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1、江南大学现代远程教育 2012年下半年第一阶段测试卷考试科目:大学英语(一) (总分100分) 时间:90分钟 学习中心(教学点) 批次: 层次: 专业: 学号: 身份证号: 姓名: 得分: 一、交际英语 (10)1、- Can I borrow your digital camera for a couple of days?- _A:Yes, you may not borrow.B:Yes, go on.C:Sure, here you are. Enjoy your journey.D:It doesnt matter.2、- Good night and thanks again.-

2、 _A:You cant say that.B:No, no. Its what I can do.C:How can you say that.D:Good night.3、- _?- Its Friday.A:What day is it? B:Whats the date today?C:Whats the time? D:What time is it? 4、How much is that meat, please?- _A:Ten oclock.B:Ten yuan a kilo.C:I like it very much.D:I dont like.5、-How soon wil

3、l your father fly to New York?-_A:At 7.00 am.B:Last week.C:In three days.D:Twice a year.二、阅读理解 (30)1、 Chess must be one of the oldest games in the world. An Arab traveller in India in the year 900 wrote that it was played long, long ago. Chess was probably invented in India, and it has been played e

4、verywhere from Japan to Europe since 1400. The name chess is interesting. When one player is attacking the others king, he says in English, check. When the king has been caught and cannot move anywhere, he says check mate. These words come from Persian Shah mat means the king is dead. That is when t

5、he game is over, and one player has won. Such an old game changes very slowly. The rules have not always been the same as they are now. For example, at one time the queen could only move one square at a time. Now she is the strongest piece on the board. It would be interesting to know why this has h

6、appened. Chess takes time and thought, but it is a game for all kinds of people. You dont have to be a champion in order to enjoy it. It is not always played by two people sitting at the same table. The first time the Americans beat the Russians was in a match played by radio. Some of the chess mast

7、ers are able to play many people at the same time. The record was when one man played 400 games! It is said that some people played chess by post. This must make chess the slowest game in the world.(1)、Chess was played in India long before 900.A:TB:F(2)、One player has won the game when he attacks th

8、e other players king.A:TB:F(3)、Chess is a game for all sorts of people.A:TB:F(4)、Only two people can play chess sitting at the same table.A:TB:F(5)、According to the old rules of the game, the king could not move anywhere.A:TB:F2、 Herman had worked for the bank of Ruritania for ten years and was stil

9、l only a clerk. He was not satisfied with the position and wanted to find something better. Yet he did not want to lose his position in bank before he had got another one, so he prepared a letter about himself, with the words HELP! I AM A PRISONER OF THE BANK OF RURITANIA! in big letters across the

10、top. Then he sent it to several other banks, asking them for a job. A few days later, one of these letters came into the hands of Hermans boss at the bank; someone had given it to him at a party. The next morning, Hermans boss asked him to come into his room and said, Herman, I have some very good n

11、ews for you. The bank of Ruritania is setting you free!(6)、Herman was not happy because he was in prison in the bank.A:TB:F(7)、Herman did not want to leave the Bank of Ruritania immediately because he had not found a better job yet.A:TB:F(8)、He wished some other bank to give him a better job.A:TB:F(

12、9)、A few days later, Hermans boss found one of these letters in his office.A:TB:F(10)、The boss asked Herman to come into his room as he decided to fire him.A:TB:F3. In 1801, Thomas Jefferson was the first president to take the oath of office in the nations permanent capital, Washington D.C. Although

13、 Washington was a new city, it was already familiar to President Jefferson. In fact, Jefferson had helped plan the capitals streets and public buildings. Besides being a city planner and architect, the new President was a writer, a scientist, and the inventor of several tools. Jefferson lived in the

14、 Presidential Palace. The Palace was more than a home; it contained offices for the President and some of his staff and advisors. It also included dining and reception rooms, where the President could entertain congressmen. However, President Jefferson did not give many formal parties. This was part

15、ly because there was no First Lady. Jeffersons wife had died in 1782. But it was also because Jefferson liked to live in a simple fashion. Once, he showed up for an important meeting wearing old clothes and slippers! Neither Washington nor Adams would ever have dressed so casually.Jefferson was different from the first two Pr


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