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1、新理念大学英语学习大厅5.0第五册第五单元视听说Part 1When we asked people to interact with their babies. Say hi. They spoke baby talk. Most people do no matter what language they speak. The baby talk gets the smiles and the ( imitates baby laugh ). Research shows that high-pitched, singsong voice helps a child learn words

2、, sentences, and the rhythm of a language. Look. Teddy bear. Teddy bear. But it emphasizes certain aspects of the structure of language the baby should pay attention to. Hello. Researchers also found that Americans, for some reason, are more exaggerated baby talkers than most Asians or Europeans. Be

3、cause we know, you know that these early years are very critical for learning a language.there are a lot of changes that take place in the period, say, between six and twelve months of age. Jordan Jordan, look Mama. Look at Mama. Hey. Studies show a baby understands his or her name by the age of fou

4、r and a half months, but when do they start understanding other words, like mommy and daddy ? To find out psychologist Peter Jusczyk and his team at Johns Hopkins demonstrated for us how they studied six-month-olds. Researchers masked the parent as not to influence the baby, and eventually played th

5、e words mommy or daddy. Mommy . Mommy. While infants like John here watched videos of their parents. Mom in one window, Dad in the other. Mommy . Mommy. At this early age babies appeared to understand. They looked more at their moms when they heard the word mommy Daddy. Daddy. And more at Dad when t

6、hey heard daddy. Infants did not respond when they watched videos of other adults. For this youngsters, mommy and daddy were not general terms, but specific people. According to the studys findings, a child at six months old will recognize the mummy as their mommy and daddy as their daddy. Its sort

7、of gradually happened over the last couple of months that if you say here cones mommy and then he knows what that means. Hes just very responsive to us in ways that he was not before, and we are starting to pick up that he knows something about words. Its important, then ,do you think, to talk to hi

8、m ? Oh, absolutely. Sure you bet. Talk a lot and in different tomes and in different inflections, and we sing to him a lot and laugh with him a lot. That interaction determines the sounds a child will eventually be able to say. But the time a child is ten months old, research indicates he or she is

9、already shutting out certain unfamiliar sounds. For example, English speakers have trouble distinguishing these Hindi sounds. Sound contrasts like dah and ndah. Japanese will stop hearing the difference between the sounds L and R. But a six-month-old Japanese infant has no difficult telling those di

10、fferences, but again, but ten to twelve months of age, theyre already staring to show a decline in that ability. Nicholas. Hey, boy. Hows your daddy ? So even though these babies are not old enough to say a word, they are sponges. What they are absorb now dramatically impacts the language or languag

11、es they will be able to speak fluently as adults.Part 2 SectionBHer name is synonymous with beauty, power, intrigue and ultimately tragedy. In 69 BC, Cleopatra was born into Egypts Ptolemaic Dynasty, a dynasty in decline and under the protection of Rome. At the age of 18, she assumed the throne alon

12、g with her younger brother as husband, Ptolemy XIII, according to Egyptian royal custom. But these royal siblings were hostile to each other, and Cleopatra was soon forced from power.Down but not out, Cleopatra waited for the right opportunity to prove her political cunning. That opportunity came wh

13、en Julius Caesar, the newly minted victor in Rome Civil War, arrived in Alexandria, Egypt in pursuit of a renegade Roman general. As legend has it, Cleopatra smuggled herself into his inner sanctum, rolled up inside a rug. Caesar was captivated and they soon fell in love. He took arms against Cleopa

14、tras rivals and restored her to the throne. Shortly after, she gave birth to a boy, Caesarian, whom she claimed was Caesars son.Egypt was a vastly wealthy country, and Cleopatra sought to keep it independent of Rome. Her affair with Caesar kept the Romans from taking direct control of Egypt, but his assassination made her status and that of her country uncertain.



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