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1、山东省曹县三桐中学2014年高二上学期期末考试英语试卷一、单项选择 本大题共15道小题。1.We didnt dare to make _ sound for _ fear of waking the sleeping baby.A. a; the B. a; / C. /; / D. /; the2.The young teacher has been so _ with work that she hasnt had time for social activities.A. absorbed B. blessed C. occupied D. devoted3.Before the op

2、ening ceremony of the supermarket, some workers are sent to _ leaflets on the road.A. abandon B. accumulate C. drop D. distribute4.How he wishes he had a family _ both his parents would treat him like a friend.A. which B. that C. where D. who5.- How do you think I should respond to his words? - You

3、can do it _ you like.A. no matter how B. however C. no matter what D. whatever6.The dog has a(n) _ sense of smell while the rabbit has a sharp sense of hearing.A. acute B. cautious C. flexible D. valid7.I walked as fast as I could, _to catch the 930 train. A. hoping B. to hope C. hope D. hoped8.- Di

4、d you buy the dictionary?- No. My lost dictionary was found, so I _ a new one.A. didnt need to buy B. neednt have bought C. shouldnt have bought D. mustnt have bought9.Father _ our washing machine the whole morning. He must get it done before lunch.A. has repaired B. repairs C. will repair D. has be

5、en repairing10.Gary was behaving as if nothing _.A. happened B. has happened C. had happened D. will happen11._ the books, he realized they were far from enough and told some of us to share.A. Having counted B. Counts C. To have counted D. Counted12.We were having a picnic when _ there came a downpo

6、ur, which was really a wet blanket.A. all at once B. in addition C. in return D. as well13._ a reply, I decided to write another letter.A. Not receiving B. Not received C. Not having received D. Having not received14.Children like to _ what they have but others dont have, which makes them proud.A. c

7、heer up B. give up C. show off D. put off15.- Does Mike always go on holiday together with his sister? - _. If he has his holiday the same as she, then they go together.A. Its his guess B. Its up to you C. Thats settled D. That depends 一、完型填空 本大题共1道小题。16.完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A

8、.B.C和D),选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Have you ever wished you could fly like a bird? If so, you have to think again. I learned how to fly when I was six years old, and it was not a 36 experience at all!It happened on the 37 in Belgium. I was happily building a sandcastle when a lady 38 and began to ta

9、lk with my parents. I 39 that they wouldnt talk long, because she had a huge horrible dog on a leash! It was 40 its owner by her feet, trying to get her to go. It seemed that even the owner was growing 41 with her dogs movements, as to my 42 , she turned to me and said, “Would you like to walk my do

10、g?”ME? I was sure the dog would eat me whole in one bite. I 43 looked at my parents to see if they would rescue me, but they were paying no 44 to me.A second later it was firmly tied to my wrist and I had no choice but to 45 the dog. At first, it wasnt so 46 . The “monster” took its time, walking he

11、re and there. Then 47 it took off like a rocket. My arm was nearly injured as I found myself being sent into the air.In a few seconds, everyone on the beach was 48 at me as if I had become some kind of local attraction. I tried hard to 49 the sand with my feet.Then the dog 50 . And I fell onto the s

12、and. The creature must have been 51 , because it was walking slowly back to 52 my parents and its owner were. When we finally got back, I noticed the looks of 53 on their faces. My parents said, “What took you so 54 ? Little boys shouldnt wander away that far!” And then I began to 55 loudly.Is it st

13、range that I have grown up to be a person who likes cats more than dog?36. A. secret B. fun C. suitable D. creative37. A. road B. radio C. beach D. platform38. A. came up B. gave up C. came out D. gave out39. A. planned B. pretended C. wished D. guessed40. A. carrying B. watching C. cheering D. bothering 41. A. impatient B. impolite C. unnatural D. unclear42. A. horror B. delight C. honor D. regret43. A. exactly B. fortunately C. specially D. anxiously44. A. money B. debt C. time D. attention45. A. beat B. borrow C. follow D. forget 46. A. boring B. bad


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