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1、英语书面表达指导与训练(二)从句型训练到连句成篇句型一:To ones surprise/astonishment/(great)joy/satisfaction/disappointment/horror例:使他吃惊的是,他发现钱包丢了。To his surprise, he found his purse lost.(1) 使他吃惊的是,他这次考试竟然不及格。(2) 使我们高兴的是,他在班上名列第一。(3) 我们按时完成了作业,老师感到很满意。(4) 我发现他是一个生手,很失望。(5) 我惊恐地看见这孩子落入河中。句型二:Sb.+had thought/had hoped/had plan

2、ned/had expected/had supposed/had wanted/had meant例:他原想去请医生来的。He had thought to send for a doctor.(1) 她原来想给他回信的。(2) 我本来希望赶早班车,却发现车已开了。(3) 他们本指望看这场电影,但买不到票。(4) 他们原来想来看我们,可是恶劣的天气使他们改变了计划。(5) 我一点都没有预料到我会得一等奖。(6) 我们原想给她买件生日礼物的。(7) 谁会想到这是你干的?(8) 我们本来是想早来的。句型三:To be +形容词/过去分词+to do例:他欣喜地找到了丢失的自行车。He was d

3、elighted to find the lost bicycle.(1) 我很高兴又见到您。(2) 我真幸运赶上了最后一班公共汽车。(3) 听了这事我很难过。(4) 我们可以在明天完成这项工作。(5) 小心别着凉了。(6) 我愿意借给你一些钱。(7) 这部电视剧值得一看。(8) 我们急于参加这项个工作。(9) 他太骄傲,不屑参加我们的聚会。(10) 我听到他说的话很生气。(11) 他理解得很快(很慢)(12) 千万不要忘记。(13) 你这样做是好心的(聪明的;愚蠢的;正确的;错误的;粗暴的)。(14) 我们太乐意这样做了。(15) 他们看来过分紧张不安,并且过分急于离开。(16) 他乐意尽力

4、做好这项工作。(only toto do)(17) 得知儿子能够谋生的消息,父亲感到万分的高兴。(all/but tooto do)(18) 我听到这个消息吓了一跳。(19) 收到你的来信,我感到十分高兴。(20) 得知结果后,我感到很失望。(21) 我们看见他在那里感到惊讶。(22) 这个问题相当难回答(容易回答)。(23) 这水不宜饮用。(24) 这食物很好吃。(25) 这张画很好看。(26) 这女孩很容易相处。句型四:What(Whatever)从句+be+表语例:使我吃惊的是他英语讲得如此好。 What surprised me was that he could speak Engl

5、ish so well.(1) 然而,最使我吃惊的是看到村子里的一些人做在教室尽头的长凳上。(2) 他给我们留下的深刻印象是诚实。(3) 我们现在需要做的事是收集更多新信息。(4) 这里说的话都应该保密。句型五:Sb.+be+形容词+that从句例:他确信这是真的。He was sure that it was true.(1) 我确信他会成功。(2) 我担心我犯了一个严重的错误。(3) 很抱歉我做得没有应做的那么多。(4) 他以聪明而自豪。(5) 我很高兴(满意,惊奇)你在如此短时间内完成了这项工作。(6) 儿子考试有不及格,父母很失望。情景作文:史密斯先生下班回家时,突然惊奇地发现汽车不见

6、了。 他本想立即报警,但有不想麻烦他们。第二天他欣喜地发现汽车又回到了原地,车座上还有两张当晚的戏票和一张纸条。上面写道:“因有急事要办,未经许可用了车,谢谢。” 史密斯先生对此深信不疑,他与妻子在戏院里度过了愉快的夜晚。回家后,他们才发现家中物品被盗一空。(据情景提示写一篇130字的故事。)参考答案句型一:(1) To my surprise(astonishment ), he failed in the exam/he didnt pass the exam/he was not able to pass the exam/he didnt succeed in passing the

7、exam.(2) To my great jou,he stood first in his class.(3) To the teachers satisfaction(To the satisfaction of the teacher), we finished our homework on time.(4) To my (great) disappointment, I found that he was a new hand.(5) I found to my horror that the child fell into the river.句型二:(1) She had tho

8、ught of replying to his letter.(2) I had hoped to catch the early bus,but found it had left.(3) They had expected to see the film but couldnt get the ticket.(4) They had planned to pay us a visit, but the bad weather made them change their plan.(5) I hadnt (for a minute) expected that I should get t

9、he first prize.(6) We had wanted to buy her a birthday present(gift).(7) Who could have supposed it was you who did it?(=Nobody had supposed it was you who did it.)(8) We had meant to come earlier.句型三:(1) Im glad/happy/pleased to see you once more.(2) I was lucky enough to catch the last bus.(3) I a

10、m sorry to hear it .(4) We shall be able to finish the work tomorrow.(5) Be careful not to catch cold.(6) Im willing to lend you some money.(7) This TV play is worthy to be watched.This TV play is worthy of being watched.This TV play is worth watching.(8) They are eager(anxious) to take part in the

11、work.(9) He was too proud to join our party.(10) I was angry at his words. 或 I was angry to hear what he said.(11) He is quick(slow) to understand (at understanding).(12) Be sure not to forget it.(13) You are kind(clever;foolish;unwise;right;wrong;rude) to do so.Its very kind(clever;foolish;unwise;r

12、ight;wrong;rude) of you to do so.(14) We are too ready(willing)to do so.(15) They seemed to be too nervous and too anxious to leave.(16) He would be only too pleased to do his best to do the work well.(17) Father felt all(but)too satisfied to learn his son could earn his living.(18) He was frightene

13、d to hear the news(at the news).(19) I was delighted (glad;happy; pleased) to receive your letter.(20) I was disappointed to learn the result(at the result).(21) We were surprised to see him there.(22) The question is rather difficult(very easy) to answer.It is difficult(very easy) to answer the que

14、stion.(23) The water is not fit to drink.(24) The food is very nice to eat.(25) The picture is pleasant to look at.(26) The girl is easy to get along with.句型四:(1) But what surprised me most was to see some of the village people seated on the benches at the end of the room.或To my surprise, I saw some

15、 of the village people seated on the benches at the end of the room.(2) What struck us about him was his honesty.(3) What we should do now is to collect more new information.(4) Whatever was said here must be kept secret.句型五:(1) Im sure that he will succeed.或Im sure of his success.(2) Im afraid I have made a serious mistake.(3) I am sorry I havent done as much as I should.或Im sorry not to have done as much as I should.(4) He is


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