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1、 异趣万圣节 “僵尸”大军袭击纽约城Costumed actors, promoting the Halloweenpremiere of the AMC television series ”The Walking Dead”, shamble along the Brooklyn Bridge while posing for pictures in New York, Tuesday, Oct. 26, 2022.As if the morning commute wasn”t odd enough, intrepidNew Yorkers trying to make their wa

2、yto work on Tuesday had to battle past hordes ofthe walking dead.Two dozen zombies, their clothes spattered with fake blood, were staggering up and down the block outside Madison Square Garden. Downtown, others shuffledacross the Brooklyn Bridge.Some pedestrians looked startled or amused by the ghos

3、t-white actors with bruised-looking eyes. Some people ignored them entirely. Others whipped outtheir cell phone cameras.Horror movie fan Linda Emery was thrilled to see the creatures.“I”m into zombies, anything with zombies,“ said the 58-year-old home care provider from Brooklyn. It made a change fr

4、om her usual commute.“You see a lot of stuff, but not this stuff,“ she said.Erik Machado, an audio engineer heading to work in New Jersey, was unfazedand passed by the scene with narya glance at the nightmares walking around.“Gotta commute, gotta go where I gotta go,“ the Queens resident said.The st

5、unt was part of a campaign in 26 cities worldwide promoting the Halloween premiere of the AMCtelevision series “The Walking Dead.“ The show is being broadcast outside of the United States on Fox International Channels.At one point, about 15 zombies crawled on the roof, hoodand trunk of a parked, off

6、-duty taxi.Taxi driver David Pollack managed to escape from the horde, scrambling out of the back seat, playing along with the drama of it all.“I think I”m going to be walking over the George Washington Bridge and heading over to Jersey, hopefully they haven”t gotten there yet,“ he said.He added, “I

7、”m a tough New Yorker, but I don”t mess with zombies.“似乎是嫌早晨上班路上的交通还不够刺激,周二这天,英勇的纽约人还要对抗僵尸大军,设法杀出一条路来去上班。二十多个僵尸浑身“血迹”斑斑,踉踉跄跄地徘徊在麦迪逊广场花园外的街区上。在市中心,还有一些僵尸在布鲁克林大桥上穿梭。看着这些鬼魂般惨白、眼眶青肿的演员,有些行人看起来被吓坏了,也有的乐在其中;有些人完全无视这些僵尸,还有一些人则掏出手机拍起了照片。恐惧电影迷琳达 埃莫瑞觉得看到这些僵尸很刺激。这位来自布鲁克林区的58岁的保姆说:“我很喜爱僵尸,喜爱任何跟僵尸有关的东西。”此次的僵尸大*转

8、变了她寻常的上班路线。她说:“你每天上下班可以观察许多东西,但看不见这个。”音频工程师埃里克 马查多正在前往新泽西上班的路上,他丝毫不为所动,经过时对这些四处走动的梦魇般的东西甚至连看都没看一眼。皇后区的居民则叫嚷着,“要上班去,要去该去的地方。”这次共性表演是为了宣传美国经典电影有线电视台马上在万圣节首播的电视连续剧行尸走肉,宣传活动普及全球26个城市。该剧在美国境外正通过福克斯国际频道播出。在某处,大约有15个僵尸爬到了停在一旁歇班的出租车车顶、引擎盖和后备箱上。被拖进这场闹剧的出租车司机大卫 波拉克费劲地从车后座上爬出来,摆脱了这群僵尸。他说:“我想我会步行穿过乔治华盛顿大桥,到新泽西去

9、,盼望他们还没有到达那里。”他还说道,“我是一个强悍的纽约人,但是我不想和僵尸混在一起。”Vocabulary:intrepid: very brave; not afraid of danger or difficulties(英勇的;无畏的)make one”s way: 排解困难前进hordes of: 大群的shuffle: to walk slowly without lifting your feet completely off the ground(拖着脚走)whip out: 匆忙取出unfazed: not worried or surprised by something unexpected that happens(处变不惊的;泰然自若的)nary: 连也没有的AMC: 全称为American Movie Classics,直译为“美国经典电影有线电视台”hood: (汽车的)引擎盖


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