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1、20122013学年下期六年级英语期末水平测试卷回民一小听力部分30%、听录音,从下面的六幅图片中选出与你所听到内容相关的五幅图片,并在相应的在图片下面的括号里打。每小题读两遍。10% ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 、听音,选出你所听到句子中包含的单词。每小题读两遍。5% ( )1.A.tall B.taller C. shorter ( )2.Afeel B. failed C.feels ( )3.A.bored B. tired C.excited ( )4.A.watchedB. washed C. wash ( )5.A.skiing B.skating C. hi

2、king、听音,根据所听问题选择正确答语。每小题读三遍。(共5小题,计10分)( ) 1. A. I am smaller than you. B. I am 50kg. C. I am 165cm.( ) 2. A. He is singing. B. She is writing. C. They are fighting.( ) 3. A. I am happy. B. She is tired. C.I have a cold.( ) 4. A. I am going to play football. B. I played football. C. I am playing foo

3、tball.( ) 5. A. I went there on foot. B. I went there at 7:00 a.m. C. I went there with my mom.、听短文,根据所听到的内容,判断下列句子对(T)错(F)。短文读三遍。5%( )1. I went to Beijing for my holiday.( ) 2. I saw green grass and a clean river.( ) 3. There werent many people there.( ) 4. Tomorrow we are going to a small village.

4、( )5. There are many tall buildings in the village.笔试部分 70%、在下列每组词后补充一个相同类别的单词,并将其写在横线上。5%1. older, younger,_ 2.sad, angry,_3.cleaned, visited, 4. how, when, _5.have a headache, have a sore throat, _、单项选择, 从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳答案。10%( )1. I feel blue. I am _. A.sad B. happy C.angry D.excited( )( )2. The

5、 elephant is_ than the cat.A. shorter B. smaller C. thinner D. stronger( )3. Lucy is ten. Kate is nine. So Kate is _ than Lucy. A. older B. fatter C. younger D.taller( )5. A:When are you going to Kunming? B:_ A. Next week B. Last summer holiday. C. am going to Kunming with my father. D. By air( )5.

6、- _does Amy feel? - She is tired. A. What B. How C. Where D.when( )6. Kunming is known as“ _ ” A. Ice City B. Spring City C. Music City D. Flower City( )7.What did you do _your holiday? A. with B. and C. to D.on( )8. Did you _? A. go fishing B. went fishingC. going fishing D.goes fishing( )9. We wen

7、t to Shanghai _ May 2nd. A. on B. to C. at D. in( )10.I played _the piano yesterday. A.the B.a C.an D.、。1根据所给图片写出一句话5%1. _ 2. _ 、在第II栏中找出第I栏中问句的正确答案,将其字母标号填入题前括号内。10% I II( )1. How heavy are you? A.I have a headache.( )2.Whats the matter? B. Im 50kg.( )3. What did you do last Sunday? C. I saw elepha

8、nts.( )4. Did you read English yesterday ? D.By train.( )5.How did you go to Xinjiang? E. No,I didnt 、阅读理解。30%(A)阅读短文,判断下列句子正确(T)或错误(F)10%John was a student. But he wasnt interested in studying. He liked to play. So when he took his test, he didnt get good marks(分数). He knew his father would be angr

9、y with him, so he sent an e-mail to his brother. In the e-mail, he asked his brother to prepare his father for the bad news. The next morning, he received(收到) the following answers,Father is prepare. Youd better prepare yourself. ( )1. John was a good student.( ) 2. His parent was strict with him.(

10、) 3. His brother was funny.( ) 4. John had a good marks in the test.( ) 5.John liked to play.(B)阅读短文,根据文章提供的信息选择最合适的答案。10%Tomorrow is Sunday. Sarah is going to the park with her best friend, Amy. The bus is near her home. So Sarah is going to walk to the bus stop and take the No.2 bus to Amys home.

11、Then theyre going to the park on foot, Because the park is near Amys home. They are going to play chess under the tree. They are going to draw pictures and watch the beautiful flowers, too. ( ) 61. What day is it today? A Its Sunday B Its Saturday CIts Monday ( ) 62. What is Sarah going to do tomorr

12、ow? A. She is going to the park. B. She is going to the zoo. C. She is going to the garden.( ) 63. Sarah is going to Amys home. A. on foot B. by bus C. by car( ) 64. The park is near home. A. Sarahs B. Amys C. Sarah and Amys( ) 65. Sarah and Amy are going to_ in the park. A. play chess and draw pictures. B. draw pictures and watch flowers. C. see folk dances and play chess.(C)根据短文内容回答问题。10%My name is Tim. Tomorrow is the weekend. We have no classes. My parents arent going to work, but we are going to have a busy day. My mothe


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