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1、专业四级(TEM-4 2008)Salt , shells or metals are still used as money in out-the-way parts of the world today.Salt may seem rather a strange (31) to use as money,(32) in countries where were the food of the people is mainly vegetable, it is often an (33) necessity.Cakes of salt, stamped to show their (34)

2、 , were used as money in some countries until recent (35) , and cakes of salt (36) buy goods in Borneo and parts of Africa.Sea shells (37) as money at some time (38) another over the greater part of the Old World . These were (40) from East to West.Medal, valued by weight, (41) coins in many parts o

3、f the world. Iron, in lumps, bars or rings, is still used in many countries (42) paper money. It can either be exchanged (43) goods, or made into tools, weapons, or ornaments. The early money of China, apart from shells , was of bronze, (44) in flat, round pieces with a hole in the middle, called “c

4、ash”. The (45) of these are between three thousand and four thousand years oldolder than the earlist coins of the eastern Mediterranean.Nowadays, coins and notes have (46) nearly all the more picturesque (47) of money, and (48) in one or two of the more remote countries people still keep it for futu

5、re use on ceremonial (49) such as weddings and funerals, examples of (50) money will soon be found only in museums.31. A. object B. article C. substance D. category32. A. but B. and C. so D. even33. A. abstract B. advantageous C. abundant D. absolute34. A. weight B. value C. role D. size35. A. times

6、 B. events C. situations D. conditions36. A. even B. also C. still D. never37. A. had been used B. are used C. would be used D. would have been used38. A. and B. but C. yet D. or39. A. collected B. produced C. grown D. raised 40. A. city B. district C. community D. continent41. A. processed B. produ

7、ced C. preceded D. proceeded42. A. in spite of B. instead of C. along with D. in line with43. A. against B. as C. in D. for44. A. often B. seldom C. really D. much45. A. earlier B. earliest C. better D. best46. A. replaced B. reproduced C. reflected D. recovered47. A. sizes B. shapes C. formats D. f

8、orms48. A. while B. although C. because D. if49. A. events B. gatherings C. occasions D. assemblies50. A. original B. primitive C. historical D. crude译文:如今,在世界上一些非常偏远的地区,人们还在把盐、贝壳或金属作为货币使用。把盐这种物质作为钱来使用也许看起来很奇怪。但是在以植物为主要食品的国家,盐就是一种绝对必需品。直到近代,在一些国家,人们还在把上面烙刻了不同价值的盐饼当作钱来使用,在婆罗洲和非洲的部分地区盐饼仍可以用来买东西。贝壳曾一度被


10、,如婚礼和葬礼,但这些原始的货币将只会在博物馆里看到了。31.C 解析:考查主语的性质。把原句简化为salt is a(n) 就会一目了然。盐是一种物质,所以选C。(词义辨析题。A.object“物体,实物”;B.article“一件具体的物品或物件”;D.category“种类,范畴”)32.A 解析:考查上下句的衔接。上半句提到了把盐这种物质作为钱来使用也许看起来很奇怪,而下半句提到了一些国家它又是必需品,由此判断上下句是转折关系,选A。(逻辑关系题。须联系上下句判断是并列关系(B)、转折关系、因果关系(C)还是递进关系(D)33.D 解析:选对此题的关键是知道absolute neces

11、sity这一用法。absolute necessity“绝对必要”是常用表达,故选D。此外,还有absolutely necessary这一用法。(词语搭配题。A.abstract“抽象的”;B.advantageous“有利的,便利的”;C.abundant“丰富的,大量的”)34.B 解析:搞清楚cakes of salt(盐饼)是用来做什么的,便可判断选哪个词。因为cakes of salt是当钱用的,要标明的自然是其价值了,因此选B。(语义线索题。此题有可能误选weight,但由于cakes of salt是用来当钱使的,所以value最合适。)35.A 解析:recent times

12、“最近”。根据句意,介词until后应该跟表示时间的词,故选A。(词语搭配题。A.times“时代”;B.events“时间”;C.situations“情形,状况”;D.conditions“条件,环境”。Until后只能跟times。)36.C 解析:考查句子与句子之间的关系。这是一个复合句,第一个主语(cakes of salt)的谓语用的是过去时态(were used),说明cakes of salt一直用到最近为止;第二个主语还是cakes of salt,而谓语是现在时态(buy),说明它现在仍然可以用来买东西,选C。(语义线索题。cakes of salt以前可以当钱使,现在用来

13、买东西,二者没有递进关系,就没必要用even和also。用never就更不妥了。此句的时态(前面用过去时,后面用现在时)不容忽视。)37.A 解析:考查谓语动词的时态。Sea shells被当作钱来使用是过去(at some time是过去时间)的事情,故选A。(语法线索题。B是一般现在时,不妥。C是过去将来时,D是过去将来完成时,这两种时态要么用于虚拟语气,要么多用于间接引语中,这里均不合适。)38.D 解析:考查短语用法。at some time or another“曾经,一度”,固定搭配,故选D。(掌握固定搭配是解答本题的法宝,其他三项均不能构成该意。)39.A解析:考查句子层面动词的含义。明确These是指sea shells后就能确定动词是A。(语义线索题to collect sea shells from the beach意为“在海滩上捡贝壳”。此句用的是被动语态。produce“生产,制造”;grow“种植,栽培,生长”;raise“饲养”。)40.D 解析:考查句子层面名词的含义。from East



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