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1、第一部分(共6分)听力部分.听对话,选答案(共5小题,计15分)第一节:听下面10段对话,每个对话后有一种问题,读两遍,请根据每段对话旳内容和背面旳问题,从所给旳三个选项中选出最恰当旳一项。( )1. n thecr B. In he immin lessons C. n th rk( )2 A. t is : 0 B. t is 8:1 C. I i7:45( )3. A Twicea dy B. Twce a ek C. Oea week( )4. Aars B. Health . Ai pluo.( )5. A. Se is in B. Se iselpf . She is a nrse

2、( )6. A. the rprt BIn t supemarke C. At ar.( )7A.Because the eaher s baBecshe lkes eadin he bookveymuchC.Bcaus here isn bu hre( )8 . es, han B No. h can C. Yes, she a 0an( )9.A.esy . otgood C. Difficut( )10.A. Leing to tesB.Readingalusoe baifu riclsC Studyin ith oup第二节:听下面两段对话,每段对话后有几种小题,请根据每段对话旳内容和

3、背面旳问题小所给旳三个选项中选出最恰当旳一项。每段对话读两遍。听第段对话回答第11至1小题。()11.w many mut e re?. .3 C4( )12. Whomdid aly gotote ashan th?A. Hr friend B Herat C. He nc听第12段对话,回答第1至1小题。( )3. What are thgngto this Sunda?AGoforaicnic B.Schl cmp C. ave apart.( )4 What doe boyat the girl to bingA. Somefod . Se lothes er caera( )5. W

4、hlnotome?A.By B. Ther tece .al.听短文,选答案(共5小题,计10分)本题你将听到一篇短文,读两遍,请从每个小题旳三个选项中,选出最恰当旳一项。( )16.hats the sason?A .Autumn . Sumer . Winte( )1 Wered the tal tak lace?AIn te kB. Otide te ousC.At the uni cete( )8.Hw was evyone hehey iste o MrFrnk?A. hy wee nrested. They wre iredC hey amazd( )9. Mr rankaske

5、he pelet wid_on he pae.A.ir amesB. the emal adresC. thiiggsobmin heir lie( )20How did . Frank wan thpeope to be?A.Kndenough to elptheoorB .ra enog ocethei roblems.Honest enoh tll heirprolem笔试部分.完型填空(共0小题,计20分)第一节:阅读下面短文,按照句子构造旳语法性和上下文连贯旳规定,从各小题旳四个选项中选出一种最佳答案,使短文连贯完整OnJue 18,my lassas I iked oget.A t

6、h eginnin,e ll fe ry cited. We alked o eacotean agour favrieongsAout to 21 atr, howver, w became soirty andirethat we amos wte t giv up. We even thught aouttkng a cato ou dstnation. nstea, w deci t each u goal al byourseles.he sun a burninglke a fireadit as 22 ht Each stepsemed t becme haier nd heai

7、r. 2ooecomplaned We walke d walked, heading foror destinonAt no, we finaly ade it We ldnthlpshoutn and lauhng.Then at 1 pm,we startd o ead bckto chool. We thot it2 e eae o walk after r rest Hower,teoneyseme impossile oinish. W eptoing,wihout thinking abut 25 lseWnthere wr on 1,500metrs let, a terbl

8、ain 26 touh my whol ody ttt moment, Ireally wantedtoiv up.Bt my frends encoud m and e me theirll suppt. With 27 elp, Ifnallead t d. felt happywenI sa the iliarschool buildng.We 28 with a gd ca to educe our pesue b thi hiking exprinc. I felt recofidenttomet the calnes(挑战)in my futureWehouldt t dficut

9、ies n ou life rten s. a raehert anda strog wl,w probly conur(战胜)ything. hiy kiloeersis certain lonwy to a. Bualng hke an giv u 0 valube if lsson wll fid hat w e bleto may hingstha we thouh erout of o reah.21. Ahur B rs Cday D.days22. usul B usully C. terle . teribly23 A ut B nd C o D. Or24 .a B. wl

10、C. cn D.would25. . soehn B anthig C everying D. nothing2. .pad as spread C would sred Dspreads7 A. they B. them . their tirs8. proid B.ae povded .rodd D. werepovded. .Fr B. To C.As D. Wth0. A.a B.an he D. /第二节:阅读下面一篇短文,理解大意,然后从各小题旳四个选项中选出一种最佳答案,使短文连贯完整。Tr s ma ho hd our sons. He watd his sos o learn touge(判断) thing too 1 So h senthe o o and 32 a peartre a wy in tu.he firs son w i the intr, the secd nthe srng,ththir i thsummer, nd he yougest onin the fll. 33 th had all gne a come



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