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1、话题 21 热点话题 (Topical issues)一、命题预测社会热点话题涉及人口增长、环境卫生、社会差异、环 境污染、 体育卫生等。 主要考查关于家庭、 教育、 社会道德、 价值观等方面的内容,如:校园安全、不文明旅游、老人跌 倒扶不扶、网络语言文化等。需要提醒考生的是,高考作文 不一定考当年的最热点话题,反而更有可能是一些具有长期 效应和影响的次热门话题。写作时,体裁一般以说明文、议论文或两者相结合的文 体为主,一般要开篇点题,主要时态为一般现在时,同时注 意灵活运用各种时态。话题多与社会现象有关,写作内容多 涉及现象、出现这种现象的原因、可能产生的影响、提出建 议或做出期望。二、常用

2、语块1. stop to do sth.停下来去做(另一事)2. take care of 照顾,照看3. enjoy doing sth. / like doing sth. 喜欢做某事4. advise sb. to do sth.建议某人去做某事5. help sb. with sth.在方面帮助某人6. help sb. out of trouble 帮助某人摆脱困境7. catch/take hold of 抓住8. be /get ready for 为做好准备9. be in great need of 很需要10. be satisfied with 对感到满意11. than

3、k sb. for doing sth. 因某事而感谢某人12. for the reason that.理由是13. take some measures to do sth 采取措施去做某事14. result in导致结果15. meet the case 碰到这样的事情三、套用句式1. I will do my best to help other people , if possible. 如果 可能的话,我会尽力去帮助别人。2. I feel very happy if I help others. 帮助别人我会感到很 幸福。3. When seeing an old women

4、crossing the street, why not just help her? 见到老奶奶过马路,为什么不帮她呢?4. When John reached home, he was feeling very tired yet he was happy for what he had done today. John 回到家时很累, 然而他为今天所做的事感到开心。5. Helping each other is a traditional virtue of China. 互相 帮助是中华传统美德。四、习作修改(做短文改错,背经典范文)Campus violence is now fr

5、equently report on TV , in newspapers and on the Internet, arouse a hot topic in society. Personally speaking, there are several reasons of it. Firstly , some students become less interested in getting a knowledge from school. They are addicted the online games. Gradually , they are not strict with

6、themself about their study , that finally leads to a negative attitude toward study. So here I suggested that school leaders should try every means to carry out a variety of student activity in school and encourage students to take an active part in kinds of social activities. However , they will no

7、t have more time to think much about the violence.五、课堂练习 旅游,为的就是愉悦身心,但在旅游中却有很多不文明 的行为发生,已经成为社会热点话题之一。假设你是李华, 请就此话题写一篇短文。内容如下:1. 旅游时,你见过的不文明行为。2. 见到不文明行为,你会怎么做。3. 我们怎样去制止它? 注意: 1. 词数 100 左右。2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。参考词汇: uncivilized behaviors 不文明行为 写作指导 本文应属于说明文,针对某种问题提出解决方法或措 施,可采用“问题 +方法措施 +(建议)”模式来写作,即:

8、 有哪些不文明的行为,作为中学生你会怎么做,你对制止不 文明行为有什么建议。主体时态为一般现在时。六、课外作业 近期有报道,一位学生见到老人摔倒后,扶起老人救了 老人,结果反被老人或家属咬定是撞倒老人的人,不得不赔 款。请写一篇短文, 就此发表看法, 主要内容包括: 1. 见到老人摔倒该不该扶及其理由。2. 分析不扶给社会造成什么不良影响。3. 为避免被误解,请给扶者提一两条建议。注意: 1. 词数 100 左右。2. 可以适当添加细节,以使行文连贯。参考答案与范文四、习作修改 本文主要首先指出校园暴力这种现象,然后分析产生校 园暴力的原因,最后提出解决校园暴力的建议。1. report宀re

9、ported用过去分词与前面的is构成被动语态。2. arousearousing与谓语动词 is reported之间没有并列 连词,故为非谓语动词,因 Campus violence与cause之间是 主动关系,故用现在分词作状语,表示结果。3. of for 表示“的原因”,用 reasons for。4. 去掉 knowledge 前面的 a 因为作“知识”解的 knowledge 是不可数名词。5. 在addicted后加to因be addicted to (沉迷于)是固 定短语。6. themself themselves 与主语 they 一致,反身代词用 复数。7. that

10、which 引导非限制性定语从句并在从句中作主 语,用 which 引导,指代前一句的内容。8. suggested suggest 根据上下文时态可知用一般现在 时。9. activity activities 因可数名词 activity 受 a variety of (各种各样)修饰,要用复数形式。10. However Therefore 根据上下文逻辑, 表示“从而, 、亠丄 ”这样”。五、课堂练习Recently, uncivilized behaviors during travel such as littering, making noise and jumping queu

11、e and so on, can be seen and discussed on TV, on the Internet, and in newspapers. As a middle school student, when there is an uncivilized behavior during travel , I will go and try to persuade him or her to obey the rules and correct their wrong actions. In order to prevent those bad actions, in my

12、 opinion , the government should take some strict and effective measures to stop them and those who break the rules should be punished, making them ashamed of that. What s more, we ourselves had better raise the awareness of being well-behaved when traveling.六、课外作业To help or not to help the old man

13、who falls down and injures , that is a question. But as for me, I would like to give him a hand, for the reason that my help may save his life in time , which is quiet necessary if he is seriously injured. If not , it will bring threat to his life. What s worse, it may result in social dishonesty and indifference. In order to protect ourselves , when we meet the case, we d better help the old and at the same time learn to protect ourselves. For example , we can ask someone to do it together and then call the police and health care workers for more help.(作者单位:广东茂名信宜市华侨中学)责任编辑 蒋小青



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