认。e. 很明显,保税仓库制度回味进口商或出口商带来许多好处,因此会增进国际贸易的发展。f. 查禁走私的政策应由海关贯彻执行。g. 2 aae te folloing wors orpses intEnglis

2、h.(.5 markeach, ota15 mar):. re chanelb 申报单/报关单c. 扣单dletr ofuaranteee. lettr otrney报关委托书、f.商品检查证书omoty inscti etficatg、reexportionforeign exhagcommsio age 委托代理人cuom claracedliv note提货单docment of ile物权凭证manift 货品舱单shipping notes 托运单shipng document 货运单证clan il of aing 清洁提单deriptin ofgds 货品品名grosweight

3、毛重pr of ransshippmt中转港口随附单据 ataheddocuents保费 preium货运单据 sippn docums清洁提单 ceaning bllo ladng不清洁提单olil oladnag maniest 货品舱单主运单 mastr aiwabill分运单Hosair waybi中性运单nutal WBConsoidaeshipment 集运货品多式联运 multiodal trasptFll otain os L整箱货品essthan cotainer loaL 拼箱货品Ctos friie 海关手续海关退税 custom awackusoms vaaion 海关

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5、irmin douent 保兑银行开证行 Bil of exchage 进口保证金 import epositInspeci crifiate 检查证书Free fom avrge F. 平安险With particular average W.A 水滞险 umt agaist payt D/A付款交单Sigh bill/dmandusce il 即期汇票Icterm 国际贸易术语解释通则物权凭证certificte of ttleShipping notes 托运单大副收据 mts rcptshpping cnferce班轮公会2. Coose thewrdo cople the stenc

6、es(1 arkeach, tota 20)a. he ne who buy insurance s called A.nisrancecopanyB. bkerC.thinsuredD. annreb. i thboadest kind of covraebutyoe otnludell risks.A. Fee o Parulr AergB. Tota lossC. Wit articuar AveageDAverec Udr FOB, the is toarrage isurance.A. elle.insr C. byerD crrr.When the selr contracts o

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