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1、非谓语的基本结构及用法(一)非谓语的分类以及各自在句子中所能充当的成分。非谓语分为不定式,动名词,现在分词和过去分词。(动名词和现在分词形式相同)以下表格表示的是它们各自所能充当的成分:类别 成分主语宾语表语定语状语补语不定式动名词现在分词过去分词不定式 主 动 被 动 一 般 to write to be written 进 行 to be writing / 完 成 to have written to have been written 完成进行to have been writing /(1)不定式在句子中做主语To go there in time is his most impor

2、tant task now.It is his most important task to go there in time.It is a great joy to play football.When to start is the question.(不定式与疑问词who ,when,which,where,how等连用,在句子中起名词作用,可以做主语,表语,宾阳)(2)不定式在句子中做宾语。(以“to do”做宾语的动词主要有:ask,want,wish,hope,expect,help,refuse,learn,demand,dare,choose,arrange,decide,a

3、gree,promise,plan,offer,manage,pretend,prepare,fail,determine,long,seem等)如:They pretended to have finished their work.He had planned to finish it in time.They thought it necessary to go to church every weekend.We find it good to have a walk every day. They dont now where to go.(3)不定式在句子中做表语。如:His dr

4、eam is to be taught by that famous professor.The only thing he wants to do now is to study hard.His aim is to get the first place in the game.The question is which one to choose.(4)不定式在句子中做状语。如:We wre excited to hear the news.(原因)He got there on time just to see that film.We told him the truth to ma

5、ke him at ease.He got up early in order to catch the early train.He got home only to find that his home was broken into.(结果)(5)不定式在句子中做定语。如:There is nothing (to worry about.)That is the room for us( to live in.)(不定式如果是不及物动词,不定式后面会有相应的介词)I have a lot of homework to do.Can you get me something to eat?

6、They cant choose the right person to leave.The man to be sent there is a doctor.The man to go there is my brother.He has a chance to go abroad.He is always the first / last(one)to get to school.He is the best(one)to finish the work.(6)在句子中做宾补及词组中的不定式。(以“to do”做宾补的动词主要有:ask,want,tell,get,order,beg,ad

7、vise,warn,hate,like,encourage等;以“do”作宾补的动词主要有:see,watch,notice,hear,feel,let,make,have等),有些形容词词组后面也要接不定式这样的形容词主要有:surprised,excited,pleased,interested,worried,angry,proud,sorry,satisfied,afraidready,able;kind,easy,right,wrong,important,necessary,good,clever,wise等。如:They encouraged us to go ahead.He

8、has got somebody to get his book back.We saw him go downstairs and leave the house.His mother made him do his homework until 10 oclock.He is pleased to have seen you here.Im glad to be talking to you like this.It is clever of him to do so.It is lucky for him to be invited to this meeting.2. 动名词: 动名词

9、的时态分一般式和完成式两种,语态分主动形式和被动形式。以write为例,其动名词的时态和语态变化是:一般式的主动语态:writing一般式的被动语态:being written完成式的主动语态:having written完成式的被动语态:having been written(1)动名词在句子中做主语。(与不定式比较)如:To be a good teacher is his dream. Being delayed by the bad traffic is his usual excuse for his being late.To go there in time is his mos

10、t important task now.Looking after the babies is the everyday job she must do.To do our homework carefully is very useful for us.Its very useful for us to do our homework carefully.Doing our homework carefully is very useful for us.It is no use working hard now.(2)动名词在句子中做宾语。(以“doing”做宾语的动词主要有:mind,

11、enjoy,finish,suggest,avoid,consider,fancy,imagine,escape,risk,miss,prevent,deny,admit,delay,give up,put off,leave off,set about,feel like,insist on,stick to,keep on,keep up,keep,depend on,think about/of,succeed in,cant help,cant stand,be/get used to,devote oneself to,look forward to,pay attention to

12、,object to等)如:Do you mind my opening the window?He kept on running after tripping over himself.You can never depend on her coming on time.They are thinking about/of making Tom say sorry to the teacher.The car needs to be repaired.The car needs repairing.They like to go with us today.They like swimmi

13、ng after supper.They cant help crying while watching this sad film.Ive got used to doing my homework while listening to music.They look forward to seeing you.I forgot locking the door, and I went back to check it.特别注意:1)Forget,remember,go on,mean, regret, stop,try 等动词带动名词或不定式做宾语,意义上有区别。I mean to com

14、e early today.(我打算今天早些来)Missing the train means waiting for anther hour.(意味着再等一个小时)Stop speaking.(不要讲话)He stopped to talk(他停下来讲话)He regres having missed the train.I regret to tell you I cannot go with you.特别注意2)Need,require, want 表示“需要”时,必须用动名词,或不定式的被动,动名词的主动式表被动意义。The window needs(requires, wants )cleaning (to be cleaned)特别注意3)短语devote to ,get down to ,stick to,object to , look forward to ,to be used to 等后面的动词必须用动名词。特别注意4)只能带动名词做宾语的动词:finish ,enjoy ,suggest practice,mind excuse put up,give up,insist on cannot help (禁不住),cannot stand (无法忍受)



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