英语重点语法详解 disable和unable用法解析.docx

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1、英语重点语法详解 disable和unable用法解析1. disable 动词。vt.使残废;使丧失能力;使伤残;使无效;使不能运转,如:He was disabled in a car accident.他在车祸中残废了。The burglars gained entry to the building after disabling the alarm.窃贼破坏报警器后便得以进入大楼。She did all this tendon damage and it really disabled her.她遭受这么严重的肌腱损伤,这实际上让她残废了。His deformity totally

2、disabled him from following his vocation.他的残疾使他完全失去了从事他的职业的能力。Old age disabled him for hard work.年迈使他不能胜任繁重工作。The accident disabled him for work.这起事故使他丧失了工作能力。An accident disabled him from playing football.一场事故使他不能再踢足球了。One bomb can disable a ship.一枚炸弹就能炸毁一条船。注意:disabled adj.丧失能力的;有残疾的;无能力的n.残疾人Ther

3、e is a lack of adequate provision for disabled students.为残疾学生提供的服务不够。Most of these tools have been specially adapted for use by disabled people.这些工具多数已经过特别改装,供残疾人使用。The booklet should be very helpful to parents of disabled children.这本小册子对于残疾儿童的父母会很有用。Disabled visitors are welcome; there is good whee

4、lchair access to most facilities.欢迎残疾人士参观,坐轮椅可以方便地到达多数设施。She risked her own life to help a disabled woman她冒着生命危险去帮助一个残疾妇女。The gym can be used by both able-bodied and disabled people.这家健身房健全和残障人士都可使用。Five soldiers were each fined 140 for swiping a wheelchair from a disabled tourist5名士兵因偷窃一名残疾人游客的轮椅而每

5、人被罚款140英镑。We have formed an association to help the disabled.我们成立了一个帮助残障人士的协会。Its not polite to tease the disabled.取笑残疾人是不礼貌的。Dont make fun of the disabled!不要戏弄残疾人!It is our bounden duty to help the disabled.帮助残疾人是我们义不容辞的责任。caring for the sick, elderly and disabled关心老弱病残There are toilet facilities f

6、or the disabled.有残疾人士专用的卫生间设施。2. unable adj.不能的;无法;未能;没有所需技能(或力量、时间、知识等)主要和be able to 相对应I tried to contact him but was unable to.我试着跟他联系,却没联系上。The military may feel unable to hand over power to a civilian President next year.军方可能会觉得明年难以将政权移交给一位民选总统。The system is unable to log you on.这个系统无法让你登录。She

7、had shown herself unable to deal with money.她所做的事已表明她不善理财。The company was unable to match his current salary.当时公司付不起和他现在相同的工资。The police were unable to gain entrance to the house.警方怎么也进不去这栋房子。The police have been unable to serve a summons on him.警方一直无法把传票送达他本人。His natural mother was unable to care f

8、or him so he was raised by an aunt.他的生母不能照顾他,所以他是姑姑抚养大的。He was unable to contact Blake by radio.他未能通过无线电和布莱克取得联系。The company has been unable to fill the post.公司的这个空缺还未能填补。She was unable to tear her eyes away from him.她恋恋不舍地望着他。The road was so narrow that cars were unable to pass.道路太窄,汽车无法通过。They wer

9、e unable to mobilize the resources they needed.他们无法调用他们需要的资源。The boat was unable to make much headway against the tide.船逆着潮水没法开快。Hundreds of people were unable to gain admittance to the hall.数以百计的人未能获准进入大厅。I was unable to attend because of a previous engagement.我因有约在先,无法出席。She will be unable to atte

10、nd because of a prior engagement.因事先有别的安排,她将不能出席。I regret that I am unable to accept your kind invitation.很遗憾,我不能接受你的友好邀请。He was unable to hide his unease at the way the situation was developing.他无法掩饰对局势演变的忧虑。She was unable, or unwilling, to give me any further details.她不能,或不愿意,向我提供进一步的细节。Doctors were unable to save her.医生未能把她救活。She was unable to suppress her anger.她按捺不住怒火。She was unable to contain her excitement.她无法抑制内心的激动。She was unable to keep up the pretence that she loved him.她无法继续假装爱他了。



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