三年级上册英语教案Module9 Unit2He's a doctor外研社

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1、要练说,得练看。看与说是统一的,看不准就难以说得好。练看,就是训练幼儿的观察能力,扩大幼儿的认知范围,让幼儿在观察事物、观察生活、观察自然的活动中,积累词汇、理解词义、发展语言。在运用观察法组织活动时,我着眼观察于观察对象的选择,着力于观察过程的指导,着重于幼儿观察能力和语言表达能力的提高。教学目标:1、能听、说、认单词:he, she 、doctor, driver, policeman, nurse, farmer.2、学会用Hes a 。 Shes a 。来谈论不同职业。3、营造一种轻松愉快的学习气氛,利用多种形式激发学生学习英语的兴趣与主动参与的积极性。教学重难点:熟练掌握本课单词并能

2、灵活运用Hes a 。 Shes a 。这一句型。教学方法:运用情景呈现、做游戏、猜谜、竞赛等多种符合小学生心理特点的活动展开教学。同时配合录音机和贴图进行教学。教学步骤:一、Warming up.1. Hello, boys and girls. Today I will be your English teacher. First, let me introduce myself. Im Mr Liu. My name is Liu Yongbo. Im from Qianning Primany School. Im an English teacher. Now who can int

3、roduce yourself?2.T:Whats your name? S: My name is .T: How are you? S: Im fine .Thank you.T: Can you introduce your friends? Who is he/she?S: He/She is .这时,教师指着一个男生说:She is .让学生自己订正过来He is .多找几个学生进行练习,练到学生明白男的应该用he 女的应该用she为止。二、New lesson .T: Look at the picture. Who is he?S: He is a doctor.T: Today

4、 we will study new lesson. (板书课题)。 Module 9 Unit2 He is doctor. Now open your books on page 36. Look your books.Activity1. Lets listen, point and say. Are you ready ? (Listen to the tape.)T: Now, lets listen to the tape again. But this time, lets try to repeat. (Listen to the tape again.)(Show Pictu

5、re1)T: Look at the picture. What is he? S: He is a doctor.(师把图片贴在黑板上,并在下面写上单词。边写边要求学生跟读。)T:OK, read after me together. ( Follow me./Look at my mouth.)师领读:doctor, doctor, doctor, he is a doctor. (领读时加上动作,让学生能猜出是医生。)T: Who wants to be the doctor?多找几个同学重复,并给予奖励,如果学生出错,师可以说:You are good. But you have a

6、bit wrong. Who can help him/her?T: Now lets read the text together. Ready?S: Yes!T: He is a doctor. One two start!生齐读课文。T: Look at the blackboard .Lets read again.T: Now, who has any questions?如有学生提问,有不会的,可以找同学帮助解答。师加以引导。以此类推,教授其它几种职业。三、Play a game.T: Now, if you havent any question. Lets play a gam

7、e. Who wants to try ?Can to the front!T: I say and you will point to the pictures. Are you ready?S: Yes!T: Point to the.再找两个同学上前表演,这次找同学来当老师,下指令。最后师做一评价:The boy is good. The girl is better. You are a very good teacher.四、 Activity.T: Look at your books. Activity2. Listen,point and say. You are going

8、to hear different sounds. Lets have a guess: what is he?(Listen to the tape.)让学生听录音猜职业。五、Act it out.T: Now close your books .Lets play a guessing game. Who wants to try? Come here!师让上来的同学表演动作,叫其他同学猜是什么职业。并及时给与奖励。T: Who can tell me what is he? (Clever/Great/Well done)T: OK, lets practice in pairs, then change the role.找几个同学表演一下。( Well done! )T: Today Im very happy. Are you happy? But its time to say: Goodbye!六、Homework.用这一模块所学的内容,来介绍一下你的家人,包括他的年龄、职业、爱好等。下一节课咱们找同学来练习,到时由同学们自己来评出一个“最佳表现奖”。 /


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