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1、. 2017年陕西国防工业职业技术学院高职单招考试模拟试题三 一、语音知识(共5小题;每题1.5分,共7.5分。)在下列每组单词中,有一个单词的划线部分与其他单词的划线部分的读音不同。找出这个词,并把它前面的大写字母填入左边括弧里。( )1.A. across B. away C. agree D. able( )2.A. training B. brain C. remain D. said( )3.A. cow B. throw C. low D. own( )4.A. pleasure B. sure C. Russia D. procession( )5.A. till B. wide

2、 C. polite D. decide二、词汇与语法知识(共25小题;每题1.5分,共37.5分。)从每小题的四个选择项中,选出最佳的一项,并把它前面的大写字母填入左边的括弧里。( )6. The flowers in our school _ the beauty of our campus.A. add B. add to C. add up to D. add up( )7. The boy wanted to ride his bicycle in the street, but his mother told him _.A. not to B. not to do C. not

3、do it D. do not to( )8. She thought I was talking about her daughter, _, in fact, I was talking about my daughter.A. whom B. where C. which D. while( )9. You dont need to describe her. I _ her several times.A. had met B. have met C. met D. meet( )10. Can you believe that in _ a rich country _ there

4、should be many poor people?A. such; such B. such; so C. so; so D. so; such( )11. Paul doesnt have to be made _. He always works hard.A. learn B. to learn C. learned D. learning( )12.There were already five people in the car but they managed to take me as well.It _ a comfortable journey.A. cant be B.

5、 shouldnt be C. mustnt have been D. couldnt have been( )13. If by any chance someone comes to see me, ask them to leave a _.A. message B. letter C. sentence D. notice( )14. _, Mother will wait for him to have dinner together.A. However late is he B. However he is lateC. However is he late D. However

6、 late he is( )15. Alice, why didnt you come yesterday?I , but I had an unexpected visitor.A. had B. would C. was going to D. did( )16.Who is Jerry Cooper? _? I saw you shaking hands with him at the meeting.A. Dont you meet him yet B. Hadnt you met him yetC. Didnt you meet him yet D. Havent you met h

7、im yet( )17. We agreed _ here but so far she hasnt turned up yet.A. having met B. meeting C. to meet D. to have met( )18. What did you think of her speech?She _for one hour but didnt _ much.A. spoke; speak B. spoke; say C. said; speak D. said; say( )19. After living in Paris for fifty years he retur

8、ned to the small town _ he grew up as a child.A. which B. where C. that D. when( )20. As she _ the newspaper, Granny _ asleep.A. read; was falling B. was reading; fellC. was reading; was falling D. read; fell( )21. How beautifully she sings! I have never heard _.A. the better voice B. a good voiceC.

9、 the best voice D. a better voice( )22. Wait till you are more _. Its better to be sure than sorry.A. inspired B. satisfied C. calm D. certain( )23.Hi, Tracy, you look tired.I am tired. I _ the living room all day.A. painted B. had painted C. have been painting D. have painted( )24.How was your rece

10、nt visit to Qingdao?It was great. We visited some friends, and spent the _ days at the seaside.A. few last sunny B. last few sunnyC. last sunny few D. few sunny last( )25. I first met Lisa three years ago. She _ at a radio shop at the time.A. has worked B. was working C. had been working D. had work

11、ed( )26.When can I come for the photos? I need them tomorrow afternoon.They _ be ready by 12:00.A. can B. should C. might D. need( )27. Yesterday Alice _ a wallet on her way to school.A. picked up B. picked out C. throw away D. kick away( )28. While standing there, the nice girl found the strangers

12、eyes _ her.A. fixed up B. looked at C. stared at D. glared at( )29. _ well go camping tomorrow depends on the weather.A. If B. Whether C. That D. Where( )30. The girl cried out: “I _ go out today.”A. had better not to B. had rather notC. would rather not to D. would rather not三、完形填空(共20小题;每题1.5分,共30

13、分。)通读下面的短文,掌握其大意。从每小题的四个选项中选出可填入相应空白处的最佳选择,并把它前面的大写字母填入左边括号里。If we were asked exactly what we were doing a year ago, we should probably have to say that we could not remember. But if we had kept a book and written in it an account of _31_ each day, we should be able to give an answer _32_ the questi

14、on.It is the same in the history. _33_ have been forgotten because we do not have any written account of them. Sometimes men _34_ a record of the important happenings in _35_ country, _36_ often it was destroyed by fire or in a war. Sometimes there was never any written record at all because the peo

15、ple _37_ did not know how to write. For example, we know _38_ the people who lived in China 4,000 years ago, because they could write and _39_ written records for these who live _40_ them. But we know _41_ nothing about the people who lived even 200 years ago in Central Africa, because they _42_.Som


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