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1、篇一:雅思写作常用黄金总结句雅思写作常用黄金总结句在复习雅思过程中同窗们可以合适总结雅思写作中常用句型,例如小编下面汇总的万用总结句,在不同的题目中可以将这些作为骨架,加入具体细节性内容,这样迅速写出一篇中规中矩的雅思作文。也可以积累下列句型,加入某些特殊词汇为自己的写作增长色彩。 雅思写作黄金总结句之.表达因素1) ther are trereson for thi.2) he reasnforthis reas llows3) the easn or ti i viou.4) t rn for this i nt far to see.5) thereaso for thi is that

2、.雅思写作黄金总结句之2.表达好处1) i s heflowing avntages.2) t dos ua lo o.3) it befs us qitea lo.4) ti of reat bnei t u雅思写作黄金总结句之3.表达害处1) has more dsdantages than avanaes.2) itos s uchr.3) itis arful tous雅思写作黄金总结句之4表达重要、必要、困难、以便、也许1) it is imprat(nesary,dificult,onvenient,posbl)for sb.o do th2) tnkit ncssary o do

3、 sth.3) i plysan imptant r n ur li.雅思写作黄金总结句之5.表达措施1) we shoudake sme effectvemesures.3)wsoul door mt indoing sth4)weshould ovehroblems hat w e confonte(face)with.雅思写作黄金总结句之6.表达变化1) some chages have aken pace n the past fie years.雅思写作黄金总结句之7.表达事实、现状1) one cn dey he fac tat.2) tere i no denyng he fac

4、t hat.3) his is aphenomenon tt many people iterestd in.4) oweer,ht noth case.雅思写作黄金总结句之8.表达比较1) thre i askig trastbewnthem.雅思写作黄金总结句之.表达数量1) tha inreas(decreased)fm.o.2) theopultioinhciy hasoinceased(ecrese)to0,0.1) eople ave(ake,dopt,aue)difeen atttuetoardsh.2) peoplehvediferen opiions n ti poblem.

5、3) pepl ke diferent ws of(n)th queton.4) som peopleeiev ha.othrsarge tat.篇二:雅思写作:高分结尾总结句雅思写作:高分结尾总结句雅思作文结尾段优秀句型,今天人们带来的是有关雅思作文结尾段优秀句型的具体简介,供人们参照,但愿对人们有所协助。雅思作文结尾句型推荐:1) inshort,i cae sad tt。2) itmay rifly smdup as folows。)igeeave alwith teesut that/a sult/consquently。.)as faras am conced/asfre, .。6)

6、this truh aboe seemo e sef-evident。7)eer we examine the bove, sch hig cn happes nwhernyme ayne。)i mpointoiw, iike/prefer amucmrthan b。9) till prefra, hwevr, orteyteacme not only t .but lso to be.,b n.andin.。1) there isnooubt tat。11) n rder toao wrld abet pace n hic t live we shoud ortsto。2)to a lare

7、 extent,.,refore, flects。13)if al e mtionedmeasures a chieed。4) werve y arend whateer ou do, .is always meaningfu。15)so lea/evidn/ovousit is hatthrere quite direntopinions o it。16)no, which oeo ourefe-theoe. t one.? were it lef to me to select,ishould not staed moentto choos th forme/latt。资料来源:教育优选/

8、retype/oom/da37e5110a6f42844?pn=&0&y=&rww=0w=4&o=jg_60_&type=i&imh2&md5sum=f1844f3ae106f90eefaa64e5&sin=a1c3f77om=&png=0-15&jpg056arge=_blk点此查看以上就是雅思小编带来的有关雅思作文结尾段优秀句型的具体简介,但愿对人们有所协助,雅思小编最后祝人们都能获得好成绩顺利踏上留学之路。篇三:雅思作文-好句总结好句总结:1. 多用suh替代he, .例:admitedly, ch isue ,to someexten,has gvn riseoa bunch of f

9、aiir etos(模板的第段开头)2. 开头句型:(放在文章中间也较好的句子)3. as our ies re satrated with the fl of (advertisnts) ,noe canoid beng iflencd by ad.(ads 错的,不能用简写哦)4. (a affi and incrsng polution) ae thor issu chalengng evry maorit n th globe(i h gobe全世界)5. 好处句型!6. a exrt a postive ict on .7. acan efetive way to (help)(简朴

10、但好用)8. fewthingscn be more(impressve)than tha(新3的哦,推荐) 5 play a votal le in6 beneifrom ./ prot fo一般 pomot the delopment of . she onrson 9 eovthe barrir for .10raiseones arenessf 常用11enabe sb odo 12 sb s thelitebeneficay (sb是。的最后受益者,社会问题类说人们应当自己也承当责任用)13 onsolidaes ts sttas h .14 get a clea esectiveo

11、 .15 give bot o .16 a is iispensablpar o b17 a sireplaeable bthe ignigcato t nee e igore19 a te eyngreien tob0 a made i pssib for sb to2 a exert a eulir facinato on a gea many eol . (新3的哦,推荐)fnd itimpossble toreit thtptatio to do 22 needle to say / ndeed,(可以放在任一句开头,较好用哦)23 devepashakble faith in ave

12、a reputatioof .25notingca catc the for 6 ma a contribution to (也可作写害处的句子 the it make is on contribut to noise)2 buildbrideseten 特别的impre ns physial and psycholgicawellbeig /sundness 身体心理健康 optimispeoleslvinsndad 提高人们生活水平eraicat poert 消除贫困itsotathatr iportant ,but bsasfy basic (uan) eeds满足规定ease the tensin an confts betwee lleatethe prblemof 消除冲突和紧张 be ll awar o h onsequecesthe impact (sportin actiities) goe farbeond t boundsof (lesr and recat



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