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1、 新概念英语单词第3册Lesson50:New Year resolutions新年的决心【单词例句】His determination carried him through the ordeal.他靠坚决的信念度过了难关。【单词扩大】determination决心【单词搭配】make a resolution下定决心 mentally ”mentaiil adv.内心里 compile km”pal v.缟辑,编制formidable ”fmdb()l; f”md- adj.令人畏惧的【派生词】formidably可怕地【单词例句】It is a formidable task, but

2、we are determined not to shrink from it.这是一个特别艰难的任务,但是我们决不退缩。 recur r”k 再发生,又消失 regularity rej”lrt 规律性accomplish 到达【派生词】accomplishment成就【单词扩大】attain获得,到达 run to到达【单词例句】A: So far he always accomplisbed his objects.A:迄今为止总让他得逞。B: We must take a harder line now.B:我们现在必需强硬点。 attainment ”tenm()nt 到达 【单词例

3、句】Some further measured policy firming is likely to be needed to keep the risks to the attainment of both sustainable economic growth and price stability roughly balance.可能需要进少有克制的紧缩政策,以保持实现经济可持续增长和物价稳定两者的风险根本平衡。【单词扩大】 beyond attainment无法企及 inveterate km”pal adj.根深蒂固的 【派生词】inveterately根深蒂固地【单词例句】Jam

4、es is an inveterate smoker.詹姆斯是一个无药可救的瘾君子。【单词扩大】inrooted根深蒂固的 ingrained n”grend 根深蒂固的【单词扩大】inveterate hatred宿怨 inveterate illness顽疾 self-improvement ”selfim”pru:vmnt 自我完善 scheme skim 打算,方案ambitious m”bs 炫耀的【派生词】ambitiously雄心勃勃地【单词例句】A:Many people have doubts on the prospect ofjobs such as secretary.

5、 What is your opinion about this?A:许多人对于秘书这样的职位的将来进展前景都有顾虑。就这一点你是如何对待的呢?B: In terms of career development,I think the most important thing is what you want to gain from work.I hope my work and my life will balance.I am not an ambitious person, but I will do my work with patience and efforts.B:就事业进展角

6、度来讲,我认为最主要是看你盼望从工作中得到什么。我盼望我的生活和工作能够平衡,我不是一个有很大野心的人,但是我会把工作兢兢业业地做好。 pitfall ”ptfl 意外的逆境,易犯的错误 modest ”mdst adj.要求不过分的,虚心的【单词例句】A: Most learned men are modest.A:大局部有学问的人都很虚心。B:I cant agree with you more.B:我完全赞成你的说法。 assiduously ”sidusli adv.刻苦地 self-discipline n.自我约束frame frem 躯体【单词搭配】picture frame画框

7、【单词例句】A:Her whole frame was quivering with passion.A:她的整副身架都因感动而颤栗。B:I can understand her feeling.B:我能理解她的感受。 betray b”tre 暴露,显露 【派生词】betrayer叛徒【单词搭配】betray a secret泄露隐秘【单词例句】A: He is not the man to betray a friend.A:他不是出卖朋友的人。B:And who do you think is the betrayer then?B:那你认为谁是叛徒呢? troop trup 成群地走动

8、 unsettle n”set()l 让使担心taunt tnt n./v.称赞,讽刺人的话【单词搭配】taunts and jibes冷嘲热讽【单词搭配】A: You should not taunt him with his failure in the examination.A:你不应当由于他考试不及格而称赞他。B: Sorry, I”ll apologu:e to him.B:对不起,我会向他赔礼的。 cellar ”sel 地窖 good-humouredly ,gud”hju:mdli adv.和气地,心情好地wane wen v渐渐变小,变弱diminish d”mn 削减,缩小【派生词】diminishing缩小的【单词扩大】decrease削减,降低【单词例句】We must diminish the administrative expenditure.我们必需缩减行政开支。 hypnotize”hpntaz 使欲睡使模糊 undoing ”hpntaz 祸根,消灭的缘由【单词例句】In the end his ambition was his undoing.到头来他的野心是造成他消灭的缘由。screen ”hpntaz 电视机屏幕


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