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1、Unit 2 The United Kingdom (Book 5)A general review of Unit 2Period 1 Word study, Warming up, pre-readingPeriod 2 Reading I (P9-10)Period 3 Reading II: Using language(P13)& Listening(P15)Period 4 Language points Period 5 Grammar Period 6 Learning about language, Listening (p48, P52-53) & Reading(P51)

2、 Period 7 “English Weekly” & “ Best English”Period 1Pre-class task: 1. Preview new vocabulary of Unit2, and especially pay attention to the pronunciation of the new word 2. Finish the quiz in Warming up( p9) in groups of four by referring to books or surfing the net.Step 1 Learning GoalsGet Ss to go

3、 through the summing up form on p16 in order to have a general idea of the learning goals of Unit 2Step 2 Word Study1. (Pair work) Get Ss to read aloud the new words and phrases on p93-94 within 3-4 mins; then get Ss to read aloud the words in pairs by turns.2. Practice Use the correct form of the w

4、ords to fill in the blanks.n.v.adj.(consistency)consistconsistent(clarification)clarifyX(education)(educate)educationalconvenienceX(convenient)(industry)Xindustrial(history)Xhistoricalattraction(attract)(attractive)collection(collect)Xinfluence(influence)influential(construction)construct(constructi

5、ve)(debate)debateX(arrangement)arrangeXwedding(wed)Xdelight(delight)delightedsuggestion(suggest)Xthrillthrill(thrilling)3. Fill in the blanks using the correct form:1) It was a thrilling story of violence and murder. (thrill)2) The railway is under construction at the moment. ( construct)3) We have

6、been invited to their daughters wedding. ( wed)4) Her marriage was arranged by her parents.(arrangement)5) The dustmen collect the rubbish once a week. (collection)6) I hope that what I say will clarify the situation. (clarification)4. Fill in the blanks using the new words in this unit1) Dont let m

7、e i_ your decision. I know youve made up your mind. (influence)2) Her story p_ me; I find it hard to believe. (puzzles)3) A mistake in the map led the traveler into e_. (error)4) He showed me his stamp c_. (collection)5) During the summer holiday, they did a lot of _ in Guilin.(sightseeing)6) In the

8、 park there is a s_ of a king, made of stone not of metal. (statue)7) The a_ of the moon for the earth causes the tides.(attraction)Step 3. Warming up Check the answers to the quiz( P9 ). Introduce the UK by showing pictures while Ss giving the correct answers.Step 4 Pre-reading 1. (Pair work) What

9、are the four countries of the UK ? What are the capital cities of the countries of the UK? What are the three main areas in England?Get Ss to come up to tell their location on the map ( showed on screen) See the map on P92. Talk about the different flags of the countries of the UK( the flags are sho

10、wed on the screen)The flag of England is a cross, the flag of Scotland and Ireland are both like a fork, the flag of the Union Jack is the flag of the UK, which is the combination of the three flags. Step 5. Summary and SpeakingTo get Ss to summarize the general knowledge they learned about the UK i

11、n class by using given sentence pattern: A brief introduction of the UKThe official / full name of the UK is The United Kingdom of the Great Britain and Northern Ireland, but its usually known as the United Kingdom or the UK or Great Britain or Britain.The United Kingdom is made up of four countries

12、, they are England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. The national flag of the UK is called the Union Jack. The official language is English. The capital city of the UK is London. Tony Blair is the Prime Minister and his office is located in Downing Street .Step 6 Homework1. Preview the reading

13、passage Puzzles In Geography”(p9), try to do Ex.1, 2 on P112. Read notes 1-10 on p79-80 3. Go over the new words(“unite”“leave out”)4. Speaking task: a brief introduction or background knowledge of the UK(check in next class)Period 2Step 1 Revision Revise the new words. ( Get the Ss to speak out the

14、 words while the Chinese meaning given out) Step 2 Lead inInvite 1-2 Ss to give their brief introduction to the UKStep 3 Reading1. Fast reading :Q1: Whats the main idea of the text? ( D )A. A brief introduction to the United Kingdom about its geography and history.B. A brief introduction to the Unit

15、ed Kingdom about its foundation and development.C. A brief introduction to the United Kingdom about its politics and culture.D. All of above.Q: How many groups of invaders influenced London? What are they?( Four; They are the Romans, the Anglo-Saxons, the Vikings, the Normans)2. Careful reading: Q1: Which part of Ireland broke away to form its own government? ( C )A. the northern part B. the middle part C. the southern partQ2: Are the four countries of the



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