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1、Unt 1 Blu-Clar orkesbev:1. rad a rtclaboutt eadforblue-ollarworkr;2. enarge yovobulary rlaingto prsonl ualie;3. gainsmeideas of ht th t blu-coll jos are;4. get soe tps about daebs in English;5. lanho to d dwit a han-o letter.ocuses:1. Voabulary: (omitt) 2. Speain: Tak abo thdeas f an ieal job based

2、on th ollwig tons.3. Grammr:Moal verin Egish4. Paticalwriting: Ho to wrie a thankyou tter.Otline:Perd 1: Warmp iscusion;study f word adexesion Tet APeri2: Discusson oText Aerid3: Compreensiv ExrciesPrio 4: Grammar Tip; Acive Word and Voabulry CeckPeio: Discsi of TextB and the foll-up ComrehnsioPerid

3、 6: Praial riingPeri 7: StartigOut & InclssAcivities(Prctcal Lsig and peakig Coure)Peod 8: Ctualoe& Aferclss Actviies (Praccal Lstenig ad Spaki Couse)Meods: (1) Pctic speaki isteing(2) Diusion(3) Prsentatn ad e play(4)ExercisesTachirocedres erio 1:Stp1. Warmup iscusion (5 minut)Qestns:1. Do youlike

4、ble-colar b?Hint:Iik bl-colarjos beaus:thedandis ue; weca geprofsional traiingand technical kowlede; an teslary s god.2 hat will be yr favorite bluellar ob and wy?Hint:My favoriteblue-coll jb is ta of a gadr,becausecan workudoors and njoy efresh ar; anI an k ftand getgood ay.Step 2. Background Infor

5、mato (10miutes)Tllometig abot differn ypeo WkersA blue-colarworkr is a memb oe kingls w performs mual lbr.Blueollar wor mayinvlve killd rsiled, manauring, mining,cnstructi, mchanical, mintnane, tchnial instlaton nd man or type of hysial wr Bluecollr work is fen pai ory wag-labo, althgh omeprofesinl

6、may b a by hprojecto saaeTere is widerge of payscas forchk dependigupon field f spcalt an xperiece.itecoll wokrtypcal eform work in n offce environm anmay inl st t acompteror desSerice wers,or ink-collar works, make upathr tye of worer. Their lor is reateto cusomer itraction, etrtaimet sals rothersr

7、icerintedwokSe3.ocabuary n Tex (2 mins)Ak S toead new words and exprssonsby thelves nthen red h new words togetherExlathe imrtat pint.1. hertld n thearea or regio whee priclar set ofactivitiesor beliefs is mostignifican中心地区,心脏地带ak had si-ay bus tour around the indstril heartlaofAmerica杰克在美国工业中心区域乘大巴

8、旅游了六天Eventh atck onPearlHarborwas emotefo hecotyshertand. 虽然是珍珠港事件的发生地也远离美国的心腹地带。2. residen . peole ho live n pace 居民,住户 eyare ongt build oe o-cot homes forcal eiens. 她们将为本地居民建造更多低成本的住宅Phraes: () permnresient 永久居民(2) residt phyiian 住院医生rside v. 居住rgretresides it he mte in aLondo suburb玛格丽特3 corporat

9、ion company mlinaonalcroraion . wrkfre n. 劳动力,劳动队伍 In the coutry,half workf isunmployed mler f ery large workoce .Repacemet h or b at taks place ost. or sb. el 替代物,替代者Ty a nominatd dama hisreplacemnt 6shtae n. without enugofth. 缺少,缺少 Vietnais suffi r fod sotge越南正遭受食物短缺之苦。.maufacture ausnes or oany h

10、h makes gods n areuntitis sell 生产商 therds laesll mnaurer全球最大的玩偶生产商. ann ad.ce yer,everyyer 年度的,每年的anual meeting / annal reort 9 earnings n (p.) onyreiveinreturn for onswrk (复)收入,工资,挣得的钱net earnng arnin rate ear v. 挣钱Jack arns a lotofmoey ever mth. 杰克每月挣诸多钱。10 pon to 显示,表白;指向Whn Jpanes pplefero thmsv

11、s,they nt o thei ne, not hirhea. 当天本人表达自己时,她们会指向自己的鼻子,而不是心口。11.gap n. idiferce;paetwee t ns or a olein the midd of sh sl 差距;空隙e apetween rih adoor贫富差距He pulled the hic rtains tet, eavingjust a arowp.她拉上厚厚的窗帘,仅留下一条狭窄的缝隙12. plumb v.put the ppes in bildngsfr carrng water; examin losely l 装水管;探寻,探究 She

12、leaedto wrand lmb the se es. 她学会了自己给房子接电线、装水管。agda had plumed hr ow heat for ansrs. 玛格达在自己心中搜寻答案。1 pogm .a serof action evets a re planne tobe one; asmall booor sheet of papr hgives informatin butte pl oroncrt; aet of strutostata copter follows rderto ero a paricla tk 方案,筹划;节目单;程序th ntion lagst trainand edction progrmor adlts该国最大的成人培训与教育筹划14. fin a wy p 找到进步或晋升的途径 “Yo


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