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1、2020年精编人教版英语资料Section_Using_Language.高频单词点击1._vain (adj.)徒然的;虚荣的2signal (n.)信号3discount (vt.)不信任;减少(n.)折扣;打折4sensitive (adj.)敏感的5decline (vt. & vi.) 拒绝;衰退;下降 (n.)衰退;跌落;下降6enquire (vt.)询问;打听;探询;调查enquiry (n.)询问7initial (adj.)最初的;初始的8fault (n.)过错;缺点.重点短语必记1in vain徒然;徒劳2at length 最后;详细地3against ones wi

2、ll 违心地4think ill of 对评价不高5do everything in ones power to do sth. 竭尽全力做某事.常用句型必备1He spoke of his anxiety, but it_was_evident_from_his_face_that he felt sure of her answer.2And with_these_words he hastily left the room.功能意念项目Suggestions & Attitudes1Perhaps you could consider .2Is it possible for you t

3、o .?3Im afraid .4Im sorry, but its possible for me to .5Maybe its better if .6How can I .?1decline (1)vt.&vi.拒绝;衰退;下降As one grows older ones memory declines.人的记忆力随着年龄增长而衰退。It is difficult to decline ones generous intentions.盛情难却!(2)n.衰退;跌落;下降There is a sharp decline in the number of trees in the cit

4、y.这个城市的树木数量急剧下降。decline sth./to do sth.拒绝某事/做某事decline by . 下降了(后常接分数或百分数)decline to .下降到(后常接数字)a decline in/of . 的减少(下降)on the decline 在衰退中;在减少中The number of tourists to the resort declined by 10% last year.去年到这个胜地旅游的人数减少了10%。Their spokesman declined to comment on the allegations.他们的发言人拒绝对这些指控加以评论。

5、即境活用1 完成句子(1)The population of this town has_been_in_decline/on_the_decline/declining (已正在下降) in the past 20 years.(2)Allen angrily declined_to_discuss (拒绝谈论) the matter.2enquire(inquire) vt.&vi.询问;打听;探询;调查enquire sth. (of sb.) 向某人打听/询问某事enquire (about) sth. 询问某事enquire after sb. 向某人问好enquire for sb

6、./sth. 求见某人;询问是否有某物enquire into 调查;探究We enquired (about) the way to the airport.我们打听去机场的路。She enquired after my mothers health.她问起我母亲的健康状况。We enquired into his story and found it was true.我们调查了他所讲的事情,发现属实。enquiry n询问make enquiries about/into sth. 询问/调查某事We made enquiries about/into the murder and fi

7、nally discovered the truth.我们对谋杀案进行了调查,最后发现了真相。即境活用2 完成句子Id like to enquire_(about)(询问) the trains for London the day after tomorrow.1in vain徒劳无益地;枉费心机地All our efforts were in vain.我们所有的努力都付诸东流了。be vain about/of sth.对自负的;炫耀的vainly adv.徒劳地;白费力地;无效地;枉然地即境活用3 完成句子(1)Day after day she waited vainly/in_v

8、ain (徒劳地) for him to telephone her.(2)She is_vain_of/about (对自负) her beauty.2at length(at last/in the end/finally/eventually)最后;终于;详细地At length we arrived at our destination.我们终于到达了目的地。Students discussed the maths problem at length (in detail)学生们详细讨论这个数学问题。at arms length伸手可及之处at full length 伸展全身;冗长地

9、;详尽地in length 在长度上The boy lay at full length on the grass.男孩伸展全身躺在草地上。即境活用4 介词填空(1)The river is about 1,600 metres wide and 2,000 kilometres in length.(2)At length they came within sight of the castle.3against ones will违心地;违背意愿地He sold his car against his will.他不得已才卖了汽车。at will随意地 He picked up the b

10、ook at will.他随意地拿了本书。即境活用5 介词填空(1)He told us that we could wander around at will.(2)He refuses to do anything against his will.4think ill of(think little/poorly of)对评价不高Dont think ill of him.不要把他想得太坏。think well/much/highly of对高度评价think nothing of 对评价不好The chairman thought highly of the sports meetin

11、g.主席对这次运动会评价很高。即境活用6 完成句子(1)When a teacher learns that his students think_ill/little/poorly_of (对评价不好) his lecture, you bet he will feel ashamed.(2)We think_highly/well/much_of (高度评价) their research in the field. He spoke of his anxiety, but it_was_evident_from_his_face_that he felt sure of her answ

12、er.他谈到了自己的焦虑,但是从他的面部表情来看,很显然他对她的答复很有把握。it在句中作形式主语,代指后面that 引导的主语从句。it 作形式主语的常用句式:(1)It be形容词(obvious, possible, strange, natural, important .)that从句。It is obvious that without the help of the whole society, there would be no new school today.很明显,如果没有全社会的帮助就不会有今天的新学校。It is important that students (sh

13、ould) attend all the lectures.所有的课学生都应该去听,这是很重要的。(2)It be过去分词(said, thought, hoped, believed, supposed, reported .)that从句。It is believed that it is the earliest and largest ancient papermaking workshop site ever found in China.人们认为这是迄今为止在中国发现的最早的也是最大的造纸作坊。(3)It不及物动词(seem, occur, happen .)that从句。It o

14、ccurred to me that I left my ticket at home.我突然想起把票忘在家里了。(4)It be名词短语(a pity, a fact, a wonder, an honour, no wonder .)that从句。Its a pity that you didnt watch the closing ceremony of the 2016 Rio Olympic Games.你没有观看2016年里约奥运会闭幕式,真可惜。 即境活用7 翻译句子(1)很明显你犯了一个大错。It_is_obvious_that_youve_made_a_big_mistake.(2)很可能他不来参加会议了。It_is_likely_that_he_cant_come_to_the_meeting. 人 物 简 介【写作任务】根据下列材料,写一篇关于物理学家吴健雄的简介。词数:100左右。(1)吴健雄,美籍华裔物理学家,1912年5月31日生于江苏省太仓县;(2)1936年赴美国留学,1940年获美国加利福尼亚大学博士学位,之后又获得许多美国著名高等学府的博士学位;(3)她长期从事物理学研究并在美国及国际上多次荣获大奖;(4)吴健雄生前关心中国科技事业的发展,从1973年起多次来中国讲学,1992年在东南大学建立了吴健雄实验室;



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