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1、 1. Greetings1) Greeting somebodyGlad to meet you here.Good to see you again.Havent seen you for some time.How nice to see you againHow every nice to meet you.Im so glad you could some.It was good to see you again.Nice having you.Pleased to meet you again.This is a pleasant surprise!What a pleasant

2、surprise!(I=informal)Ah, Bob, Just the person I wanted to see.Bumping into (碰到)you like that was a bit of luck.Fancy seeing you here.Havent run into you for ages.Havent seen you for ages.Hello, there, Charles!Hello there, what a coincidence!(巧合)Small world, isnt it?Its been a long time.Just the man

3、I was looking for.Long time no see!Still as busy as ever I see.The very person I was after.What brings you here today?(F=formal)How are you?Im glad to have had the opportunity (机会)to meet you here.2) Asking after somebodyAre you better?Are you feeling better now?Are you well?How are things going wit

4、h you?How are you doing?How are you keeping?How is everything at home?How was your weekend?What are you doing there days?(I)Anything new?How are things with you?How are you making out?How goes it?How goes it with you?How goes theAnything new?How are things with you?How goes it?How goes it with you?H

5、ow goes the world with you?How is it coming?Hows everything?Hows everything at home?Hows life?Hows life treating you?Hows life with you?How are things?In good shapes, are you?What are you up to these days?Whats happening?Whats new?Whats new with you?Whats the good news?Whats the good word?Whats the

6、latest?Whats the news?(F)I hope all goes well with you?I trust youre keeping well?3) Stating how you areAll right thank you.Much better, thank you.Pretty good, thank you.Quite well, thank you.Very well, thank you.Well, not too good yet. Better than I was though.(I)Bearing up, bearing up.(马马虎虎)Could be better, but not bad.Fair to middling(还算好), thanks.Getting along splendidly.Im full of the joys of spring.Im just great.Im on top of the world(幸福极了), thanks.


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