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1、第一学期nts 6-7单元质量检测班级_姓名_ 座号_ 分数_一、单选(每题1分,共20分)( )1 sYi Lianlian BA ple? He sdo be But ow he plays orGuangdong other Tige in CB.A. a . an C. theD. ( ). Why donty buy a camer? Do o thi ed t?y phone is fn use cara. Aby B. or C with( )3 o lan yourieter, yocan make a o h tingsyu need to do firt. A. lit B

2、 projc C. umbe.lot ( )4 Ho dangerus! Yeh The bus hi the ar j now. A. celyB nrmay C. eyD. msty( )5. Can we pksomoangst eat? Cat you see thateyae gren? Thy must b . A. wee B. salty . hot D sr( ). Wet clots _ ner fie inwinter.A hng B nged Car hung D are hand( )7. MichaelJacksn asalledte ki o p, wst h?

3、Ocrs. H b pepall over theod. ws loked u B. was looked p t C. oke u . oed to ( ) Was abletenis nend bhe hinese? No. in Chnauntil he stat ofth 20th cetury. A. pyed B. wasped C. didn play . ws playe( )9. D uknow in ncietChi? Ihae ne. Bu I kn peope nce used te les oake ppe. A hoaper ws adeB. how wa pa a

4、de whapapwa mde. hatwas apmad( )10. Mythanor wh ouve doe for A. Dont ent t B Never ind C. Thatrght D. Yous tohave poin11.I to hae par-tieob.A. a not alB. no llw C. ot alow Da o led2 should be allowe to chooe heir clths.A. Tenear-olds B. Teyr-olC. Ten-yearsolds . eneas-od13.Doyou agre _ theplan? es,

5、but Idon gee _ wht hesai. to;with B. wth; to C.; wit D. ; 1.Antio, pes! All theob hnes _ durn theeing.A. mutkeep f B avekept ofC.are kepgoffD. mut e ket off15. He erett _tht apatmenteeyers a.A.noting B. notbough . nt to buy D.was nt buyng1herom _vey day.A. clan B. ms cean C.e cne D. must becleaned7.

6、 So, yu cr_i front of th hte can ut B be ntpu C. ant be pt D. cabe not p8.rEnlih cher is vey stric _u ad he s srct _h tchig.A.with,at B. ith,wi C.t, t D. with, i19. He doesntdoh homeork _, togh he has_.Acareful enough, ough time B. enou reesly, te eougC.arelesly eoug, eougtm enog caflly,enoughtme1Sm

7、ethig s ngwhmy PDA ill get i _ .A. reair . airing C to epair D reprd2Excus me , you are_of m pasing through. I sry,he you go.A on te wy B in the way Cout th way D.ff theay二、完形填空(每题1分,共10分)Smiling is te best wayf makigfriendWen Iwa thee 1 old, my athr ound a job i the city. o myfmily mvd hre. also ca

8、 toa 22 shool near hre live. yod school wasfar ay. Atfist, I did nt now anoe in my c.I wasvey ley 2 I wasfrid t mak frieds h y lasmts 24 tak toanonebot rblem, and idnt wan my prnts o5 eThen oey, omeing ood appeedI wa ittiga myds a ul whilemy clssmates eetalking happily witheac other.At tha moent, 7

9、camino te laroom. I didt kow wo hwas Hepassee nd then urnak. He ookd 8 a, iou word, smled.Sudenly, fet ap,lively and htsmilehanged my lif Istrtedto talk withthe ther clasmat and me fed Da bydy, Ibame 29 to eveyo inmy clas. 30 thesmi, I ave oed on to new fe Now, believ that he wrdish o hik it is. So

10、smileat the orld ndi wi smile ack ( )21.Adas B. eks C. mohs D.er( )2. l B. new C same Deasy( )2. A. ecaue beore C after D.if ( )2. A. coldnt B. mutnt C.neednt D.nt( )2A.talk B.ook ae C worry bout D. s for( )2 early B. unhpily C.quckl D. wonderl( )2. A. a gr B. a boy C. soe girls . omboys( )28.A. f B. C t D.ito ( )29. A. closer B.



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