pep四英下useful expressions unit3.docx

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《pep四英下useful expressions unit3.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《pep四英下useful expressions unit3.docx(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、1. Listen and tick(1) Its hot and windy in Sydney. ( )(2) It is windy in Beijing. ( )(3) Its rainy in London. ( )(4) Its sunny in Singapore. ( )(5) Its snowy in Moscow. ( ) (6) Its cloudy in New York. ( ) 2Listen and fill in the blanks(1) Today its _ in Sydney.(2) Whats the weather like in _? Its wi

2、ndy.(3) Today it is _ in London. Can you go outside and fly a kite? _.(4) Is it cloudy in Singapore? _.(5) Is it snowy in Moscow? _.(6) Can you make a snowman(堆雪人)in Moscow?_.(7) Is it windy in New York? _. Write a weather report.This is the weather report. Its _.Make a dialogue.A: Whats the weather like in _ ?B: Its _ and _ . Its _ _ degrees.A: Is it _ _ ?B: _ .A: Can I _ ?B: _ _ .


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