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1、课 题U3L2I can dance on Friday.主备人李东会授课日期教 法情景教学法、任务型教学法课型新授学 法小组合作课时1教学准备课本、CD-ROM 、单词卡片教情分析三维目标及处理方法1、能听懂、会说、认读一下单词football, picture2、认读、理解并能运用句型进行交流We can draw pictures.on Monday.3.技能目标:描述自己一周七天的活动。4.情感目标:在学习中,培养学生的协作精神和竞争意识,培养学生热爱学习,热爱生活的情感态度。(情景法,游戏法)教学重点及处理方法认读、理解并能运用句型进行交流We can draw pictures.o

2、n Monday.通过游戏来巩固重点。教学难点及处理方法句型 I can用法。通过游戏,说一段话突破难点。学情分析I can句型在一年级学过,动词draw,play basketball都学过,相信draw pictures,play football也容易学。f football, 教学过程Step1: Warming up.Sing a song.Days of the week.&Read, Read, I can read.Review the words and phrases like this: dance, sing, cook, run, skip, read, make t

3、hings,play the erhu, play the piano, play the drums,play basketball(图片+单词)教学过程 教学过程 教学过程(设计意图:一是活跃课堂气氛,二是第一首歌曲还能让学生回忆周一到周日的单词,三是第二首歌曲有句型I can本课重点句型也是I can,为本课做铺垫)Free talk.What day is today?(Its Saturday.)Do you like Saturday? Why?师:I like Saturday, too. I can skip on Saturday.(PPT显示图片)(设计意图:一是复习本单元

4、第一课内容,二是用我自己喜欢星期六,我会在星期六跳绳来引,是生活化教学,学生容易理解,也是文本再构,同时下面进行课文时学生也能用 I can来描述自己会做的事情)Step2 Presetation出示本课背景图:They have different activity lessons.They can do somethings on activity lessons.What can they do? Lets have a look.Question1. What can you do, Danny?Lets watch and answer.Check the answer.Learn

5、the pharse: play football (foot+ball)Danny can play football on Thursday.What about Jenny,Guo Yang and Li Ming?Listen and match.Jenny头像 play the piano on WednesdayGuo Yang头像 can dance on Tuesday and FridayLi Ming头像 draw pictures on MondayCheck the answer. Learn the phrase: draw pictures设计意图:第一遍进入课文时

6、给出一个问题What can you do, Li Ming?学生会很容易找到答案,讲play football,第二遍进入课文时设计了连线题,形式能多样一些,学习单词picture词组draw pictures1.Danny and LiMing can_on Thursday afternoon.2. Jenny can_ on Tuesday and Friday.3. Li Ming can_on Wednesday.4. Guo Yang can_on Monday.设计意图:加深对课文的理解。What day do you like? What can you do?(让学生用 I

7、 can句子说)设计意图:从课文内容回归到学生本身,很生活化Drill the new words.Listen and repeatRead the text in groups.Act it.Step3 Practice1.Lets talk.We canon.2.Lets play a game.(sharp eyes)I canon3.Guessing game.They canHe canShe can4.Lets read.Im Miss Li. This is my family. My father can cook on Monday. My mother can dance

8、 on Tuesday.My sister can make things on Wednesday.I can sing on Thursday and Friday.We can watch TV on Saturday and Sunday.I love my family.5. Lets write and say.(学生说自己的家人会做的事情)Hello, Im _. This is my family. My father can _on_.My mother can _on_ I can _on _. I love my family. 设计意图:四年级学生应该培养说一段话,从学

9、生家庭实际入手,学生能很容易用输出,前面学生会用I can.We canThey can He can She can.来描述会做的事情,这个环节我文本再构,学生能用My motherfatherbrothersister can. 来描述会做的事情,同时也锻炼学生书写的能力。)Do more activities, your life will be more colourful!此处是情感教育。Step4.Summary:What have you learned today?Step5.Homework:Listen to the tape for 3times,then repeat.Broadcasting:Lesson2 I can dance on Friday.We can play football this afternoon.I can draw pictures on Monday.教学过程教学反思



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