Unit 3 Powerful Music Grammar 单元检测 同步练习.doc

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1、Unit 3 Powerful Music Grammar 同步练习单元检测(三)一、单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)请从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1Work gets done when people do it together,and the rewards are higher too.Aeasily Bvery easyCmore easily Deasier2Some students often listen to music classes to refresh themselves. Abetween BamongCover Ddu

2、ring3So you have to leave. How nice it if you a bit longer!Awould be;could stayBis;can stayCshould be;stayDwas;are able to stay4The lady said she would buy a gift for her daughter with the . A20 dollars remainedB20 dollars to remainCremained 20 dollarsDremaining 20 dollars5Help others whenever you c

3、an you will make the world a nicer place to live in. Aand Bor Cunless Dbut6Excuse me, sir. Would you do me a favor? Of course. What is it?I if you could tell me how to fill out this form. Ahad wondered Bwas wonderingCwould wonder Ddid wonder7He is known a movie star. Ato BasCfor Din8He didnt make cl

4、ear when and where the meeting would be held. Athis Bthat Cit Dthese9The teacher thought his students needed more practice and learning skills much homework. Aother than Brather thanCmore than Din place of10With the couple in a nearby town,the house seems pretty empty most of the time. Awork Bto wor

5、kCworking Dworked11On the opposite wall one map dozens of pictures. Ahang;includingBare hung;together withCis hanged;withDis hanging;as well as12John opened the door. There he had never seen before. Aa girl did stand Ba girl stoodCdid a girl stand Dstood a girl13John has really got the job because h

6、e showed me the official letter him it.Aoffered BofferingCto offer Dto be offered14Tony said he could fix my bicycle,but I really doubt it. . Hes very good at this sort of thing. ADont worryBI couldnt agree moreCOf courseDA piece of cake15How about the two of us a walk down the garden?Ato take Btake

7、Ctaking Dto be taking二、完形填空(共20小题;每小题1. 5分,满分30分)请阅读下面两篇短文,掌握大意,然后从1635各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。AMy first memories of acts of kindness are from when I was about 12 years old. From then on I always 16 at home and with friends. That winter I noticed that many 17 people had difficulty getting to the

8、grocery store after a snowstorm. So I started to spend part of a 18 Saturday knocking at apartment doors to ask if anyone needed anything from the store. The grocery store was down a huge hill and I would bring back a couple of bags of groceries for them. I liked it and it made them so 19 . It start

9、ed with myself alone and then the number grew. A short time later,my 20 in the building asked what I was doing and a couple of them 21 and it became a routine. I never asked for or took money for it. Sometimes the ladies would slip the change in my pocket. I would just buy something the next time to

10、 give to them,like flowers or a card. I did this every 22 up to when I left to go to college. When I was away at college,many people asked my mom how I was doing. Through those conversations she 23 what I used to doI had never told her. Now,Im a teacher and teaching my students the art of true 24 :E

11、veryone in the world needs help,and everyone can also 25 help. The image of those old peoples happiness caused by my 26 of goodwill appears in my mind every time I have the chance to do something 27 . This is the power of charity. 16A. look around Brun aboutChelp out Dact up17A. lazy ByoungCelderly

12、Ddisabled18A. sunny BcloudyCrainy Dsnowy19A. surprised BinterestedCashamed Dhappy20A. classmates BstudentsCrelatives Dfriends21A. gave up Bjoined inCpaid up Dturned away22A. day Bweek Cmonth Dwinter23A. recognized BfollowedClearned Dproved24A. friendship BusefulnessCsuccess Dkindness25A. offer BownC

13、accept Dreward26A. acts Bwords Cthought Dtest27A. unusual BsuccessfulChard DniceBThe Voice of America began during the World War . When Germany was broadcasting a radio program to get 28 support,American officials believed they should answer the German broadcast with words that they thought were the

14、 facts of world events. The first VOA news report began with words in German. Within a week,other VOA 29 were broadcasting in Italian,French and English. After the World War ended in 1945,some Americans felt VOAs 30 had to be changed,considering the Soviet Union became enemy of America. They wanted to 31 Soviet listeners. Then VOA began broadcasti



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