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1、格列佛游记(英文原版,Gullivers Travels)的介绍 When bending my eyes downward as much as I could, I perceived a human not six inches high! When Lemuel Gulliver sets off from London on a sea voyage, little does he know the many incredible and unbelievable misadventures awaiting him. Shipwrecked at sea and nearly dr

2、owned, he washes ashore upon an exotic island called Lilliput-where the people are only six inches tall! Next he visits a land of incredible giants called Brobdingnagians. They are more than sixty feet tall! He travels to Laputa, a city that floats in the sky, and to Glubbdubdrib, the Island of Sorc

3、erers. His final voyage brings him into contact with the Yahoos-a brutish race of subhumans-and an intelligent and virtuous race of horse, the Houyhnhnms. First published in 1726, Gullivers Travels remains one of the most exciting fantasy adventures ever written. 格列佛游记(英文原版,Gullivers Travels)的书评Spot

4、light ReviewsReviewer: C. Gilbert frumiousb (Amsterdam, the Netherlands) I havent read this book since I read it as a child, and it was amazing how much of it had stuck with me, and how vividly. There were sections (particularly in Brobdingnag) where I could almost recite word-for-word what was goin

5、g to happen next.Happily , this is a book that ages very well. There was still the element of being just a plain old good travel story with strong images (particularly in the Lilliput and Brobdingnag sections) but there was also a wicked sense of satire that continues to be relevant and funny now mo

6、re than three hundred years after the book was originally written.The latter two sections of the book- Laputa and the land of the Houyhnhnms- are perhaps a little less vivid for being more pointed in their satirical content (interestingly I have no memory of these sections from my childhood reading)

7、 but that in no way detracts from the value of the book.A must-read.Reviewer: Brian P. McDonnell (Holbrook, MA USA) Gullivers Travels are broken up into four parts. The first two parts are the most famous, where Gulliver visits a land in which he is a giant and another in which it is filled with gia

8、nts. Although they are very good, I found them somewhat boring. This is probably due tot he fact that I had heard these stories in so many variations already, they no longer had that originality to them. The next two parts however I found to be excellent. Several authors have expounded upon these st

9、ories or have continued them in one form of another of them. It is good to finally find the source of such great insight. For example the world in the clouds is quite humorous, and Douglas Adams makes a similar use of this satire in one of his Hitchhikers Guide to the Universe series. The island of

10、wizards where you can call up any of the dead to have them tell their part in history can be seen in To Your Scattered Bodies Go by Philip Jose Farmer (a Hugo award winner.) The final part about humans being nothing but Yahoos, and inferior to Horses is brilliant. A reversal of roles with other anim

11、als to give us a new perspective of ourselves is imitated in other such classics as The Time Machine by H.G. Wells, The Island of Dr. Monreau also by H.G. Wells, Planet of the Apes, Animal Farm by George Orwell, plus several Star Trek and Twilight Zone episodes. One of the most interesting questions

12、 about Gullivers Travels is whether the Houyhnhnms represent an ideal of rationality or whether on the other hand they are the butt of Swifts satire. In other words, in Book IV, is Swift poking fun at the talking horses or does he intend for us to take them seriously as the proper way to act? If we

13、look closely at the way that the Houyhnhnms act, we can see that in fact Swift does not take them seriously: he uses them to show the dangers of pride. First we have to see that Swift does not even take Gulliver seriously. For instance, his name sounds much like gullible, which suggests that he will

14、 believe anything. Also, when he first sees the Yahoos and they throw excrement on him, he responds by doing the same in return until they run away. He says, I must needs discover some more rational being, even though as a human he is already the most rational being there is. This is why Swift refer

15、s to Erasmus Darwins discovery of the origin of the species and the voyage of the Beagle-to show how Gulliver knows that people are at the top of the food chain. But if Lemule Gulliver is satirized, so are the Houyhnhnms, whose voices sound like the call of castrati. They walk on two legs instead of

16、 four, and seem to be much like people. As Gulliver says, It was with the utmost astonishment that I witnessed these creatures playing the flute and dancing a Vienese waltz. To my mind, they seemed like the greatest humans ever seen in court, even more dextrous than the Lord Edmund Burke . As this quote demonstrates, Gulliver is terribly impressed, but his admiration for the Houyhnhnms is short-lived beca


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