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1、2022年高考英语二轮复习专题二完型填空第三节题组训练4夹叙夹议文(xx和平区二模)For my 8th birthday my 1 was a shiny blue bike.My elder sisters decided to teach me to ride.We lived on Edgewood Avenue at the top of a steep hill.My 2 ,Agnes and Christina,put me on my bike and 3 me hard,yelling instructions,“Pedal!Steer!Use the brakes!”Nee

2、dless to say,I was rushing down the street 4 trying to hold on.I bumped into the curb(路缘), 5 over the handlebars onto the sidewalk,skinning my knees,hurting my hands and crying loudly.Instead of offering 6 ,my sisters yelled at me 7 I hadnt listened to their instructions.Weeks 8 before I tried again

3、.This time I walked my bike to the 9 parking lot behind the schoolyard.I kept repeating the instructions to myself and after a few awkward 10 and even more painful spills I learned to ride a bike.Learning life lessons is 11 like learning to ride a bike.Some life lessons are 12 to learn.We dont alway

4、s get to choose where we learn them,we dont always have good teachers and we are not always 13 .Sometimes we find ourselves wildly trying to hold on.But things are different now.My husband,Rich, 14 my son to ride a bike.First he raised the training wheels a little and my son rode around the block ge

5、tting used to the unstable 15 .After he removed the training wheels he would run along the side of the bike holding on to the seat to 16 it.Up and down our street,my son would go with Rich calling out,“You 17 have it!Youre doing great!” until my son called out “Let go”Rich would let go but still run

6、 along,just 18 .It was a happy day in the neighborhood.When the life lessons e along in this new year,may you 19 them from a patient and kind teacher.May you learn them surrounded by 20 and encouragement.And may you have someone stay by your side until you have found victory.语篇解读本文对比了作者小时候学骑自行车的经历和现

7、在自己的孩子学骑自行车的经历的不同。并由此扩展到了人生经验学习过程的不同。1A.dream BrewardCgift Daim答案C解析我8岁的生日礼物(gift)是一辆闪亮的蓝色自行车。2A.brothers BsistersCfriends Dclassmates答案B解析此处与前面的“My elder sisters decided to teach me to ride.”相照应。3A.stuck BturnedCknocked Dpushed答案D解析她们把我放在自行车上,用力推(push)我。4A.wildly BcarefullyCslowly Dinstantly答案A解析此处

8、与第三段最后一句中的“wildly trying to hold on”相照应,故选A。5A.jumping BflyingCmoving Dleaving答案B解析我撞到路缘,从车把上方飞(fly)出去,摔倒在人行道上,擦破膝盖,伤到手并大声哭起来。6A.sadness BhappinessCexcitement Dsympathy答案D解析我的姐姐们对我大喊大叫,而不是表示同情(sympathy)。7A.although BuntilCbecause Dwhile答案C解析因为(because)我没有听从她们的指示。8A.passed BremainedChappened Dchanged

9、答案A解析几个星期过去了(pass),我再次尝试。9A.crowded BbusyCcovered Dempty答案D解析这次我推车去校园后面空荡荡的(empty)停车场。10A.experiments BattemptsCfights Dconflicts答案B解析经过几次笨拙的尝试(attempt),甚至从自行车上摔下来几次后,我学会了骑自行车。11A.though BevenCmuch Dstill答案C解析生活经验的学习非常(much)像学骑自行车。12A.wonderful BfortableCdangerous Dpainful答案D解析有些人生经验的学习是痛苦的(painful)

10、。13A.ready BperfectCwrong Dstrong答案A解析我们并不总是有好老师,我们也并不总是做好了准备(ready)。14A.forced BtaughtCallowed Dordered答案B解析由下文可知,我的丈夫Rich教(teach)儿子骑自行车。15A.practice BhabitCdevelopment Dfeeling答案D解析首先,他把辅助轮抬高了一点,然后儿子在街区周围骑车以适应不稳定的感觉(feeling)。16A.repair BfixCsteady Dmove答案C解析丈夫抓着车座以使车子保持平稳。steady使平稳,符合语境。17A.almost

11、 BusuallyCalways Dseldom答案A解析此处丈夫在鼓励儿子。“你几乎(almost)学会了!你做得很好!”18A.in time Bin reliefCin turn Din case答案D解析我丈夫会放手,但还是会继续跟着跑,以防万一(in case)。19A.accept BlearnCrefuse Davoid答案B解析them指代the life lessons,故选B。后一句中的“May you learn them”也是提示。20A.blame BplaintCsupport Dcriticism答案C解析愿你在支持和鼓励下学习它们。2(xx天津一中4月考)I h

12、ad an interesting question from my 10yearold daughter Claire.She asked me if I had always been this 21 .I thought about it for a while and gave her the best answer 22 my own personal development.I was born and 23 in a small town in Zambia.I was 24 that from a very young age I was encouraged to 25 th

13、e world and ask as many questions as I could.My grandfather was a(n) 26 holding a high position in the government,but he treated everyone with 27 like what others did to him.And I often watched him 28 with people that way.As a child,I was determined to be like him 29 I grew up.I wanted to make peopl

14、e feel good about 30 and have meaningful conversations that would 31 people to take action and create a better world for everyone.As an ordinary African girl,I became 32 to what life had to 33 .I knew that I would have some bad days as well as good days.I saw this with my parents,as they 34 hid their feelings or situations.And from that,I had a 35 view of my reality.I tell Claire that my confidence es from within and I am bound to 36 moments when Im worried about whether things will work in my 37 ,but I have the courage not to give up on my dreams.It is t



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