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1、撰写人:_日 期:_感恩英语演讲稿锦集5篇 感恩英语演讲稿 篇1 dear studnts, uwy of lfe isalway sunny, bueskies,whi i the en hmos dzzig r fulight it a said t e excellen cdemic erfrmnce, iwas saidto e given to helthes . and tink thatour wao lifeof the mos blliant sunhesoul be rported o belogtothtemple map, hel ust go thankst vryo

2、ne. yes, thnstie o hnksgings eeng, th institu thanksiing, t also a chaatr. as tacher n orstudents, the mos imptant graiudei a shol. schoos t ive us a big gwh se o le: brigt n saciou lassroos, new desksand hais, air-coitoned and wel-being, a well a muti-mdiafaciliies, hs vieduwitha attrctv lernig evi

3、ont. ron bookrhtand cla rooms,vidsuwith kowlde te marine tu;ft beatifulbg payrou, rovidd u wth god pe fr teercis, ad potteyrom, copuom,dnce room,mlti-rps all,nd s n,no col isnot o odevn toor slless love! hoever, itese beautil place, otn withom notesof disod. rad oks non oo, so tudetsread th book, nd

4、oment, i do not know the origina release, ther i mortear,usin the henonof thebook; when th r and greenand white atifica igplgrundtooen it selfless embace, nd some fthe scenes of disor hurt or eyes: ierane f onfetti, colorfu l ang zhi, and ttered in all corns of the shelle,hewing gu,et. he lst goeson

5、 oftee! student,lease ut your hano his cht ak oursees: i do a thanksiving school stdets, let now wrk togther,withtheood eath habis o schooltakgvin, thanksgiving, s that eflowes on camus ad on moreeauul. 感恩英语演讲稿 篇2iha le i alverthesynow, wintersprn scnt.Peple, ofn wih ateful hart. Flower graitudet ra

6、i, bcause ran moistnit gw;Goshwk Thakgivnky ecase th sky toletfl; Leh towrigmountainThnsgivingerth becaue earth I mgrt t rents, s they ave m life,e e a warmhme, solid andwar hven t becme he lace ere I ive.Dad yure aughtesafanwrm upport n th hart,ire wen ying dow ont, will lt my piri onehun tmes; Dd

7、isyour auhr in the hart ote vst oceath otherhore,he firstonhore waingfor he aughtertreur; Dad isor augte i the hr the sun, th shad f the hne ofte dugterinhe at. Is yu, m, gesatin, bout e to hs crfuword,i yu,put ulin megowup, how olnights po ulthe it fo y daghter, howmany hot serday, s ur rll,the dri

8、ve ymsqutoes for me. Mom: thnkyo, thn you fr ourtlerance, tolerte everthin of he dughter. T recall the reviusheatron,I shme,he ces f role back,oend the oor femry, my mnd foateto go bc in tme.oIspir t be a gatu ople, tful prets, graeful omeland,thanks all the peolewo carebou me! 感恩英语演讲稿 篇 Thre i n su

9、nlght, no warmthof life; tee no ran, n rain of fndeg; no wter, there wuld beno lie; noaent, there wud enos. n family ties n fredhip, the wold would be lonely anddrk.te areeryi-mp- t, n oneold uertand,but wofenlackan ieolgical andpchloicathsvg. ho made the rt-inc gass, a the cunhui, who kow盘中餐, ajour

10、ey in,wih is oftewhn we recitete poem, isttal abo thanksgivgthewaer-en, yonguan phaseeported;tle hihgss, rortdi fvor o the idoms as bee tllin us i t thankivig. arents t gie ur lies, w shod know ho to haksivingan theacua actoto return tem; eacher ivesus the knwldge,we shoud kwho to thanksgivin nd eur

11、theiracomplishet;oerln gies s thepee ad raquiityo sol, w houlknow how givetheir thanksgving adnually ien we op thtw houldwhow to thanksgvnad love to return. Althoghelfnk de, buthnksivigi not only keepin mind,bu also in thline t pay. you would lie otak e opl homst b teexessono tat mind,becaus iisnt n

12、ly exess i graitde, ut alsospiial ehange. n this exange,wllb a st osh the orld has beoe vey beautful. amosscientist qia mtherlnd n ord t returnto ismoterse-feedig, rectedtes. gomenthred i ndall the onorary tle, decidteturn t povt nd backwardof the othernd,n gaged in sice, he morniztnof chinastonaldefnse buiding outandng contibution. eople whoknhow thankgivig, thre a ost pern



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