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2、和防控。在病原诊断上,主要应用分子生物学和免疫学的方法来检测病原微生物组分及代谢产物以及宿主体内的抗原和抗体。在疫病防控上,主要借助于基因工程技术、蛋白质化学技术、体外大量制备蛋白质技术以及各种细胞生物学技术开展新药、新型疫苗的研究。Male, Ph.D. Professor, tutor. In 1996 attains the nanjing agricultural university prevention veterinary doctors degree. In 1997, professor of nanjing agricultural university. In 2000

3、for the Canadian veterinary medical science doctor fund, in Canada guelph university study, then work there. Returning to China in 2006 appointments in China academy of agricultural sciences, the animal husbandry and veterinary institute in Beijing a veterinary science. In China the first isolated a

4、nd identified from the cat the leukopenia disease virus and birds egg syndrome virus reduced. Successively won the science and technology progress prize in jiangsu province, the general logistics department of the PLA, science and technology progress prize of national spark plan and education system

5、 in jiangsu province third prize award of advanced scientific research workers and honorary titles. In Canada, has also assumed and attend during the USDA and NSERC etc of scientific research, participate in porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus, avian flu virus infectious cloning and

6、vaccine research. The present study direction for major of animal epidemics diagnosis and prevention and control. In the pathogen, mainly used in diagnosis of molecular biology and immunological method to detect the pathogenic microorganisms and metabolic product components and the host of antigen a

7、nd antibody. In disease prevention and control, mainly by means of genetic engineering technology, protein chemical technology, a protein in vitro preparation technology and all sorts of cell biology technology to develop new drugs, new vaccine.1981年本科毕业于安徽农业大学。1984年获南京农业大学预防兽医学硕士学位,1996年获博士学位。1985年

8、起在南京农业大学任助教,1986年任讲师,1988年任副教授,1997年任教授。一直从事动物传染病的研究和教学工作。在南农大工作期间,在中国最先分离和鉴定出猫泛白细胞减少症(猫瘟热)病毒和禽减蛋综合征病毒,并研究出快速准确的诊断试剂盒和安全有效的防制方法, 取得了显著的社会效益和经济效益。先后主持和参加国家、省部市多项科研课题,先后荣获江苏省科技进步二等奖1项(第一)、南京农业大学科技进步一等奖1项(第一)、解放军总后勤部科技进步三等奖1项(第三)、国家星火计划三等奖1项(第五)、江苏省科技进步四等奖1项(第五)及江苏省教育系统先进科研工作者等奖励和荣誉称号。2000年获得加拿大兽医科学博士基

9、金,在加拿大圭尔夫大学(University of Guelph)安大略兽医学院(Ontario Veterinary College)学习研究,随后留校工作。在圭尔夫大学期间,先后承担和参加美国、加拿大国家及政府如USDA和NSERC科研课题,构建了表达新城疫HN 蛋白的重组禽腺病毒,发现了SARS(非典)病毒蛋白与宿主细胞核仁蛋白的关系,并参与了猪繁殖和呼吸综合征病毒、禽流感病毒感染性克隆及疫苗的研究工作,有关研究成果在Journal of Virology等刊物发表。2006年受聘于中国农业科学院畜牧研究所,组建预防兽医学科。主要研究动物传染病特别是人畜共患病、宠物重要疫病及重大外来疫病


11、R 及ELISA检测方法;正在进行小反刍兽疫的检测方法和非感染性疫苗的研究以及狂犬病免疫抗体检测的研究。在应用基础研究中,研究病原微生物基因组、蛋白质组份与宿主细胞的基因及蛋白质组份的相互关系及相互作用。已发现猪繁殖与呼吸综合征病毒核衣壳蛋白入核现象和与感染细胞核仁蛋白的相互作用。寻找病原微生物的致病或毒性基因及宿主与病原之间相互作用的蛋白质将有助于阐明不同病原微生物引发的疫病的分子致病机制。研究这些基因以及蛋白质 - 蛋白质的相互作用,有利于疫病的鉴别诊断和进一步研发治疗制剂和基因工程疫苗,从而达到监测和防控疫病的目的。 1981 years of undergraduate course

12、graduation in anhui agricultural university. In 1984 attains the nanjing agricultural university prevention veterinary medicine masters degree, the 1996 doctors degree. 1985 on nanjing agricultural university as teaching assistants, 1986 years as lecturer in 1988, was associate professor in 1997, wa

13、s professor. Animal diseases have been engaged in the research and teaching. In the south during the work in China, currently the first isolated and identified from the cat the leukopenia disease (cat canine distemper virus and birds egg syndrome virus reduced, and a fast and accurate diagnosis kit

14、and safe and effective prevention methods, and achieved significant social benefits and economic benefits. He has successively presided and participate in national, provincial department city many scientific research topic, and have been awarded the honor of science and technology progress prize in

15、jiangsu province one (first), nanjing agricultural university scientific and technological progress first prize (first), 1 item of the PLA general logistics department of science and technology progress prize of a (third), the national spark plan one third (5) of jiangsu province, jiangsu province,

16、the progress of science and technology (5) a zhong wanxie education system in jiangsu province and the advanced scientific research workers of a reward and the honorary title. In 2000 for the Canadian Veterinary medical science doctor fund, in Canada Guelph University (University of Guelph) Ontario veterinarian institute (Ontario Veterinary College) study, then work there. In guelph university, has also assumed and participate in the U.S., Canadian na



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