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1、 六年级英语下册综合素质试题( )1、A、take B、dad C、sad D、hand( )2、A、but B、cut C、hungry D、excuse( )3、A、window B、yellow C、cow D、know( )4、A、fish B、five C、Hi D、alive( )5、A、book B、look C、room D、good( )6、A、it B、sit C、like D、give( )7、A、next B、these C、let D、best( )8、A、now B、cow C、how D、yellow( )9、A、bread B、sea C、tea D、bee(

2、)10、A、want B、fox C、not D、do二、将以下单词补全完整(7)1、wee enk 2、h_l_day 3、r_v_er 4、che_k 5、r_ce6、_rovince 7、co_ntry 8、fr_dg_ 9、ro_e 10.mo_el三、按要求完成以下各词(10)e (过去式)_ 2.buy (过去式)_3. big (比拟级)_ 4.two(同音词)_5. young (比拟级)_ 6.get(过去式)_7. clever( 级)_ 8.best ( 原级)_9. long ( 反义词)_ 10. make( 过去式)_四、英汉互译(10)1.跳绳_ 2. the s

3、ound of Music_3.制定打算_4. have a good time_5呆在家里_6. hear from _7.做作业 _ 8 . the top of the hill _9.have a nice trip _ 10. make a plan _五、用所给词的正确形式填空,每词只能用一次(10)long strong short big clever high fast tall old bright1. Elephants are _ animals on land2. Grandpa is _than dad .3.The giraffe is _ than the ca

4、mel.4.I think Billy is _ in our class.5.Which is _, the bear or the horse .6.The sun is _ than the moon.7. My pencil is _ than yours .8.Wang Yu is _in our school.9.Which is _ in our school?10. The Huanghe river is _ than Liaohe river六、选择填空(6)( )1.I _ football every day .A. play B. played C.playing(

5、)2. I_ to supermarker last Friday .A. go B. went C.going( )3.What _ your brother going to do ?A.am B.is C.are( )4.The sun, the earth ,the moon, The Sun is the _of the three. A. big B. is C.are( )5.Im going to _some booksA. by B. buy C. bought( )6.Im _ homeA. go B. going C. went( )7. You are _ young

6、to go abroad.A. two B. to C. too( )8.Did you _ to beach .A. went B. gone C. go( )9.打电话时,想知道对方是谁,应说:_A. Who are you ? B. Whos that speaking?( )10.打电话时说 “我是李明”, 应说( )A. Im Li Ming B. This is Li Ming( )11.Im sorry you are going to England. 句子中 “sorry”的含义是:A. 对不起 B.难受( )12.用英语写地址的写法是_A.根据从小到大的挨次 B.根据从大到

7、小的挨次C.无所谓七.用所给单词的正确形式填空(10)1. What are you going to do at home ?I_(make) different kinds of model cars .2.I _(get up ) at six every day .3.Jim doesnt _(like) _(learn)Chinese .4.When are you _(leave)? Tomrrow evening .5.Are you _(trip)? Yes ,Im going to Shangdong.6.Where are you _(visit) on holiday?7

8、.Is he back now? No, he _(put) on his shoes.8.We often _(fly) kites on Sundays .9.His father _(like ) play football.10.Tom _(have) English class every morning.八.按课文填空(5)Henry: Im going to Guilin _ May Day. Its one ofthe _ beautiful places _ China.Li Ming: Im going _ Shangdong.Henry: Shangdong ?Li Mi

9、ng: Im going to_ Taishan Mountain.Its my dream to _on the top.Henry: Are you going to _see the sunrise?Li Ming: Yea, _ course.Henry: I dont think you _see the sunrise.Li Ming: Why?Henry: You _get up that early九.按要求完成以下各题。(16)1. are ,school, going, what, do , to, after, you (?)(连词成句)2.he, is ,back, h

10、ome, coming(?)(连词成句)3.I am going to visit the Great Wall.(就划线局部提问)4.My father is going to Shanghai tomorrow evening.( 就划线局部提问)5.Tom is going to play golf . ( 就划线局部提问)6.Im going to the sports center. ( 变一般疑问句并做确定答复)7.Billy is the oldest in our class.( 就划线局部提问)8. The earth is bigger. The moon is small

11、er.( 用than 将两句话连成一句话)十.阅读理解并推断正误(5)David : Look! This is Galileo, He wants to drop two balls at the same time ,Which is faster ,the big one or the small one.Lin Gang : Of course the bigger one ,Its heavier than the smaller one .David: No, you are wrong.Lin Gang : Which is faster?David: They are fall

12、 to the ground at the same time.Lin Gang : Really?David: Galileo was the first man to prove it .1.The big ball and the small one fall to the ground at the same time .( )2. Galileo wasnt the first man to prove it .( )3.The things fall faster if they are heavier.( )4.The sound can travel in water ( )5.Einstein is holding two balls. ( )十一.作文(16)请你给外国朋友Tom写一封信。要求:1.内容自拟。2.书信格式精确,清晰。3.写清写信人的地址。4.字数在50 个单词以上。



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