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1、高考专题训练条件状语从句1. Take warm clothes _ the weather is cold.Ain caseBin case ofCbecause ofDso that2. We dont know _. If she _ , Ill let you know.Aif she comeswill comeBif she will comecomesCwhether she comescomesDwhether she will comewill come3. You will never be successful _ you are fully devoted to you

2、r work.AbecauseBunlessCifDwhen4. In the United States and some other countries, it is the drivers responsibility to make sure that children under fourteen do not ride in the front seat _ they are wearing a seat belt of some kind.AwhileBevenCuntilDunless5. The topic is too difficult to understand. Tr

3、y to simplify your speech _ it goes beyond the children.Aeven thoughBnow thatCso thatDin case6. I brought some extra money _ I found something that could be my sons birthday gift.Aso thatBin order thatCafterDin case7. Life is to be enjoyed. There is no point in giving up something you enjoy _ you ge

4、t something back thats even better.AbecauseBsoCunlessDthough8. You will never achieve success _ you keep working hard.AifBbecauseCwhenDunless9. He had his camera ready _ he saw something that would make a good picture.Aeven ifBif onlyCin caseDso that10. Father made a promise _ I did well in the entr

5、ance exam, he would take me to Hong Kong in the summer vacation.Aif thatBifCthat ifDthat11. Make sure you save all your work on screen _ the computer breaks down.Ain caseBas ifCso thatDeven though12. _ you exercise regularly as well, you wont be able to lose weight only by eating less.AOnceBWhenCIfD

6、Unless13. If a person _ for two days, he will have no energy for work.Awho does not eat or drinkBwho does not eat or who does not drinkCdoes not eat or drinksDdoes not eat or drink14. Dont act before you have a second thought about the mission _ you are unable to handle any potential emergency.Aas l

7、ong asBso thatCeven ifDin case15. Many customers will have to wait for months to buy this kind of cars _ the assembly line workers work day and night.AifBunlessCwhetherDthat16. _ peer pressure has a stronger impact on teenagers than any amount of government intervention, it is not surprising that th

8、e governments efforts to fight against drug abuse will meet more resistance with younger consumers.AIn thatBGiven thatCOn condition thatDAlthough17. All the dishes in this menu, _ otherwise stated, will serve two or three people.AasBifCthoughDunless18. Do you mind if I go out this evening?I dont min

9、d what you do _ you let me know ahead of time.Aever sinceBin caseCas long asDeven though19. She stepped into the bedroom quietly, _ she might wake up her roommate.Afor fear thatBso long asCon condition thatDin order that20. It is so cold that you cant go outside _ fully covered in thick clothes.Aunl

10、essBifConceDwhen21. Do you think we can get there on time?Yes, _ the car doesnt break down.Aeven ifBin caseCso long asDonly if22. _ you visit the website, you can find the information you need.AAlthoughBAs long asCSinceDUnless23. Life is to be enjoyed. There is no point in giving up something you en

11、joy _ you get something back thats even better.AbecauseBsoCunlessDthough24. Be sure to set two alarms, just _ the first one doesnt go off.AifBwhenCof whichDin case25. You wont get a good seat _ you arrive early.AunlessBonceCifDas26. I can lend you the book _ that you can return it to me on time.AifB

12、unlessCprovidedDso27. Could you please cut the price a little?Er _ you buy more than ten.Aeven ifBso long asCthoughDas soon as28. You will have to stay at home all day _ you finish all your homework.AunlessBifCwhetherDbecause29. Always believe that your goal is attainable _ you commit yourself to it

13、.Aas far asBas long asCunlessDuntil30. _ they had taken adequate precautions, they wouldnt have lost so much.AIfBSinceCThoughDWhen31. He hasnt got any hobbies_ you call watching TV a hobby.AifBas long asCunlessDalthough32. _ a bad habit is formed, it will take a long time to get rid of it.AEver sinc

14、eBWhileCOnceDEven if33. A small car is big enough for a family of three _ you need more space for baggage.AonceBin caseCifDunless34. Bill asked _ or not Id move to Boston _ I got the job.AwhetherwhetherBififCwhetherifDifwhether35. Im going to buy my mum a biouse _ I can think of a better idea for a present.AbecauseBafterCuntilDunless36. The men will have to wait all day _ the doctor wor


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