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1、Unit4 My familyTeaching content:译林英语三年级(上)Story time and Letter timeTeaching aims:1. Master the following words and thefamilyThis is 2. Be able to act the dialogue.3. Be able to use the sentence: This is”correctly in the realsituation.4. Master the following letters:Ll ,Mm ,Nn and can write themcorr

2、ectly.Teaching important and difficult points:1. Be able to act the dialogue and introduce their family members.2. Be able to use the sentence: This is”correctly in the real situation.3. Master the following letters:Ll ,Mm ,Nn and can write them correctly.Teaching procedure:Step 1 Warm-up1. Listen t

3、o a song Family song .2. Today Im veny happy to come this class. I feel the class is a big family. Do you love your family? Ss: Yes.Me, too. I love my family. (PPT show)3. Read the title My family .Step 2 presentation and practise1. Today I bring an interesting family . Lets know them. Listen to the

4、 song, please. Finger family 2. Ok, boys and girls, Look! This is finger family .This is father Dadly (伸出大拇指)mother / momy 食指 brother中指sister无名指baby小指3. Baby can introduce yourself: This is me . ( learn )Read the sentence one by one (做动作)Read the sentence together.4. Father, motherbrother, sister an

5、dme, Thisis myfamily.( 用手指作以介绍 )Canyou showyourfingerfamily?Who can?学生自由练说、找学生起来说。OK. This isyourfamily(一名学生介绍完后)5. Now , myfriendMikewants toshowus hisfamily.Lets know Mikes family, OK?.Watch the cartoon, please.First, answer my questions: How many people?Who are they?(PPT 出示)Play the cartoon and w

6、atch.Check the answers : Five. Father, mother, brother, sisterand Mike. fathermothersister相机板书。6. T: Mike是怎样介绍照片中自己的? This is me!7. This is Mikes family. Listen to the tape and imitate / repeat. Please read the story by yourself.8. Boysand girls. Who can tryto introduceMikesfamily, Try.找学生介绍用Mikes f

7、amily .第一遍用第一人称,看板书提示(This is my),第二遍用第三人称拓展(This is Mikes)9. This is Mikes family. Can you introduce your family?Show time (PPT)Thisismyfamily(用家庭照片介绍)ThisismyThisisme.Act tips:1、你的同学到你家做客时看到了你家的相册。2、你和爸爸在超市里遇到了你的英语老师和他的朋友。3、你和妈妈在公园里遇到了你的好朋友和他的爸爸。Learni ng tips :(PPT)Hello,Good morning / Good after

8、 noon This is my Good bye./ See you.10. Now, We have know Fin ger family, Mikes family. Iwant to introduce another familyletters family.Look!Thisis广Lily图 1Mingming 图 2 (PPT 出示)INini图3Can you spell their names? Let s have a look.ThisisLl/ e l /(PPT)n extMm/ e m /四线三格出示n extNn/ e n /每学完一个字母随时就示范书写,让学生

9、在纸上跟着写。11. What can you find in the letters of pronun ciatio n and writing?Learni ng tips :(PPT 出示)开头都是以/ e /发音。这三个字母的大写都是占 格。L是笔,M、N是笔,它们的小写都是笔。这三个字母的启闭都是先写 。12. Can you say and write the letters?Ticki ng time ( ppt )Now, lets check, ( have a dictation )Nn Ll Mm(check answers把正确的一张放在展台上)找几位同学的默写纸拿上

10、来展示。全对:Youre right, you can get three stars.错 1: You can get one star.错 2: You cant get stars.13. Boys and girls. How many stars can you get?Youre very good (奖励小星)Step 3: consalidationToday we have knew three families . How did they introduce?Learni ng tips :(PPT 出示)1. 当你向别人介绍家人或朋友时,你可以说:This is my

11、.He s .She s 2. 其他常见家庭成员类单词:uncle (叔叔、舅舅)aunt (姑姑、姨妈)cousin (表/堂兄弟、表/堂姐妹)son (儿子)daughter (女儿)3. 熟练掌握字母Ll Mm Nn.Step 4:Homework.1. Listen to the tape and read the story and the letters. (听录音跟读 Story time 和 Letter time。)2. Introduce your family to your friends or classmates.(向你的朋友或同学介绍你的家人。)教学反思:本节课是

12、将单元中的 storytime 和 Letter time 版块融合 在一起进行的教学。 整个教学内容包含以下三个环节: 一是通过 Finger family 来导入,根据三年级小学生的年龄特点,借助孩子们熟悉的 Finger family 来导入和调动课堂,激起学生的学习兴趣,并使 新知在趣味的歌曲中提前渗透,再进行相应的词汇和句型 This is 的教学二是介绍Mike family。我通过对自己的家庭照片的介绍来引导孩 子们对课文的阅读和学习,学生在操练时又拓展了This is ones的句型。三是创设一个 Letters family,即 Lily、Mingming、Nini 三个名字 的呈现,来导入字母 Ll 、 Mm、 Nn 的学习。在字母学习环节,在发音 正确的基础上注重对孩子们的书写示范和指导,对于初学英语的孩子 来说,夯实字母基础特别重要和关键。从整节课来看, 我关注了学生体验性学习, 注重了学生的兴趣的培 养,提倡学生交流与合作,学生的学习积极性较高,重难点也基本掌 握,但缺少自主创新学习 。同时,因为课文的简单易懂,所含的信息 量少的缘故,我忽视了文化对语言的影响,而导致了一些语言情景的 不真实,和虚假的语言的产生。所以在教学中一定要注重真实情境的 创设和运用,让学生有话说,并且说“真话”。



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