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1、教学设计方案终稿 课 题 Lesson 20 Say it in five 姓 名 单琴学 科 英语 学 校 年 级 九年级 教学目标 1. 掌握词汇:line, text, single, screen, state, express 2. 掌握文中出现的一些典型句型: Look at the poem on the right. Each line has a set number of words. 3. 接触并了解五行诗。 4. 理解课文意思并能回答课后的问题。 学生情况分析 本班学生共43人,总的说来,大部分学生英语学习兴趣较浓,但学习基础参差不齐,约三分之一的学生有较强的英语听说读

2、写能力,但另外的三分之二的学生学习效果不太理想。 教学重难点 掌握文中的重点短语和句型 理解五行诗,会写五行诗 教学过程 (包含教师活动、学生活动、设计意图、技术应用等) 教学过程 Step1 Warming up T: Lets recite some Chinese poems.Do they follow a pattern? Ss: Yes. T: Today, well learn about five-line poem. What pattern does a five-line poem follow? Do you know? Ss: No. T: Dont worry. L

3、esson 20 will tell you. Lets come to.(write the title on the blackboard) Step2 Presentation 1. Show a five-line poem to students: Computer Bright screen Humming with information Show me the world Connect 2. Encourage students to understand the meaning of this poem, check their understanding, then as

4、k them to find out the rules of this kind of poems: Line 1 has one word, Line 2-two words.Lets learn more about five-line poems(T). Step3 Reading 1. Have students read the text by themselves and answer T or F, then check their answers. 1) A five-line poem was created by an English poet.( ) 2) This k

5、ind of poem always talks about a single topic. ( ) 3) We can only use a noun and an adjective to describe in Line 2. ( ) 4) The 4 words in Line 4 is used to express a thought or a feeling about your topic. ( ) 5) Both the first line and the last line have one word in a five-line poem.( ) 2. Sum up t

6、he features of this kind of poems. 3. Have students read a second time, finish Lets do it No.1.as fast as they can. Then check their answers. 3. Have Ss. Read the text a third time, and ask if they have any questions, explain some of them if necessary. a set number of. express. Step 5 Try to write t

7、heir own five-line poem and share with their classmates. Step 6 Homework. 板书设计 Look at the poem on the right. Each line has a set number of words. State, express, line, a set number of, single 教学设计初稿的修改点 增加部分:本课进行完毕后,在第五步之前(-Step 5 Try to write their own five-line poem and share with their classmate

8、s.)在学写五行诗之前,让学生根据课文内容理解本课标题的意思,并辨析in,with,by用法。加深学生对五行诗的理解记忆。 磨课活动小结 磨课活动过程分析 教学过程流畅,结构层次分明,环节布局紧扣教学的重难点,但我没有敢大胆放手让学生主动学习、探究,因为课堂时间较紧,学科带头人邓老师提出了一个让师生互动的建议,又花了很多时间帮我改进教件。针对这些情况,“二磨”中调整了教学结构,加大了课堂容量,把课堂设计为展现学生能力的舞台,师生互动操作恰到好处。课堂环节有条不紊,层层推进,使学生在动手、动脑的实践活动中探索研究对象的变化规律。 活动反思 活动反思 本次磨课,我们发挥了集体的智慧,磨出了教师创新

9、思维的火花,磨出教师合作交流的默契,磨出教师把握教材的深度,磨出教师揭开教材的高度。 通过磨课,给我很深刻的启示,磨课可以指导教师深刻理解教材、精选教学方法、丰富教学手段,提高每个教师的教学水平。 要上出精品课,就必须深入钻研教材,了解教学内容,教学任务,教学目标,教学重难点,才能设计出最佳的教学方案。在磨课中,为了得到更好的教学效果,我们花了不少精力,上网查找资料,撰写教案,制作课件,反复推敲,几经斟酌,深入到每一个细节。对如何调动学生的积极性、如何处理教材等,进行了反复研讨。这个过程就是教学能力提高的过程。其次,通过互相听课、评课,取长补短,借鉴他人的优点,使自己的专业水平得到更大的提高。



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