Unit 6 Fruit 教案 2.doc

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1、 Unit 6 Fruit 教案 2一、教学目标1、知识目标:通过学习使学生能理解儿歌内容,能说出四种水果的名称词。2、能力目标: 通过课堂学习操练,使学生能用英语表达自己对某种水果的喜好。3、情感目标:通过多种活动形式,激发学生英语学习情感,使之积极参与课堂活动。同时教育学生互相谦让。4、策略目标:通过设置小组学习任务,发展学生个性,培养学生创新意识及合作学习意识。二、教学重点难点1、词汇: apple, pear, banana, peach, melon, orange2、句子:Do you like?Yes, I do/No, I dont.三、教具准备课本、图片、词卡、实物、计算机课

2、件、调查表。 四、教学过程设计活动一:Step One: Getting the pupils ready for class.T: Are you ready for class?SS: Yes!T: Lets begin our class, OK?SS: OK!T: Now, Class begins.Ss: Stand up!Step Two: Greetings.T: Good morning/afternoon, class.Ss: Good morning/afternoon, Ms Wu.T: Nice to see you!Ss: Nice to see you, too!活

3、动设计:师生问好,日常用语对话。设计意图:以平等的口吻与学生交流,可有效拉近师生距离,使课堂气氛和谐融洽,能很快将学生带入课堂。活动二:Lets chant.Red, red, I like red.Green, green, I like green.Black, black, I like black.Blue, blue, I like blue.Pink, pink, I like pink.Green, green, I like green.White, white, I like white.What colour do you like?活动设计:让学生边听录音边跟唱儿歌。设计

4、意图:通过说唱歌谣,调动学生情绪调节课堂气氛。同时复习“I like.”句型,为新课做准备。活动三:T: You can chant it very well! So, you can get the prize. I will make some fruit salad for you! Do you know salad? (Show a bottle of salad dressing and a bowl of fruit salad.) Do you like salad? Fruit salad is delicious. For me,(Show an apple)I like

5、apples, I like the apple salad. (Face to one of the pupils, and show a pear.) Maybe you like pears, so you like the pear salad. (Face to another pupil and show a banana.) Perhaps you like bananas, so you like the banana salad. (Face to the whole class.) What kind of fruit salad shall we make? It dep

6、ends on you!活动设计:教师用语言导入,明确教学目标。设计意图:本环节为布置任务,目的是让学生明确本课学习内容及学习目的,即让学生对为何要学习做到心中有数,从而激发学生的学习热情。实物教具的利用可增强学生对新知识的感性认识,有利于学生理解。活动四:T: (Point to the screen.) What do you see in this picture?Ss: I see an apple, a banana/ peach .活动设计:学生根据教师提问将自己感兴趣的水果名称说出来,教师将相应水果图片贴在黑板上。设计意图 1:本环节为知识整体输入,使学生明确本节课将要学到的知识

7、有哪些。语言点落实到单词阶段,即此环节的学习结束后,学生对本课所呈现的六种水果应有一个清晰的概念,同时能用英语说出两三种自己感兴趣的水果。能力强的学生可能说的更多,这样也可使各种层次的学生都有所得。设计意图 2:以课件形式呈现多种水果图片,供学生选择性地学习。学生自由发言,说出自己已记住的水果名称词,这样不仅可以让学生学会合作学习,同时也能兼顾到不同层次的学生,给他们最大限度的发展空间。T: (Give the pupils some samples, and ask them to speak out the sentence. For example, show an apple.) An

8、 apple.T: (Show two apples.) Apples. I like apples. I like apples. Do you like Apples?I like pears. Do you like Pears?I like oranges. Do you like oranges?I like bananas. Do you like bananas? T: Do you want to know what kind of fruit your friend like? You can go and ask him or her now. 活动设计:首先,教师利用实物教具教给学生如何用英语表达自己喜欢的水果。其次,教师有选择地提问 10 名学生(不同层次),进行机械操练。最后,教师组织学生进行自由问答活动。设计意图:因为“ Do you like?” 和“I like.”是学生熟悉的句子,在教师做了大量的示范后,让学生自由问答可增强他们学习的实效性,并使他们意识到用英语交际的快乐,从而体验成就感,同时为后面的小组活动做语言准备。


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