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1、各式食材中英文对照面粉中筋面粉 Plain flour /all-purpose flour低筋面粉低根粉 cake flour / soft flour / weak flour / low protein flour高筋面粉筋面根面高根粉 gluten flour / strong flour / bread flour / bakers flour / high protein flour全麦面粉 whole wheat flour澄面粉澄粉澄面 non-glutinous flour / wheat flour / wheat starch自发面粉 self- raising flou

2、r粗玉米豆粉 polenta / yellow cornmeal粟粉粟米粉玉米粉玉米淀粉 corn flour / cornstarch生粉太白粉地瓜粉 potato starch / potato flour树薯粉木薯粉茨粉菱粉泰国生粉太白粉地瓜粉 Tapioca starch / tapioca flour蕃薯粉地瓜粉 sweet potato flour马蹄粉 water chestnut flour葛粉 arrowroot flour臭粉胺粉阿摩尼亚粉嗅粉 powdered baking ammonia / carbonate of ammonia / ammonia bicarbon

3、ate / ammonia carbonate / hartshorn发粉泡打粉泡大粉速发粉蛋糕发粉 baking powder苏打粉小苏打梳打粉小梳打食粉重曹 baking soda / bicarb ofsoda塔塔粉他他粉 cream of tartar卡士达粉蛋黄粉吉士粉吉时粉 custard powder卡士达克林姆奶皇馅蛋奶馅 custard / pastry cream蛋白粉 egg white powder?粘米粉黏米粉在来米粉在莱米粉再来米粉 rice flour糕仔粉 cooked rice flour糯米粉 glutinous rice flour / sweet ric

4、e flour凤片粉熟糯米粉糕粉加工糕粉 fried sweet rice flour / fried glutinous rice flour绿豆粉 mung bean flour / tepung hun kwee小麦胚芽麦芽粉 wheat germ小麦蛋白面筋粉 wheat gluten硷水(木见)水 alkalinewaterlyewaterpotassium carbonate白?alum硼砂 borax石膏 gypsum酵母酒饼 yeastiburoti面包面饱 bread土司面包吐司 toast面包糠面包屑 breadcrumbs香草豆香草荚香草片香子兰荚 vanillabean

5、vanillapod香草精云尼拉香精凡尼拉香精 vanillaextractvanillaessence香草粉 vanillapowder班兰粉香兰粉 groundpandangroundscrewpine leavesserbok daun pandan班兰精香兰精 pandanpastepastapandan玫瑰露玫瑰露精 rosewaterrosewater essenceessence杏仁粉 almondflouralmond mieal 皮屑 gratedzestgratedrind海苔粉 groundseaweed黑蔗糖浆糖蜜甘蔗糖蜜 molasses金黄糖浆 golden syr

6、up枫糖浆枫树糖浆枫糖 maplesyrup玉米糖浆 corn syrupkaro syrup葡萄糖浆 glucose syrup麦芽糖浆 barley maltsyrupmaltsyrup麦芽糖 maltosemalt sugar焦糖 carmael果糖 fructos乳糖 lactose转化糖 invert sugar日式糙米糖浆 amazake绵花糖霜 marshmallow creamcream冰糖 sugar椰糖爪哇红糖 palmsugargulamalacca黄砂糖 brownsugar红糖?黑糖? dark brown sugar红糖?黑糖? muscovado sugar金砂糖

7、? demerara sugar原蔗糖 raw sugarraw cane sugarunrefined cane sugar白砂糖粗砂糖 white sugarrefined sugarrefined cane sugarcoarse granulated sugar细砂糖幼砂糖 castor sugar糖粉 icing sugarconfectioners sugar糖霜点缀霜 icingfrosting蜜叶糖甜叶菊 steviahoney leaf代糖阿斯巴甜 aspartamesweetenersugar substitute牛油忌廉 butter cream什色糖珠 巧克力米朱古力米

8、 chocolate vermicelli巧克力削朱古力削 chocolate curls巧克力珠朱古力珠 choc bitschocolate chips椰丝椰茸椰子粉 desiccated coconutshredded coconut凉粉仙草 grass jelly果子冻果冻粉(口者)喱 jelly鱼胶粉吉利丁明胶 gelatine sheetspowdered gelatine大菜大菜丝菜燕燕菜精洋菜洋菜粉琼脂 agar agar powder食用色素 food colouring牛油奶油 butter玛珈琳玛琪琳乳玛琳雅玛琳人造奶油菜油 margarine 起酥油起酥玛琪琳 past

9、ry margarine / oleo margarine 猪油白油大油板油? lard / cooking fat酥油雪白奶油 shortening硬化椰子油 copha烤油? dripping淡忌廉 light creamcoffee creamtable cream鲜奶油忌廉鲜忌廉 creamwhipping cream包括:1 light whipping cream2 heavy whipping creamheavy creamthickened cream3 double creampure cream酸奶油酸忌廉酸奶酪?酸乳酪? sour cream酸奶 buttermilk牛

10、奶鲜奶鲜乳 milk奶粉 powdered milk / milk powder花奶淡奶奶水蒸发奶蒸发奶水 evaporated milk炼奶 condensedmilksweetened condensed milk起士起司芝士乳酪奶酪乾酪乳饼 cheese起司粉 powderedcheese奶油起司芝士忌廉奶油乳酪凝脂乳酪 creamcheese玛斯卡波尼起司马司卡膨起司马斯卡波涅起司义大利乳酪 mascarpone cheese优格乳果酸奶酪?酸乳酪? yoghurt优酪乳 yoghurt drinkdrinking yoghurt黄豆 soy bean红豆 red beanadzuki

11、 bean红豆沙乌豆沙 redbeanpaste绿豆 mung bean 绿豆片 split mung bean薏米 pearl barley沙莪粒西米小茨丸 pearl sagopearl tapioca莲藕 lotusroot莲蓉 lotuspaste红枣 chinese red dates蜜枣 preserved red dates枣泥 red date paste龙眼乾龙眼肉桂圆圆肉dried longan葡萄乾 raisin柿饼 dried persimmon桃脯 dried peach杏脯 dried apricot苹果脯苹果乾 dried apple陈皮 dried orange

12、 peeldried tangerine peel百合 dried lily bulb蜜渍樱桃露桃车梨子 glace cherrycandied cherry蜜渍凤梨 glace pineapplecandied pineapple腰子豆腰果腰果仁介寿果 cashew nut花生 peanut瓜子南瓜子 pepitas / dried pumpkin seeds崧子松子仁 pine nut栗子 chestnut栗蓉 chestnut puree / chestnut paste核桃核桃仁合桃胡桃 walnut杏仁杏仁片扁桃 almond北杏苦杏仁 apricot kernel / chines

13、e almond / bitter almond南杏 apricot kernel榛果榛仁 hazelnut / filbert / cobnut开心果阿月浑子 pistachio坚果澳洲坚果夏威夷果澳洲胡桃澳洲栗澳洲核桃昆士兰龙眼昆士兰栗macadamia / california nut山胡桃胡桃 pecan石鼓仔马加拉油桐子 candlenut / buah keras白果银杏 ginkgo nut槟榔 betel芝麻 sesame seed莲子 lotus seed罂粟子 poppy seed亚答子 atap seed法式吐司 french toast裸麦面包 rye bread派批

14、pie塔挞 tart冻派冻批 cream pie蛋塔 egg tart / custard tart法式蛋塔 quiche lorraine戚风蛋糕 chiffon cake海绵蛋糕 sponge cake泡芙 choux pastry / puff玛琳焗蛋泡 meringue蛋蜜乳 eggnog可丽饼 crepe煎饼热饼薄烤饼 pancake厚松饼 pikelet / hotcake墨西哥面饼 tortillas曲奇 cookies慕斯慕思 mousse布甸布丁 pudding司康比司吉 scones舒芙蕾 souffles洋芋块 hash brown英式松饼玛芬面包 english muffin松糕玛芬 american muffin格子松饼 waffle蕃茄酱: ketchup水蜜桃罐头: peaches in syrup 切片水蜜桃罐头: sliced peaches in syrup综合水果罐头: cocktail fruit in syrup苏打饼干: saltine crackers白醋: rice vin



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