2017-2018学年高中英语 Module 2 Traffic Jam单元小结教学案 外研版必修4

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1、Module 2 Traffic JamAfter getting my driving permit, I bought a car in no time. I thought driving was more convenient and I didnt need to pay fares.Yesterday I was in a good mood to get around on it to explore our town. In the street, there were so many transport tools, including tricycles, cars, ta

2、xis, buses, airconditioned buses, trolleybuses, which were connected to electric wires. Soon I was stuck in the traffic congestion. I couldnt keep cool, so I blew the horn over and over again, but the drivers didnt react to me. Later, I found that the road was under construction and the roadworks wo

3、uld be completed in two weeks. I noticed an impressive young man pedaling skillfully and passing many cars. I finally realised cars did not provide us with convenience. It took me almost two hours to reach my destination, because I wasnt familiar with the routes. Besides, the speed in some crowded a

4、reas is limited to 30 kilometers per hour.At night, when I switched off the TV, I couldnt help thinking of the traffic jam. I think we should find a solution to it.拿到了驾驶许可证以后,我立刻买了一辆汽车。我想开车更方便而且不用付车费。昨天,我心情很好,想四处走走,探索一下我们这个城镇。街上有许多交通工具,包括三轮脚踏车、汽车、出租车、公共汽车、空调公共汽车以及与电线相连的电车。不久,我就被困在交通阻塞中了。我冷静不下来,于是不断地摁喇叭,但司机们都不理睬。后来,我才发现这条路正在建设中,而且道路施工两个星期才能完工。我注意到一个让人印象深刻的年轻人,熟练地蹬着脚踏车,超过了很多辆汽车。我终于意识到,汽车并不能为我们提供方便。我用了将近两个小时才到达目的地,因为我不熟悉路线,而且有些拥挤的地方速度被限制在每小时30千米以内。晚上,关上电视后,我禁不住想起了交通阻塞。我想我们应该想出一个解决方法。1



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