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1、http:/ http:/ plant cultivation in English Teaching of translation摘要:园林植物栽培养护课教学方法要改革创新,要充分利用教学实践基地,实施专项教学实践模块,要充分利用实践实习基地,并增加实地教学,重视网络技术的应用,进行大胆教育教学创新探究。Abstract: the teaching method of maintenance course of gardening plant cultivation to reform and innovation, to make full use of teaching practice

2、 base, the implementation of special teaching module, to make full use of practice base, and increased field teaching, pay attention to the application of network technology, the bold innovation of teaching and education research.关键词:园林植物栽培养护; 实践教学; 创新Keywords : landscape plants cultivation; practic

3、al teaching; innovation随着园林事业的发展和壮大,需要大量面向城镇园林建设第一线,从事园林绿化、尤其是园林植物栽培养护管理等方面的应用型人才,实用型人才。With the development of the landscape industry and development, needs a large number of the urban landscape construction first-line, engaged in gardening, especially applied talents of garden plant cultivation an

4、d conservation management, practical talents.这就要求学生在校期间就能学到扎实的理论知识与实践技能,从而满足社会对人才的需要,在传授给学生知识的同时,更要注重及时巩固所学知识、技能,在记忆和体验的基础上提高知识本领和实践技能,使学生学有所用,掌握一技之长。This requires the students can learn the theoretical knowledge and practical skills solid, so as to meet the needs of society for talents, in impartin

5、g knowledge to the students at the same time, more attention should be paid to in time to consolidate the knowledge, skills, improve the knowledge of this field and practical skills in the basis of memory and experience, enable students to learn, have proficiency in a particular line.一、教学方法要改革创新A me

6、thod to reform and innovation, teaching教学方法和教学手段要大胆改革,这是培养高素质人才不可忽视的首要问题。在园林植物栽培养护的教学中进行教学方法的改进,是大势所趋,教学实践证明,应从以下几个方面入手。Teaching method and teaching means to bold reform, this is the first issue that can not be ignored the cultivation of high-quality talents. Improved, teaching methods in garden pla

7、nt cultivation and conservation of the teaching is represent the general trend, teaching practice, we should begin from the following several aspects.( 一) 增加多媒体示范教学( a ) to add multimedia demonstration teaching将理论与实践结合起来,对难理解的抽象内容用图片多媒体的方式展现给学生,同时用实物进行试验自己总结特点,这样学起来即轻松又牢固。现在的教学中往往会出现这样的问题: 教师在指导学生实际

8、操作的时候,学生总会提出各种各样的问题,会干扰老师的思路,这样的结果可能是,越做越差,越修改越对示范操作不利。因此在教学中应该遵循一般程序示范: 先选择一两个实例进行分析讲解,然后动手演示一个具体的操作,并在演示中和演示后总结出相关的普遍性原理,最后再进一步用不同的设计实例说明和印证相关的原理。这样,学生才能在学习和实践中快速提高实践技能。Combine theory with practice, to the abstract content hard to understand with pictures of multimedia to show the way to the stude

9、nts, and test their summary of the characteristics of real, so it easy and firm. Such problems often present teaching: teachers in guiding students practice, students will present a variety of problems, can interfere with the idea of the teacher, this could be the result of, getting worse, more modi

10、fications on the side of the demonstration. Therefore, should follow the general procedure demonstration in the teaching : first choose one or two examples to explain, and then began to demonstrate a specific operation, and summarizes the general principle in the demonstration and demonstration, fin

11、ally further design examples of different explanation principle and confirm related. In this way, students can enhance practical skills in learning and practice.多媒体教学具有图文并茂、生动形象、信息量大等特点,能直观、全面、生动地传递各类知识信息。Multimedia teaching has the characteristics of abundant, vivid image, a large amount of informa

12、tion, can be intuitive, comprehensive, vivid transfer all kinds of knowledge and information.它可以培养学生的创造性思维,提高形象思维的能力,同样也可以培养学生的想象的空间,更有利于对知识的理解和掌握。It can train students creative thinking, improve the ability of thinking in images, but also can cultivate students imagination space, more conducive to

13、the understanding and mastery of knowledge.( 二) 增加实例教学( two ) increase the example teaching实例教学即通过典型的实例的分析,引导学生的学习思路,起到举一反三的作用,是值得采用的教学方式。它还可以避免某些“只可意会,不可言传”的空洞理论现象的出现,同时要注意实例的选择应结合当前市场经济发展的前沿动态,让学生及时了解和掌握最新的信息和发展状况。Examples of teaching through the analysis of typical examples, learning ideas to gui

14、de students, to infer other things from one fact effect, is worthy of the teaching mode. It can also avoid some can only sense, empty theory can only be sensed the emergence of the phenomenon , and we should pay attention to the forefront of the dynamic instance selection should be combined with the

15、 current development of the market economy, to let the students understand and grasp the information and new developments.( 三) 增加实地教学( three ) increase the field teaching实地教学在许多学科教育中已广泛运用,面对职业教育的现状,要求我们培养的学生做到零距离就业,实地让学生有可看可比的内容,培养学生发现问题分析问题解决问题,让学生来评价总结,让学生积累知识,积累经验,同时心理上又不带压力的学习,更加贴近社会。通过典型实例的剖析,引

16、导学生触类旁通,最直观地接触现实的栽培管理,起到事半功倍的效果。通过组织学生到各类城市绿地中参观与调查,加强感性认识。这种身临其境的教学,具有事实胜于雄辩的说服力,是园林植物栽培课不可缺少的教学方式。以后的园林园艺工作者只有学会分析和感受实验结果的好坏、才能够在不断的积累中提升自己。组织学生到城市各类绿地和植物园参观学习,让学生看得见,摸得着,从认识植物到养护植物形成一个实践教学的知识链接。这种身临其境的教学方法具有寓教于乐,增强感性认识,缩短理论与实践之间距离的良好效果,是较好的教学方式。The practical teaching in many discipline education has been widely used, facing the present situation of occupati



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